Differences between revisions 16 and 27 (spanning 11 versions)
Revision 16 as of 2016-02-23 22:51:08
Size: 1093
Editor: DavidMorgan
Revision 27 as of 2018-10-22 05:54:06
Size: 1421
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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In mid 2014, Council undertook a visioning process. Beginning in mid 2014, Council undertook a visioning process.
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 * [[attachment:VisioningIdeasToCouncilJuly.pdf|Focus Group ideas]] to Council July meeting.  * [[attachment:VisioningIdeasToCouncilJuly.pdf|Focus Group ideas]] to Council July meeting.  Also text at CouncilMissionalGoals
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 * [[ http://gwuc.org.au/vision/|Vision on the web page.]]
 * [[OnePageVision2014|A one page version.]]
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Arising from this were deliberations and facus groups on how to structure the ministry team to fulfill the vision.
 * [[ |Organic Ministry Team Document]]
Following from this visioning process is the MinistryTeamConsiderations

Flowing from that is a [[CouncilAgenda20160215MinTeam|proposal to request an extension of Alanee's appointment]] to be [[attachment:MinistryTeamMakeUpForCongMeet.pdf|presented]] to the [[CongMeetingAgenda20160306| Meeting of the Congregation on 6 Mar 2016]]

Visioning Process 2014

Beginning in mid 2014, Council undertook a visioning process.

Details are available in Council minutes, linked from CouncilPage, but a collection of documents is provided here.

Following from this visioning process is the MinistryTeamConsiderations

Flowing from that is a proposal to request an extension of Alanee's appointment to be presented to the Meeting of the Congregation on 6 Mar 2016

VisioningProcess2014 (last edited 2018-10-22 05:54:06 by DavidMorgan)