Link to reports for 2023, 2022, 2021, 2020, 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009,

GWUC Annual reports for 2024

Church Council is now calling for all groups to submit their annual reports.
Download the form here:AnnualReport2024Template.doc or submit online: here

Reports from groups are being posted here as they are received.
Enquiries and edits to DavidMorgan.

Note that this page is generated from a database, so that direct editing here is not appropriate. Please send changes to DavidMorgan or ChurchOffice

Broadcast Ministry
Choir of Hope
Church Council
Craft Group
Finance Committee
FISH - Aqua
FISH - Purple
Free Spirit
Friday Morning
GWSC pancakes
Leisure Time
Meditation Group
Outreach and Social Justice MG
People & Culture
Rosters - Flowers
The Hub
Youth Group


Broadcast Ministry

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide broadcast facilities for worship services to a global audience. To record and create DVD’s for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties. To create and support an in-home and hospital ministry. To record significant worship and other events. To provide technical assistance to both the Ministry team and other worship space users.

Current Office Bearers:

WarrenGreenwood is contact point

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

No formal meetings held – all email or in person

Meeting times and days:

As required

Locations used by Group:

GWUC – Beeac, Kerang, Johnsonville, Trafalger, and many other homes and a global audience including Indonesia, China, USA, England.

Highlights of the year:

Weekly worships continue to be viewed and supported by over 180 to 250 logins weekly. It needs to be remembered that at each login there can be between 1 and 35 people watching so potentially the true viewing numbers can be as high as 500 people. As well as congregations near and far away, many of our own members, shut-ins or just persons having a rest, still enjoy logging into the services each week rather than attending. They have told us they still feel a part of the congregation when they do that. There are usually 40 to 50 logins (50 to 100 people)watching live each Sunday
There are now over 461 people (a further 25% increase globally on 2023 numbers) who have “Subscribed” to this ministry on YouTube and our website, and who receive an automatic email whenever we are streaming any worship or service.
Funerals and other special events live streaming provides great support for families with members unable to get to the event, and the wider community, with these services being viewed local/interstate/overseas.
The professional and supportive participation of the Ministry team in this outreach. It has been hard for them to engage with members of the congregation through a camera, but they have been wonderful in trying. Not all of the leaders of worship have understood these challenges, but the broadcast team have worked with them and continue to try and “make them look good” as the saying goes.
We get a great deal of feedback of appreciation from many people on how they enjoy the worship options. Members of the Broadcast Team feel very privileged and focused on this ministry as we hear from congregational members how supportive and helpful they find the live streams.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We again thank the ministry team for their co-operation and creative planning of worship. They have done a spectacular job under difficult circumstances.
Copyright continues to be a key challenge in this ministry and fortunately places like CCLI have a wonderful help desk. We do not have “legal” expertise, but in the end, the Broadcast team and the Ministry do what they believe is fair and appropriate and always try to ensure creators of words and vision are acknowledged for their creative input.


Choir of Hope

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide women who are lonely or from a disadvantage background the fellowship of other women in a safe environment through singing followed by morning tea

Current Office Bearers:


Membership numbers:

Usual meeting attendance:

Fluctuates between 12 to 15

Meeting times and days:

Friday 10 am to 12.30 during school terms

Locations used by Group:

Church Sanctuary & Fellowship area

Highlights of the year:

We participated in three church services in 2024. Our members are more confident in participating in church services, and have been willing to join the concert program at Boronia UC and the multicultural event at GWUC. They feel well supported and blessed by the GWUC community and are grateful for the space, the opportunities it offers and the emotional support the choir members are able to give each other.
Our members helped set up at the Trash & Treasure stall for the FETE with Ruth Demian one of those running the stall on the day as well as the Asian Food Stall.
We had a Christmas end of year celebration at Code Five funded by the performance fee we received singing at the Multicultural Christmas Celebration.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We will not be needing any financial help from Church Council in 2025 since we received funding from COP which will go towards music, uniform, etc


Church Council

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world. This priority shall be reflected in the agenda of its ordinary meetings.” (UCA Regulation 3.1.2a)

Current Office Bearers:

Chair: AlisonClarkson
Secretary: DavidMorgan

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Second Thursday of each month on Zoom

Locations used by Group:


Highlights of the year:

Working with our new ministry team.
More members after elections in March.
Returning to consider our vision.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

The Communications Committee is a sub-committee of the Church Council. The Communications Committee works to ensure that information about the life of the congregation is readily available to interested people and that members of the congregation know what is going on.
Specifically, the Communication Committee's role is to:
1. oversee and coordinate all communications across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner;
2. introduce new methods of communication as appropriate;
3. facilitate the production of a church magazine (recently renamed to Kingsway) in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and entertainment);
4. ensure that all church communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present;
5. continue to develop GWUC.s online and web presence as an outreach activity;
6. maintain all brochures and promotional material used by GWUC;
7. seek to make best use of community material to publicise events and activities at GWUC;
8. liaise with Property Committee and make use of, and manage, any external signage;
9. take advantage of free promotional media wherever possible (i.e. Real Estate boards);
10. publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod activities and events; and
11. encourage, support and assist all forms of communications in GWUC.

Current Office Bearers:

Coordinator: JohnSnare

Membership numbers:

Five members plus usually a member of the ministry team.

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Wednesday of the month in the late afternoon when possible. In 2024 there were four meetings.

Locations used by Group:

The Communications Committee meets in a church meeting room, usually room 2.

Highlights of the year:

The status-quo for communications activities was maintained including work behind the scenes to maintain and keep operational the web site and the wiki.
An innovation for 2024 was publication of an annual report as a special edition of Kingsway in May 2024. It contained group reports derived from the annual reports produced for Church Council as well as the 2023 financial reports. The annual report replaced a meeting of the congregation in the expectation that it would reach more of the congregation than usually attend meetings of the congregation.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We are seeking at least two new members for the Communications Committee. The committee needs at least one new member with a passion for using social media as a communications channel. The committee needs at least one new member with a passion for keeping the web-site design contemporary.


Craft Group

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

We work on individual projects, group projects and support various activities of the congregation, eg we made paper lanterns for the 2024 Chinese Lunar Year celebration.

Current Office Bearers:

Margaret Duncan, Geraldine Fleming, Gael O’Brien, Maureen Ball and Susan Karoly.

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

2nd and 4th Mondays, 10am to 2pm

Locations used by Group:

Room 1

Highlights of the year:

For 2025 we propose a name change to Patchwork and Craft to accommodate those whose interest is working on longer patchwork projects. The group will continue to meet for fellowship and creativity and is open to members of the congregation and the wider community.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To help new arrivals, within our community, to learn more about Australia and our customs and to develop and practise English language skills including speaking, reading and writing.

Current Office Bearers:

JanClear is the convenor.

Membership numbers:

In 2024, we had two tutors (four earlier in the year), five helpers and one helper who speaks Mandarin.

Usual meeting attendance:

We had about twenty students attending for most of the year. Towards the end of term 4, we had twenty-seven students.

Meeting times and days:

The class is held, in school terms, on Thursdays from 11.15am -12.15am.

Locations used by Group:

The classes are held in room 4. This room is ideal as it is set up as a classroom. There is an air conditioner, a TV, a small sink and a whiteboard.

Highlights of the year:

In 2024 we booked tables at the Hub special morning teas. The students enjoyed these sessions as they could converse with other students and contribute to table discussions, on set topics.
RevIanFerguson and RevChrisWaddell joined us, in terms 3 and 4, taking a session each.
Our helper, Lina, who speaks Mandarin, helps students, during the lessons, taking a small group and translating when it is necessary. She messages the students, during the week.
Rosters and topics are prepared by the convenor, each term. One tutor, one helper and Lina are rostered on each week. Tutors are free to change the topics.
The students are very enthusiastic and keen to develop their skills.
We try to break into three groups, every lesson, so that students get to know each other better and have more practice speaking in a smaller group.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Encourage students, tutors and helpers.
Visit some classes.
Offer to be tutors or helpers.


Finance Committee

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

The Finance Committee is a sub-committee of the Church Council. The Finance Committee works to ensure that information about the life of the congregation is compiled and communicated effectively. That members of the congregation know what is going on in terms of all Financial information required for the effective running of the Church.
The Finance Committee maintains all financial records in terms of required Accounting practices. The Finance Committee oversees the audit processes (external) completed annually.
Specifically, the Finance Committee's role is to:
1. oversee and coordinate all Finance documents and materials across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner;
2. introduce new methods of finance management and process as appropriate, using Xero from 2022 through 2024 and the presentation of a Monthly Executive summary using a suite of Management Reports;
3. facilitate the production of a Budget and then Financial Accounts in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and management reporting).
4. ensure that all church finance communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present.
5. continue to develop our Finance automation using Xero 2024 and improving our process and authorities. A review and update of our Chart of Accounts will occur in February 2025.
6. maintain all records of funds received and expenses incurred in appropriate formats as used by GWUC;
7. seek to make best use of Standard accounting methodologies to present material to publicise our financial

Accounting position to all parties within
the GWUC community;
8. liaise with Property Committee and make
use of, and manage, any external rental activities and ensure these are recorded and managed effectively;
9. take advantage of all available information to present our Accounts and financial information for Audit in a timely fashion and ensure external Audit is finalised by mid-Year;
10. publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod directives and activities and events in relation to Finance activities; and
11. encourage, support and assist all forms of Finance Committee communications across GWUC.

Current Office Bearers:

Coordinator: KenCoutts

Membership numbers:

Five members plus usually a member of the ministry team in 2024 and Committee members have agreed to continue. We welcomed Joy Allen and Rev Ian Ferguson has commenced with our Committee in mid 2024

Usual meeting attendance:

Bi-Monthly or tri-monthly. Had 4 meetings in 2024 plus a Christmas get together

Meeting times and days:

Second Tuesday bi-monthly 7.30PM- 9.15PM with a Christmas meeting in December

Locations used by Group:

A meeting room or Office at the church. Our December meeting is a morning tea or breakfast at Convenor’s home.

Highlights of the year:

• The Finance Budget and expenditure Items were approved and we ended with a sound and strong financial result for 2024. We have transferred funds to assist in rebuilding our Deferred Maintenance Reserve.
• ideas for Changes to process our financial Accounts and activities format have been reviewed and were implemented in 2024 and updated again in Mid-2024.
• Treasurer confirmed for further 2 years from January 1, 2024 and this was confirmed in Dec 2024.
• Implemented a Standardised monthly Executive Suite of Reports.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


FISH - Aqua

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide friendship, support and pastoral care to others in the group.

Current Office Bearers:

Judith and WarrenGreenwood

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Normally on a Sunday for afternoon tea or tea every 6 – 8 weeks.

Locations used by Group:

The church or a café at a Nursery or Gardens.

Highlights of the year:

Ongoing support, friendship and care that is given by members in the group to others in the group.
Welcoming a new couple into our group.
As a group, at Christmas, donating $600 to TEAR and Uniting World for various activities.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Continue to recognise that small groups are important in a large church.
Continue to recognise that a lot of pastoral care goes on in FISH Groups.


FISH - Purple

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Support, Friendship and Pastoral care to all members.

Current Office Bearers:

Fiona & NeilLeister

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Either Saturday or Sunday for evening meal or afternoon tea. We meet between 6 - 8 weeks.

Locations used by Group:

Our homes or café’s

Highlights of the year:

General support of the group.
Some of the boys with others have a regular bike ride each Monday morning . A great opportunity for support and friendship.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Free Spirit

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Music can warm the soul and bring us closer to the Lord! Free Spirit is a group of
people who aim to enrich worship through music - and sometimes have some fun with
other types of music as well. Free Spirit is regularly part of the worship at the Glen
Waverley Uniting Church, but also likes to be part of worship with other
congregations from time to time.
Free Spirit is self-funding; each member contributes $60 per year, used to buy music
and cover other expenses.
Free Spirit operates under a privacy policy in accordance with Glen Waverley Uniting
Church guidelines.

Current Office Bearers:

1. Music director: DebLeigh
2. Music selection and purchase: DebLeigh
3. Music management.
a. Oversight: MariaGillies.
b. Music Database: to be maintained by John Snare who will add music when it is purchased.
c. New music: LiseHales to stamp/number/name/prepare music, ready for use.
d. Music monitors: (at least 1 monitor for each part but other assistance will be required at times.)
i. Sop – Anne W
ii. Alto – Maria G
iii. Tenor – Yan E & Jacob D
iv. Bass - Michael K & Mike F
4. Performance calendar/schedule: JohnSnare – updates on schedule on wiki
5. Roll & performance record: VidaFoo
6. Scarves and ties: JoyAllen
7. Pastoral support (Prayer and care): JoyAllen (sop), JacquiKing (alto), KayeMorgan (Tenor) and ColinKing (Bass)
8. Treasurer: JohnSnare
9. Historian: JohnSnare
10. Supper roster: MargaretColvin
11. Stage managing events: LynMaslen

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Free Spirit practices weekly on Wednesday evenings in the church from 8:00 until 9:30pm.
Free Spirit sings at worship and other events in both with Glen Waverley Uniting Church and elsewhere up to twice a month, including with Glen Waverley Uniting Church worship on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December and January) in 10:00am services.

Locations used by Group:

Practice is held in the Church.

Highlights of the year:

Free Spirit regularly contributed to worship on the fourth Sunday of each month except January.
Free Spirit contributed to:
• The induction of Rev. Ian Ferguson in January
• Easter worship on Easter Day
• A special service celebrating the 80th anniversary of the Rev. Bill Morgan.
• Worship at Burwood Heights Uniting Church in September
Free Spirit along with the Choir of Hope presented a fund-raising concert at Boronia Road Uniting Church in May.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

None identified


Friday Morning

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To look into the deeper roots of Christianity and achieve a greater understanding of the teachings of Jesus beyond the limitations of placed by the early developers of Orthodoxy. We share a grave concern for the future of the church and Christianity as younger generations desert the churches

Current Office Bearers:

AlisonBarr, PeterStewart, HeatherWilkins, MoiraMannix, BobbyRooks, PeterBaker, EricArmstrong, AlanLemke, NeilGraham, BillNorquay

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Friday morning 10AM

Locations used by Group:

Room 3

Highlights of the year:

Over the year we have studied many books and publications by theologians and some from retired ministers who have after many years being restricted by church doctrine have spoken out for change. Bishop John Spong, Dudley Hyde, Bill Loader, Val Webb, David Tacey and Ian Gutheridge are a few of our favourite authors

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

No special needs other than a little photocopying, the office is very helpful



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

A Fellowship group for retired men

Current Office Bearers:

DavidMorgan convenor

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Mondays 10am

Locations used by Group:

Fellowship area and kitchen

Highlights of the year:

Lots of hot chocolate and some Piatella coffee.
Visits from Di and Chris.
Lots of good conversation.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


GWSC pancakes

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide pancakes on a Thursday morning at Glen Waverley Secondary College.

Current Office Bearers:

Loosely organised via Signal app

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Thursday mornings during school term.

Locations used by Group:

By the music room at GWSC

Highlights of the year:

* Increased numbers of teachers along with the students.
* Closer connection with well being staff.
* Some new recruits.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Leisure Time

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Provides Afternoon Tea to be a very active group with approximately 23 members from the wider community and 10 from the congregation.

Current Office Bearers:

SusanKaroly: Coordinator
AlisonHawkins: Guest Care & Registration
PatVevers: Driver Coordinator
AlisonClarkson: Newsletter editor
EileenScott: Kitchen Supervisor
DavidKaroly: Finance
JaneAdams: Police checks.

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Locations used by Group:

Kitchen & Fellowship area.

Highlights of the year:

This program proves to be most successful due to its volunteers. The program received a Monash PALS activity grant of $250 and a gold coin donation from the guests. This covers the costs of the afternoon tea which consists of sandwiches and slices made or purchased each month, and a Christmas present at the last meeting.
All guests complete a registration form. All volunteers complete an annual form of availability which is used to make the yearly roster. All guests and volunteers register on the day which fulfils a health and safety check such as in an emergency evacuation we know who is present and can be accounted for, or, if a guest or volunteer is not present a welfare call can be made.
The program starts with the consumption of the afternoon tea, then announcements an activity such as a quiz, and the recognition of birthdays for that month with a cake and photograph. The Christmas afternoon tea is open to the spouses of our volunteers and a gift is given to all those in attendance.
A Newsletter is circulated every two months with articles and what’s on at the church. My thanks to Joanne who is very gifted in producing this newsletter and Alison Clarkson who is the Newsletter Editor.
The activity themes of each month are agreed by the Leisure Time Small Group that meet in the January before the program starts in February. Sometimes a small item is given in keeping with the theme, such as the bookmark and tassel (made by the craft group) for Anzac Day. In November we invited the ‘Treble Tones’ to lead in songs from WW1 and WW2 to honour Remembrance Day.
This is a strong program that has been in existence for many years albeit changing to meet the demands of guests and volunteer availability. In December we said farewell to a most loved and loyal volunteer, BarbaraThompson who retired after many years of service.
Due to rising costs, it has been proposed that the guests offer a $5 donation.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Meditation Group

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:


Current Office Bearers:

SusanKaroly Convenor

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Tuesdays at 2pm

Locations used by Group:


Highlights of the year:

A page introducing the theme of the meditation is sent by email in preparation of the forthcoming session, (a sample copy is attached). Some of our themes have been taken from the Psalms, Lectionary, significant current events, etc. The meditation is for 30 minutes. We use breathing and relaxation techniques to quieten our minds and body to become receptive to talking with, listening to, or just sitting with God. We finish the meditation with a written prayer in keeping with the theme. Before the close, a prayer holding others before God is said.
The meditation group is open to members of the congregation and the wider community. Before covid we met at the church, and then switched to zoom. The pros are that those able to use zoom technology can meet from the comfort of their homes or wider afield (we have one member who is often in WA). The cons are that computer skills are not always available.
A proposal for 2025 is to return to the church for face to face meetings, as well as have meditation on zoom. This would mean having face to face meditation plus on line meditation simultaneously.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Outreach and Social Justice MG

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

* To encourage our congregation to be active and committed to serving God in the wider community and around the world.
* To support existing and ongoing projects, eg COP, and to consider new concerns raised by the congregation or the Justice and International Mission unit of the UCA.

Current Office Bearers:

MargaretFraser (Chair)

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Face-to-face meetings: 1st Thurs every 2nd month. Other contact by email or in person as needed.

Locations used by Group:

Room 2

Highlights of the year:

COP projects
* The major effort for 2024 was the re-establishment of the Congregational Outreach Projects (COP) procedures and congregational engagement.
* A COP Sunday service and lunch was held in May in collaboration with the ministry team and speakers from 3 previously supported COP projects.
* Applications were received and five projects were carefully selected to be recipients of the 2024 fete proceeds.
* The COP projects were well supported by the congregation and proceeds of $21,701.49 were distributed to the projects by late November. Sincere letters of appreciation have been received from all COP recipients.
Other highlights
* Improvement of our communication efforts with the congregation, using noticeboard, weekly Bulletin and Kingsway.
* Other ongoing projects, eg. monthly Material Aid appeals, Honey Money, Pancake Breakfasts at GW Secondary College, continue to provide care to our wider community. We also undertook promotion of special and seasonal appeals.
* We have begun to participate in local 1st Nations activities and have established a relationship with the Aboriginal Partnerships office at Monash Council.
* We introduced a knitting project to supply hand-knitted items to Knit One Give One (KOGO) for distribution to vulnerable and disadvantaged persons. 132 items were made by congregation members and others.
* We provide an intentional connecting point for all GWUC outreach and social justice projects and thus a link to Church Council.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We are only limited by the number of members we have.
We would really appreciate some additional members to assist with our projects.


People & Culture

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide a knowledge, technical support and administration framework for all employment and staffing matters for GWUC.

Current Office Bearers:

KenCoutts Convenor

Membership numbers:

KatieHaala, LesleyArmstrong , Tess Joyner and JohnMuir .
Tess Joyner resigned from the Committee in May 2024

Usual meeting attendance:

Usually 4 but have had 5 at one meeting in early 2024. Meetings in 2024 have been replaced by semi regular updates and detailed summaries. Met in Feb2024 and then had 3 full updates and one summary

Meeting times and days:

Saturday mornings Possible – Feb and then cancelled the June and August meetings.
Did have telephone and written update in late August and again in Nov in 2024 as to Perf Reviews both status and process.

Locations used by Group:

Home of Convenor and GWUC Fellowship area– Important to get together in late February 2024.

Highlights of the year:

.-An important year re forward staffing and planning re our staffing mix and fit for the forthcoming 3-4 years with arrival of the 2 new Ministerial team members.
-Meeting with Rev Chris Waddell and initial communication with Rev Ian Ferguson in late 2023 and then upon his arrival. Subsequent health issues impacted Ian’s involvement
--Completion of Extension of contract for Di Paterson and change to Pastor position designation in early 2020 and then renegotiation of Di Paterson’s contract in December 2022 and recently in December 2023 for 2024.
-Manage employment and performance issues for Church Council in terms of our contracts and legal obligations under employment law and awards.
-Review and Updating of Office Manager role and Hours and agreement through Church Council and further extension for another 3 year (from April 2024) with no further salary increment.

-Recruitment process completed with John and Tess and a successful appointment finalised with commencement in September 2023 and agreement to 12 month extension post probation to December 2024. A successful outcome although Ray (Ramoun) resigned in late December 2024 , effective 28 February 2025.
-Review of Office Hours confirmed current arrangements and again reviewed with Joanne in late November 2023 and again in 2024.
-Updated processes and review of our Annual Leave processes and the availing and planning of A/L for 2023 with detailed reporting process successfully implemented.
- Need to review LSL for Di Paterson in Feb 2024
-Agreement as to Office Hours and Staffing over Christmas / New Year December 2024 with Joanne availing of 3 weeks leave.
-Creation of Provision for LSL (annual basis) – Funds accrued for Di Paterson
-Had intended to maintain Office Manual as a working document for GWUC processes. This still requires updating (to be updated after conversion to Xero) delayed again until March / April 2025.
-Maintain our Employment contracts and Personal Records securely. Done
-Manage our salary and allowances records and reporting to Synod P & C and via award reviews and correspondence from CSPS.
- Have had extensive dealings with Synod Payroll CSPS (Michelle Ennis).

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Rosters - Flowers

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Provide floral arrangements for the worship cenre

Current Office Bearers:

MargaretColvin and KayeMackinnon

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:


Locations used by Group:

Church kitchen, worship centre

Highlights of the year:

Memorial flowers donated by Church families

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

"The cost of fresh flowers has greatly increased.
More helpers are needed"


The Hub

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To welcome and offer hospitality to all who come to The Hub. To grow relationships with these people and connect with other groups in the wider community.

Current Office Bearers:

Co-ordinator – JudithGreenwood
Secretary – LaurelMuir
The Hub Small Group – JudithGreenwood, LaurelMuir, GeraldineFleming, KayeMackinnon, DebGraham, LynneBoyer, AnnetteWojak.

Membership numbers:

28 Volunteers. This number includes those who help with Tuesday Hub sessions and those who help at our Hub Special Morning Teas.

Usual meeting attendance:

Visitors to The Hub varies each week. Numbers most weeks were around 25-30. The Hub Small Group met once for the year – 6 attended. The Hub Tuesday morning Volunteers met once for the year – 9 attended.

Meeting times and days:

The Hub operated Tuesdays 10am – 12pm during school terms. 5 Special Morning Teas were held at The Hub during the year on a Thursday morning.

Locations used by Group:

Fellowship area, foyer and kitchen.

Highlights of the year:

(Summarise the achievements, excitement and any special events during the year, including how the group has coped with the pandemic.)
One of the highlights for the year was the increase in the number of people attending The Hub Tuesday sessions. Some weeks there were about 30 people at The Hub! Quite a few came most weeks. A couple of Hub visitors come to church on a Sunday.
Another highlight is the number of people from the wider community attending our Hub Special Morning Teas, and the amount of donations received. The total of donations received for our 5 Special Morning Teas for the year was $5,895-85.
The Mount View Hub is always exciting! It’s when we spend time with some of the hearing -impaired children from Mount View Primary School. We met 5 times for the year, 4 times at the church and once at the school. There were 10-12 students, 12 Special Friends from The Hub, and 4 or 5 teachers. We have seen a big change in these children over the year. They are now much more confident in talking with us and communicating in the wider community. The teachers really appreciate us spending this time with the students.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

With the increase in numbers attending the Tuesday sessions of The Hub, it would be helpful to have more Hub Volunteers. If any Church Council members could help on a Tuesday morning roster, once or twice a term, please contact Judith Greenwood.



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To enable members to share in Christ’s mission, meeting together for Fellowship, Service and Worship.

Current Office Bearers:

President/Secretary: MargaretDuncan
Vice President: BarbaraThompson
Treasurer: NormaSaxton

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Tuesday of the month 10 a.m. – 12.00

Locations used by Group:

Fellowship area and Room 1

Highlights of the year:

Starting at 10 a.m. the members enjoy morning tea and a chat.
In Room 1 we are blessed with a Devotion presented by a member during the general meeting. Our year started off with a Commitment Service. An interactive Easter Service has become an accepted practice. Each month there after our Guest Speakers were as follows:- Rev. Chris Waddell, Bolton Clarke topic, “Healthy brain, Healthy body”, Lencie Harding, Rev. Ian Ferguson, Bolton Clarke topic, “ Healthy eating and nutrition” For 2 months we had informal discussions sharing life stories and collections.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Thank you but we fortunately have no concerns.


Youth Group

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

to create fellowship, create a safe space, to create an environment where the Good News of Jesus can be shared, where youth can be encouraged to live more like Jesus, to HAVE FUN :)

Current Office Bearers:

ChrisWaddell, LynneBoyer, NathanWojak

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Friday 7:00-9:30pm

Locations used by Group:


Highlights of the year:

Numerical Growth since the start of the year, The group forming stronger connections with each other and the church, the implementation of a devotion at in the middle of the night

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

AnnualReport2024 (last edited 2025-02-19 10:36:05 by DavidMorgan)