Link to reports for 2019, 2018, 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009,

GWUC Annual reports for 2020

Church Council is now calling for all groups to submit their annual reports.
Download the form here:GroupReport2020Template.doc or submit online: here

Reports from groups are being posted here as they are received.
Enquiries and edits to DavidMorgan.

Adult Group
Bible Study Group
Book Club
Broadcast Ministry
Community Outreach MG
Finance Committee
FISH - Aqua
FISH - Gold
FISH - Yellow
Free Spirit
Inclusive Community MG
Keep Fit Group
Leisure Time
Men's Fellowship
Munch with a bunch
People & Culture
Playgroup Volunteers
Property Committee
The Hub
Uniting Voices
Welfare Committee


Adult Group

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:


Current Office Bearers:

Bev & LindsayBrown

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Friday of the Month at 8pm

Locations used by Group:

Chapel, Fellowship area & kitchen

Highlights of the year:

FEBRUARY: Dinner at the Wheelers Hill Hotel
MARCH: Guest Speaker Dr KayeMorgan spoke on her research into x-ray imaging.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Fellowship and fitness

Current Office Bearers:

Lynne Boyer, Onn Chin, Andrew Hosking, Ian Mac Millan

Membership numbers:

approx 20

Usual meeting attendance:

10 to 16

Meeting times and days:

Monday 8pm to 10pm Thursday 8pm to 10pm

Locations used by Group:

Church Hall and Table tennis in foyer

Highlights of the year:

Due to covid we have sadly not met since March

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Bible Study Group

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

As we walk our personal journeys of faith, we meet as a group to examine the Biblical text and how it informs individually through group discussion and prayer our personal discernment of our relationship with God.

Current Office Bearers:

Coordinator – SusanKaroly

Membership numbers:

Usual meeting attendance:

Meeting times and days:

1st and 3rd Tuesday, at 7.30pm

Locations used by Group:

The church building

Highlights of the year:

This group has not met during 2020 due to Covid 19 restrictions. It has been agreed that Bible Study shall resume in 2021 via zoom. The meeting dates shall change to the 2nd and 4th Monday at 7.20 pm.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Book Club

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To select books, read, and amicably discuss content

Current Office Bearers:

Don Reid secretary

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

8pm First Wednesday of month

Locations used by Group:

Members homes

Highlights of the year:

The pandemic caused the closure of the book distribution system, and prevented us, as a group, meeting.
I believe with the social restrictions members enjoyed freedom from many interactions and decided to reduce them. As a result many resigned from the club. I did so because I am now unable cope with the secretarial duties, also the reading requirements.
Regrettably there not enough members to sustain the club (8) and the club must close It was a facility provided by the Church for over 20 years.
I believe it could be revived by arranging for using the Church facilities for an afternoon meeting and kitchen for tea. The pandemic will probably prevent any such movement taking place for some time.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Please take note of the service given by the club over many years and if additional facilities are sort give thought to reviving the club by seeking members from the congregation


Broadcast Ministry

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide a broadcast of selected worship services. To record and create DVD’s for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties as required. To create and support an in-home ministry. To record significant non worship and other events.

Current Office Bearers:

Co-Ordinator - WarrenGreenwood

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

Activity based meetings

Meeting times and days:

As required Online or on site

Locations used by Group:

Worship Centre

Highlights of the year:

* Continued close relationship with Beeac, and a wider relationship Johnsonville, Kerang, Trafalgar, and a number of other Gippsland based churches.;
* Support and help of other congregations wanting to start a broadcast ministry.
* With COVID, and the ministry we expanded our Live Worship tools, techniques and delivery.
* In conjunction with the ministry team and many others developed higher profile Online presence using pre-recorded and special interest service components such as Prayers, Hymns and other presentations.
* Expanded the ministry to support the delivery of Weekly Prayers, Reflections and other special service tasks reflected on the web page.
* Upgraded some of the tools and equipment to cope with increased demands.
* Enhanced the visual tools (TV) in the worship area to reduce dependence on a hoist to service the data projector with plans to remove the DP by 2021.
* Began preparations for recording and broadcasting any worship, anywhere in the complex by the acquisition of portable tools.
* Assisted Presbytery members by pre-recording presentations and in 2021 and will be assisting Synod with online preparations for 2021 Synod meeting.
* Trained interested persons in the Broadcast Ministry.
* Grew our membership with the addition of MatthewBoldiston.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

To continue to support the ministry and the upgrade of hardware and equipment used for the Broadcast ministry, and in worship, as and when resources allow.



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

The Communications Committee is a sub- committee of the Church Council. The Communications Committee works to ensure that information about the life of the congregation is readily available to interested people and that members of the congregation know what is going on.
Specifically, the Communication Committee's role is to:
1 oversee and coordinate all communications across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner;
2 introduce new methods of communication as appropriate;
3 facilitate the production of a church magazine (recently renamed to Kingsway) in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and entertainment);
4 ensure that all church communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present;
5 continue to develop our online and web presence as an outreach activity;
6 maintain all brochures and promotional material used by GWUC;
7 seek to make best use of community material to publicise events and activities at GWUC;
8 liaise with Property Committee and make use of, and manage, any external signage;
9 take advantage of free promotional media wherever possible (i.e. Real Estate boards);
10 publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod activities and events; and
11 encourage, support and assist all forms of communications in GWUC

Current Office Bearers:

Coordinator: John Snare

Membership numbers:

Seven members plus usually a member of the ministry team.

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Monday of the month when possible. In 2020 there were nine meetings.

Locations used by Group:

"In normal times, the Communications Committee meets in a meeting room at the church.
For most of 2020, it was not possible to meet in person because of the Covid-19 pandemic. Eight of the nine meetings in 2020 were held using zoom video conferences."

Highlights of the year:

In many ways, the business of the Communications was able to continue almost as normal, albeit with zoom videoconferences instead of face-to-face meetings.
During 2020 emphasis was on keeping people in the congregation in touch and aware of how the life of the congregation was supported when many normal activities were not possible.
The new monthly magazine, <<Kingsway>>, was launched in 2020.
A project to refresh the congregation’s on-line presence was commenced. Progress has been slower than anticipated by Church Council because it has been difficult to find a person or people able to do the work. It is hoped that significant progress will be made in 2020. Work is envisaged in four areas:
* style guide
* content and its organisation for the web site
* web site appearance
* tools to manage posting to the website news and Facebook 'front door' site.
The CommunicationsChannels pages have been maintained.
Work has been to record how the congregation has adapted to operating during the Covid-19 pandemic – see link

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We are seeking at least two new members for the Communications Committee. Preferably at least one would have a passion for using social media as a communications channel. Preferably one will have a passion for keeping the web-site design contemporary John Snare


Community Outreach MG

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Community Outreach is a servant ministry of GWUC. We seek opportunities to share God's love, to raise awareness and bring renewal to a needy world through connecting with our wider community, building relationships and offering support.

Current Office Bearers:

FairlieMackinnon ( convenor ) AlaneeHearnshaw ( secretary)

Membership numbers:

3 Fairlie Mackinnon, Alanee Hearnshaw, Margaret Fraser

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

As needed, usually on a Thursday

Locations used by Group:

Church - various rooms

Highlights of the year:

COP process: The COMG recommended a selection panel for the 2020 Congregational Projects at the March Congregational Meeting, however due to the 2020 Covid-19 pandemic and Melbourne's restrictions, the COP process and Annual Fete did not occur. However, the online service held on October 18 included a celebration of past GWUC fetes and the retiring offering was donated to the GWUC Welfare fund.
Fundraising events held during the year to support outreach projects included:
Saturday Night In
Material aid offerings
Fete celebration retiring offering

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Membership numbers of this Missional Group have declined over recent years. In order to maintain our current activities more members are needed.



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide English tuition for people from the community, including HUB VISITORS.

Current Office Bearers:

Co-ordinator -JanClear. Tutors - LynnPeters, LynneBoyer, MargaretDuncan, GeraldineFleming, JudithBoucher, VeronicaWood, GlendaCox, DougNewberry, AnneMcMillan, ThelmaNichols, JennySchon (volunteer from the community).

Membership numbers:

Three tutors are rostered on every Thursday, during school terms. One tutor leads and the other two are helpers. There is a topic for every week (for example Money, Shopping, Holidays). Students do reading, writing and speaking activities, related to the topic for the week.

Usual meeting attendance:

Student numbers vary from 1 to about 20.

Meeting times and days:

During 2019 and two weeks in February, classes were held on Thursdays from 12.45pm to 1.45pm.

Locations used by Group:

Classes were held at the storage cupboard end of the hall or in room 4.

Highlights of the year:

Classes were cancelled from Thursday 13 February, 2020. We did think about doing zoom classes but we didn’t have contact details for our students. (I will make sure that we keep detailed contact lists and rolls when we begin classes again. )
We have decided that we will review the Covid 19 situation at the end of term 1, 2021. When we return, we will have to decide on the day and time. This will be done in consultation with the Hub, the Office Manager and the Church Council.
It is a pleasure to be involved in this program, as tutors and students are so enthusiastic.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

It would be good if Church Council members could attend a class sometimes and be on the lookout for new tutors.


Finance Committee

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide full financial and accounting processes, reporting and administration for GWUC. Using current technology and records management whilst liaising with appropriate external suppliers in compliance with current GAAP requirements.

Current Office Bearers:

KenCoutts, Treasurer

Membership numbers:

Rev NeilPeters, WarrenGreenwood, AndrewAdams, BenKrieger, MattGraham

Usual meeting attendance:

5 or 6

Meeting times and days:

7.30pm- 9.30pm 2nd Tuesday alternate Months but times have varied with Zoom meetings replacing meetings at Church Office

Locations used by Group:

Office at GWUC, but Zoom in last 5 meetings

Highlights of the year:

-Implemented / successfully updated MYOB accounting package and processing with Joanne undertaking more of these processes. Our Office Manager is keen to learn and do more in this area.
- Implemented BAS Returns via Office Manager and overview by Matt.
-Managed the use and engagement of Job-Keeper government stimulus package funds, through Presbytery and Synod.
- Made changes to M & S contributions through the year and then a final adjustment in Dec 2020 to ensure maintenance of our original M & S budget figure
-Replanned our Budget for 2020 to reflect loss of Rental Income.
-Maintained full accounting records and reports for Church Council with enhanced documentation and regular consistent bi-monthly reports as to P & L and B/S as well as periodic reviews.
-Completion of External Audit of GWUC Accounts and Endowment Account and a breakthrough in the establishment of Deferred Maintenance Reserve Account within the Equity component of our Balance Sheet thereby overcoming Audit queries from External auditors. No longer any Deferred Maintenance Liability Account.
-Clean audit report (no issues outstanding).
-Presentations to Congregation Meetings with additional detail and information which has been well received.
-Renegotiated the Lease of New Printer confirmed and actioned.
-Completion of annual Returns and Reports to Synod and Presbytery.
-Completion of Budget update for 2020 and completed all annual Budget for 2021 with final agreed budgets to be distributed in early January 2021.
-Initiated review of Banking arrangements in early 2020 and finalised in December 2020.
-Agreed to extend existing External audit arrangements for 2021- 2022 and included the Endowment fund within the External audit for the first time.
- Undertook review of our U-Ethical Investment following changes to their product lines and recommended to CC changes to a Term Deposit with Westpac of $150,000 and then U Ethical trading Account of $50,000 approximately. We still need U Ethical for Direct Debits and salary payment processes.
-Established Debit Cards for Office Manager, Convenor of Property committee and Treasurer. Aim is to continue to minimise cheque procedures. It has worked well.
-Finance committee will produce in early 2021 a paper dealing with Investment portfolio management issues for consideration by CC.
-Treasurer has initiated a review of our processes and accounting software through Helen Boucher to seek improvements and reduction of paper handling processes. To commence in Feb 2021 and should be finalised in March/ April 2021.
- After a strong year with many uncertainties we have performed very well and in late December 2020 have processed almost $32,000 of accruals where we move funds from 2020 accounts and create a Balance Sheet Accrual Item of approximately $32,000 as a carry forward into 2021.
Finance Comm to work on more dynamic models re our Cash Flow for next 4 years as a matter of urgency.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We have a strong working relationship with CC leaders and with Property Committee as well as active engagement with our Ministerial team, Presbytery leadership and Treasurer and Synod Finance.


FISH - Aqua

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide support, friendship and pastoral care to others in the group.

Current Office Bearers:

Judith and Warren Greenwood

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Normally about 8 times a year, on a Sunday for afternoon tea or for tea, but this year less due to Covid.

Locations used by Group:

Our homes, on Zoom and in a park.

Highlights of the year:

Ongoing support, friendship and care that is given by members of the group to others in the group. This year this was done by phone calls, emails, SMS and Zoom for most of the year.
Sharing with each other individually or as a group.
As a group donating money to charities at Christmas.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Continue to see the FISH groups as an important part of the pastoral care within our church.
Recognise that small groups are very important in a large church.


FISH - Gold

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

A group of members meeting in homes and sometimes other venues, but this year mainly on Zoom.

Current Office Bearers:

Convened usually by SueMorgan

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Fortnightly since August

Locations used by Group:

Homes and restaurants till March, then Zoom.

Highlights of the year:

The annual book sale in early March.
Catching up electronically.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



FISH - Yellow

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide social networks under the umbrella of the FISH groups. The members pastorally care for one another.

Current Office Bearers:

Pam and Malcolm Bunney

Membership numbers:

24 includes Donna & Jim Robinson in Canada

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Usually meet approximately 6 weeks apart, mostly Sundays for either lunch or dinner. We meet on Boxing Day at the Flemings for morning tea and Australia Day for a BBQ. Due to the pandemic this year, the group physically met in January and March. During the lockdown we had some Zoom get togethers.On Boxing Day we had all but one person attend and had a great catch up.

Locations used by Group:

Generally we meet in members' homes.

Highlights of the year:

The high level of fellowship still continues in the group. We celebrated three milestone birthdays , two 70's and one 80.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Free Spirit

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Music can warm the soul and bring us closer to the Lord! Free Spirit is a group of people who aim to enrich worship through music - and sometimes have some fun with other types of music as well. Free Spirit is regularly part of the worship at the Glen Waverley Uniting Church, but also likes to be part of worship with other congregations from time to time.
Free Spirit is self-funding; each member contributes $1 per week, used to buy music and cover other expenses.
Free Spirit operates under a privacy policy in accordance with Glen Waverley Uniting Church guidelines.

Current Office Bearers:

Music director: Deb Leigh
* Music selection and purchase: Deb Leigh
* Librarians: Lise Hales (borrowing) assisted by Marie Gillies plus Robin (for stocktake)
* Music borrowing: Lise Hales assisted by Marie Gillies
* Performance calendar/schedule: John Snare – updates on schedule on wiki
* Roll & performance record: Robin Pope
* Friends of Free Spirit register: Geoff Willis
* Scarves and ties: Joy Allen
* Prayer and care: Joy Allen, Lyn Maslen, Kaye Morgan and Mike Foo act as prayer partners and overseers of each part during zoom rehearsal times because they had more close contact individually with those smaller groups.
* Treasurer: John Snare
* Historian: John Snare
* Supper roster: Lyn Maslen
* Hosting rehearsals: Mirini and Russell Lang
* Stage managing events: Lyn Maslen

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

There was nothing usual in 2020. The number of people joining zoom meetings was similar to last year – low twenties from Free Spirit and about a dozen from Uniting Voices towards the end of the year.

As usual numbers seemed to be a little lower in winter/July for FS, varying from 19 to 23 (by mid-August). After that we vary from 22 to 25.
Uniting Voices joined us on Sept 9, starting with 13 members and again varying from week to week with a high point of 16, low point 10.

Meeting times and days:

Practice weekly on Wednesday evenings. Prior to the Covid-19 restrictions the intent was as follows.
Singing at worship or other events in both with Glen Waverley Uniting Church and elsewhere twice a month, including with Glen Waverley Uniting Church worship on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December and January) alternating between 9:15am and 11:00am services.

Locations used by Group:

Normally, practice is usually in the home of Russell Lang, and sometimes in the Church the week before an occasion when Free Spirit sings.
From March until December, Covid-19 restrictions meant that practices were held on-line using Zoom and contributions to worship and other events were by pre-recorded video.
During the short period in between first and second lockdowns Free Spirit met in parts in separate homes with no more than 5 in each part meeting and some checking-in on zoom.

Highlights of the year:

In March 2020, the Covid-19 pandemic affected Melbourne and physical attendance at worship services and choir performances ceased. Free Spirit became an iso-zoom-choir and continued to meet and practice on-line using zoom video conferences. It was challenging to learn new music, and the Free Spirit repertoire expanded less than usual.
Free Spirit was able to contribute to worship by adding zoom video to the following previously recorded songs.
* Go Tell It On The Mountain
* And Wherever You Go
* He’s Sweet
* Freedom is Coming
* Java Jive
* Rhythm of Life
* Breath of Heaven
Free Spirit was also able to prepare the following zoom-choir recordings where people individually recorded their parts, the parts merged and then a zoom video added.
* Born a Mighty King
* Amazing Grace
* Fall on Your Knees
Free Spirit also zoom-choir recorded two versions of ‘Happy Birthday to You’ that were used when Shirley White turned 100 and Bill Morgan turned 105.
For the latter part of 2020, members of Uniting Voices joined Free Spirit practices.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Roll & performance record: Robin Pope
None identified.



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

A fellowship group for retired men

Current Office Bearers:

DavidMorgan Zoom facilitator

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

10-15 on line

Meeting times and days:

Monday 10a.m. on Zoom

Locations used by Group:


Highlights of the year:

GOMER quickly became Virtual GOMER or GoZooMers in March. Not all the usual crowd took to Zoom, but it did allow some with limited mobility or hearing to join in. As restrictions waxed and waned, some members joined the walk in Jells Park.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Inclusive Community MG

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To encourage the development of supportive relationships within our church family, to maintain and improve pastoral care and welcoming procedures, to offer hospitality, to support Seniors’ Ministry, to receive reports and encourage members of the bereavement support group, the prayer support group, supportive care link care group, the cradle roll convenor and the communications group.

Current Office Bearers:

JanClear is the convenor. Other members are RevNeilPeters, RevDiPaterson, FayeWagon, BarbaraThompson, LaurelMuir, AlisonClarkson and MarjorieCollins.

Membership numbers:

8. Marj. Collins is unable to attend our meetings but helps with hospitality.

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

We meet on weekdays, at the church.

Locations used by Group:

We use one of the meeting rooms for our meetings. We use the hall, fellowship area and the kitchen for functions.

Highlights of the year:

As we could not meet, we have concentrated on pastoral care. We organised people to ring others and we made sure that we contacted those without internet. It has been great to see people caring for others.
We planned a Munch with a Bunch function for March but we were unable to have it because of the lockdown.
Before the lockdown, we had one light lunch, a basket lunch (and Congregational meeting) and a bring and share lunch (formerly Club 2020. )
We have honest, open discussions at our meetings.
Committee members co-operate very well, at our functions.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Give us ideas for welcoming and pastoral care.
Offer to help with special functions.


Keep Fit Group

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Purpose-to enjoy exercise and fellowship 

Current Office Bearers:

Leader-Linda Barnett.
Contact person-EileenScott

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Thursday from 10-11am

Locations used by Group:

Highlights of the year:

We only met for 4 or 5 weeks in early 2020.                                  

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Leisure Time

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Leisure Time is a community outreach program and is established for the principal objective of providing services for elderly and housebound people from within the city of Monash

Current Office Bearers:

Chair – Susan Karoly
Secretary – Gael O’Brien
Treasurer – Ken Hutchinson
Volunteer Roster – Joyce Ennor
The Hub Representative – Laurel Muir
Police Checks – Jane Adams
Driver Coordinator – Bobbie Rooks
Care Coordinator - Alison Hawkins
New Guest Coordinator – Alison Hawkins
Newsletter Editor – Alison Clarkson
Outings Coordinator – Jeanette Coutts
Monash Council Rep – Margaret Fraser Careful Kitchen – Margaret Fraser
Committee Member – Barbara Thompson
Committee Member – Pat Vevers

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

1st, 3rd, 5th Mondays

Locations used by Group:

1st & 3rd Monday Church Building
5th Monday, outings

Highlights of the year:

Leisure Time ceased to meet in March due to Covid 19. Committee Members took the responsibility of giving contact and care to an assigned number of guests during 2020. This included regular telephone calls, social meetings (when government regulations permitted), gifts for Easter, Christmas and birthdays and a regular Newsletter. It was delightful that the group could meet for its Christmas meal at a restaurant and it was noted how much the guests yearned for the program to restart again in 2021. Regular updates were also sent to the 45 LT volunteers without whom this program would not be able to exist.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

To help the Leisure Time program restart meeting in the planning of re-opening the church building in 2021.


Men's Fellowship

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Fellowship among older men.
Learning from invited speakers.

Current Office Bearers:

Committee of 5 BillNorquay DavidSimpson ColinKing DougNewberry KeithWest

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Tuesday of month at 2pm

Locations used by Group:

Chapel / Fellowship area.

Highlights of the year:

Met only twice in 2020 due to pandemic.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Continued use of Church facilities.


Munch with a bunch

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide pleasant dining experiences for those who dine alone and newcomers.

Current Office Bearers:

There are no office bearers. Inclusive Community committee members organise lunches.

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

40-50 plus committee members.

Meeting times and days:

Sundays about every 4-6 weeks.

Locations used by Group:

RSL. Hall, kitchen and Fellowship area when functions are held at the church.

Highlights of the year:

There were no MWAB FUNCTIONS, during 2020.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

As many members are struggling with mobility, we need drivers to take people to the RSL and pick them up after the lunch.
We always need people to clean the hall, after a function.
Attend one of our lunches.


People & Culture

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide a knowledge, support and administration framework for all employment and staffing matters for GWUC.

Current Office Bearers:

KenCoutts Convenor

Membership numbers:

JudyLowe, KatieHaala, LesleyArmstrong , JohnMuir

Usual meeting attendance:

Usually 4 but have had 5 at one meeting in early 2020. Covid-19 restrictions then eliminated our planned meetings.

Meeting times and days:

Saturday mornings – Feb, April, July, Nov.
But unsure re 2021 with current restrictions.

Locations used by Group:

Home of Convenor – Hope to get together in late February 2021

Highlights of the year:

-An important year re forward staffing and planning re our staffing mix and fit for the forthcoming 3-4 years with favourable outcomes.
-Input and finalisation of succession planning outcomes and provision of transition with Alanee Hearnshaw agreeing to a further 3 years plus option of a further 2 years, subject to Congregation meeting and then Presbytery signoff.
-supported Church Council with input as to Rev Neil Peters transition arrangements and detailed planning re Jan 2024 of existing team. Provided detailed summary of issues and timings and requirements to lock in our plans.
-Completion of Extension of contract for Di Paterson and change to Pastor position designation in early 2020 and then renegotiation of Di Paterson’s contract in December 2020 for 2021 and potentially 2021.
-Manage employment and performance issues for Church Council in terms of our contracts and legal obligations under employment law and awards and the application of Job-Keeper in 2020 and into early 2021.
-Review and Updating of Office Manager role and Hours and agreement through Church Council and further extension for another 3 year with salary increment. Agreed with documentation to be completed January 2021.
-Recruitment of Welfare Coordinator in November / December 20202 via a Recruitment and Interview process following Church Council sign off and engagement with Presbytery and Uniting via Gavin Blakemore
-Review of Office Hours confirmed current arrangements. No further actions or reviews required.
-Updated processes and review of our Annual Leave processes and the availing and planning of A/L for 2020 and 2021.
- Manage and approve LSL issues for our team with Neil and Alanee planning such for 2021.
-Agreement as to Office Hours and Staffing over Christmas / New Year December 2020.
-Creation of Provision for LSL (annual basis)- ongoing.
-Maintain Office Manual as a working document for GWUC processes still further work to update current document.
-Maintain our Employment contracts and Personal Records securely.
-Manage our salary and allowances records and reporting to Synod P & C and via award reviews..
- Extensive dealings with Synod Payroll.
- Process extension of contract re Jemma Graham as Children and Families Worker and process re Job Keeper and defer the Gwenda Henry Bequest use which is now approved for 2021 year.
- Used Zoom for 2 meetings and updates.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

-None we receive input and strong support from Chairperson , Secretary and other members of CC


Playgroup Volunteers

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide a safe, friendly, welcoming and supportive place for mothers and their young children

Current Office Bearers:

Bev Richardson and ChrisKrahn

Membership numbers:

Due to Coronavirus restrictions our Playgroups only ran for 4 weeks

Usual meeting attendance:

Approx 10 children and 12 adults each session

Meeting times and days:

10 - 12 midday. Monday, Tuesday and Friday during school term times. 10am- 12midday

Locations used by Group:

Playground, Rooms 2 and 3

Highlights of the year:

Unfortunately minimal highlights due to interruptions to year. Playgroup was only conducted for 4 weeks of year (Feb - early March)

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Advertising if and when next year will commence
Continue to maintain playground area
Cleaning or rooms
As Bev Richardson has relocated to Sydney and I am not confident to be a sole office bearer. I would like some communication from Church Council re leadership possibilities to take over the leadership.


Property Committee

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To maintain, expand and care for the Property/s used by the Glen Waverley Uniting Church for the benefit of all of the congregation and act as a stewardship caretaker for those properties on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia.
To generate income from the property in a manner that is consistent with the UCA and GWUC philosophies.

Current Office Bearers:

Chairperson WarrenGreenwood

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Monday of each month

Locations used by Group:

Room 4

Highlights of the year:

* A sad note with the passing of a long-term member John Pooley. Nobody has worked harder, no one contributed more to the protection, care and safety of GWUC. John was seen every day doing something. His loss is a loss to us all. A faithful servant of God and GWUC. Rest in Peace John.
* The solar panel loan has been repaid in a shorter time than expected. The church power bill will now be reduced permanently by $8,000 to $10,000 annually for the foreseeable future. During COVID lockdown the system has earnt GWUC around $1,500 of miscellaneous income.
* Rentals went well until lockdown in March. As a consequence of lockdown GWUC lost approximately $52,000 of rental income.
* Careful Kitchen Crew continued to pass all Monash Council Food Safety inspections up to (and during) lockdown. Their work is greatly appreciated. Inspections were again awarded 5 Star compliance – the highest level.
* No major accidents or injury incidents during 2020
* The amazing dedication of the volunteers who sweep, mow, clean and repair the complex. Every week. It is incredible that we have over 60 people who give generously of their time. However, they are aging, and we had to introduce paid cleaning of toilets and less frequent cleaning around the complex to reduce the workloads. Not just during lockdown, but this will be required permanently.
* The absolute dedication and reliability of the property team.
* Manses required some additional maintenance and capital expense as they are well used and nearing 15 years old.
* Office Computers upgraded.
* The way which all members of the GWUC community and hirers respected our buildings and facilities which led to lower-than-expected maintenance prior to lockdown.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

* Encouragement to the Property Team who do much of their work quietly and without fanfare.


The Hub

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To be welcoming and offer hospitality. To grow relationships with our visitors. To connect with other community groups. To continue our current activities and create new activities arising from the needs of people in our community.

Current Office Bearers:

Co-ordinator – JudithGreenwood
Secretary – LaurelMuir
THE HUB SMALL GROUP – JudithGreenwood, LaurelMuir, KayeMackinnon, DebGraham, LynneBoyer, PamelaMcDonald, GeraldineFleming, GailIrvine, AndrewHosking.

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

Due to Covid, no Special Morning Teas were held this year.
Visitors to The Hub varies – can be 1 or 2 or can be over 20 but only operated a few weeks in March. Any Small Hub Group business was dealt with via email not meetings this year.

Meeting times and days:

Normal times -THE HUB SMALL GROUP meets once a year and emails other times when needed.
THE HUB operates Tues and Thurs 10am – 2pm, Wed 10am -12pm.
THE HUB Special Morning Teas are held 5 times a year 10am – 12pm on a Thursday or Wednesday.

Locations used by Group:

Foyer, kitchen and also fellowship area for Special Morning Teas.

Highlights of the year:

Unfortunately, due to Covid , The Hub normal activity only operated a few weeks in March. I was able to keep in contact with Hub Volunteers via email and phone calls during the year. Not really possible to keep in touch with most Hub Visitors.
The Mount View Hub was able to meet once in February, and then we wrote letters a few times to keep in touch with the children during the rest of the year.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Please pray for THE HUB, the volunteers and visitors.
We have many people come to THE HUB regularly, some more than one day a week. They like to help us to be involved in our church activities. What could be our next step to bring these people closer into our church community?
Open to suggestions.



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To enable members to share in Christ's mission, meeting for fellowship service and worship.

Current Office Bearers:

President/Secretary, MargaretDuncan.
Vice Pres. BarbaraThompson
Treasurer NormaSaxton.

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

Av. 32

Meeting times and days:

First Tuesday of the month at 10 am.

Locations used by Group:

Chapel, fellowship area. Church and hall on special occasions

Highlights of the year:

February: Gavin Blakemore Guest Speaker.
March: Eastern Palliative Care:- “Let's talk Palliative Care”.
Unfortunately for the rest of the year we have had to cancel all our Speakers as we were unable to attend the Church building due to Covid-19.
I have kept in touch through the telephone to all members during the year. All were appreciative of the chance to talk to someone.
Hopefully we will be able to make a start in March once Council can advise our rules to be observed.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We will need advice on how to set up for our elderly members and location available.
An updated Membership list will be forwarded once we resume as we feel many may not be well enough to attend.


Uniting Voices

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide choral music for use in traditional worship and on other occasions as appropriate.

Current Office Bearers:

Director : LynBromage (now deceased).
Accompanist : RobertFleming
Treasurer : BevBarnfield

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Practice: Thursdays (Feb & March)
Worship Services: 11.00am 3rd Sundays (Feb & March).

Locations used by Group:

Room 1 for practice and church for worship.

Highlights of the year:

Uniting Voices commenced practicing for 2020 at the end of January. We had a full contingent of singers and Lyn Bromage as conductor to continue the year. Lyn was committed to following the lectionary whenever possible and was sourcing material.
The first service at which the choir sang and Lyn conducted was the first Sunday in February at 11.00am
The practices continued until mid-March and our last anthem for the year was Sunday 15th March at which Lyn also played the organ.
After this we were silenced by COVID.
Then came the devastating news in early August that Lyn had had an accident at home, and was taken to hospital where she died the next day. Our hearts were broken. So many people, family, loved ones and we too had lost a very special person. She was talented, kind, inclusive and radiated God’s love. Where to go from here? Shaken and with increasing COVID restrictions, we found it difficult to see our way forward.
Then some weeks later, a light. An invitation from Deb Leigh to join practices with Free Spirit on Zoom. Our grateful band of singers were so, so appreciative of this offer. However, for most of us it meant learning new skills in technology. The Free Spirit team were patient in their guidance. This continued until the beginning of December.
A January 2021 meeting was planned by Uniting Voices to discuss the future path. It will not be easy to find a conductor to replace Lyn. Deb Leigh would like us to contact her after that meeting. Meanwhile we have said farewell to a much valued member in Donna Vanclay. Donna is now a resident at Strathdon Community. Diana Coles and Raymond Wagon have also signalled that they will not be able to continue.
Whatever happens, the group hopes to keep the glue that has made us one.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We are thankful for the encouragement we receive from worshippers at 11.00am services and the financial support we receive from Church Council. Our need now is to find a suitably qualified Director to encourage and lead us into the future.


Welfare Committee

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Our Christian imperative is to care for the poor, and the Welfare Committee endeavours to contribute towards this enormous task.
In our interactions and various interventions with, or on behalf of those we see, we pray that and attempt to, in some way, make a difference in the lives of those we serve.
Assistance may include providing a” listening ear”; counselling on a number of levels; sharing a prayer; referring or accompanying (if required) to an appropriate community agency; providing food or supermarket vouchers; assisting with travel costs; distributing hampers to needy families; and discretely channelling the generous donations that come from our congregation and the community.
Frequently our recipients are homeless or recently out of prison; sometimes there is psychiatric or physical disability; many are on Centrelink or other government benefits. Some are refugees.
Some we help do not have good budgeting and other practical skills, and have empoverished social backgrounds.
We seek to offer a compassionate Christ centred response, trying never to be judgemental.
Confidentiality and respect underpin our work.

Current Office Bearers:

Outgoing Co-Ordinator: DorothyLockhart
Secretary/Treasurer: FayeMcDougall

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Quarterly meetings on second Tuesday of the month

Locations used by Group:


Highlights of the year:

COVID has dominated our year but we continued to see needy clients, though in a different way.
Our initial contact was by telephone where counselling and assessment of need took place. Clients came to collect their food or supermarket voucher in the church car park at an agreed upon time and in a safe manner.It was a particularly distressing time for Asylum Seekers and Overseas students
Welfare had received face masks from a congregation member and also Monash Council and no client left without masks.
During this period, we received donations of frozen meals, and food for our pantry from individual congregation members.
A highlight was when the congregation was reminded that with no Church Fete due to COVID this year, Welfare’s primary source of income was not available. Our congregation responded with their usual generosity and over $8000 were donated to Welfare. We currently have well stocked newly installed cupboards. We sincerely thank the Property Committee who have provided us with excellent storage for our supplies.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

To date Welfare has appreciated the donations of food that come spontaneously from congregation members and specific Church Groups eg UCAF and The Hub. Once these groups are able to recommence, we hope participants will resume their generous giving, encouraged by Church Council.
We thank Church Council and KenCoutts for the support we have received in employing our new Co-Ordinator and the effort that went in to advertising, and interviewing.

AnnualReport2020 (last edited 2021-08-13 12:20:10 by DavidMorgan)