Church Rosters
PLEASE NOTE the comment below under status/manual regarding the current state of development. There are some issues that require further resolution before any rosters are returned to automatic operation.
Access to roster pages should not require logging in, if all you want to do is read the roster. Changing roster entries, or accessing volunteer details will. For information see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders.
Participation in rosters is an important part of belonging to a community, as well as an important part of running a community. If you have questions, please ask a coordinator a member of Church Council.
- Rosters at GWUC are listed in the table below. For each roster:
- If the roster name is a link, then the roster is available on line. This enables you to:
- See when you are rostered.
Allocate your self to a date of your choice, by simply entering your WikiName
- Change an allocation if you have arranged a swap.
- If there is a link to a preferences page, you can use that to:
- change your preferences regarding duties, reminder emails and the allocation process.
These rosters share a common page, RosterUnavailable, where you can register your unavailability.
- In each case, these functions can also be done by contacting the coordinator of the roster.
- If the roster name is a link, then the roster is available on line. This enables you to:
- As always, clicking on a person's name will take you to their contact details, provided you are logged in.
- Details of the duties involved are either listed on or linked from the roster page.
For further information, see ChurchRostersHowTo. A proposal to ChurchCouncil about the review being implemented is online at RosterProposal.
- The email reminder system is now operating as in the following table.
- in the status column:
automated - the roster has automatic allocations applied to it once a week. Email reminders for next week's duties are sent, and email alerts are also sent to anyone who is allocated a new duty. The "+n" figure indicates that allocations are done for the next n weeks. Currently no rosters have this status.
semi-auto - the roster is updated once a week as a blank shell to allow manual allocations. Email reminders for next week's duties are sent, however email alerts for new allocations are not sent (since these are done manually).
manual - the roster has no automatic processes applied to it. Email reminders (including alerts) are not sent. These rosters can be made semi-auto or automatic, once coordinators approve the move. (This process is easily performed.)
not on wiki - the roster is maintained off line - no email of any kind is sent regarding these rosters, other than by coordinators themselves.
It is intended that eventually all manual and semi-auto rosters will be converted to automatic rosters, although perhaps with minimum allocation periods (of 4 weeks, to make sure that the published rosters on the office door do not have any vacancies).
Roster |
Status |
Preferences |
consolidated |
Email |
Times (see below) |
Coordinator |
Mailing List |
Notes |
automated |
S8,S9,S11,S4,S7 |
automated |
S9,S11 |
automated |
S9,S11 |
semi-auto |
S9,S11 |
semi-auto |
S9,S11 |
semi-auto |
S10 |
semi-auto |
S9 |
By term |
semi-auto |
S8,S9,S11,S4,S7 |
Service times used to generate worship-related rosters |
semi-auto |
S11 |
semi-auto |
S9,S11 |
semi-auto |
S10 |
A few weeks in advance |
semi-auto |
S9,S11 |
semi-auto |
Sats |
manual |
Tu10,Tu12,We12, |
By term |
status unsure |
Sats |
RosterBand 9:15 |
status unsure |
S9 |
status unsure |
S9 |
Same as above? |
RosterEnglishClass |
not on wiki |
?? |
Few weeks ahead. |
RosterAgedCare |
not on wiki |
?? |
RosterLeafletDelivery |
not on wiki |
Four deliveries per year. See LeafletDelivery |
RosterLeisureTime |
not on wiki |
Mons |
(1) manual rosters cannot perform "allocation alerts", as the system has no way of knowing when manual allocations are made. It is left to the responsibility of the person making a manual allocation to alert the rostered person concerned. A one week reminder will still be sent.
(2) automatic rosters with an allocation of 4 weeks are effectively semi-automatic. The 4 weeks is inserted to ensure that there are no vacancies left when the roster is published to the office door. Otherwise, the roster relies upon the roster coordinator inserting names manually.
Times are shown for normal weeks. Special Events and Liturgical Calendar Occasions may change these. Note that regular Sunday times are abbreviated to S8,S9,S11,S4,S7 representing 8am, 9:15am, 11am, 4:30pm, and 7pm respectively.