Differences between revisions 138 and 589 (spanning 451 versions)
Revision 138 as of 2015-07-03 08:04:33
Size: 4008
Editor: JohnSnare
Comment: Weekly reminders added to HeadLines w/e 4 July 2015
Revision 589 as of 2020-02-14 10:34:45
Size: 12743
Editor: JohnSnare
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~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~ You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice. ~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 Jul 2015 =
'''Presbytery Newsletter'''

The [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/07/Newsbeat-July-2015.pdf|July]] newsletter is available. There is an interesting comment on the future of church services, as predicted by WarrenGreenwood! (check the last page)

'''School Holidays''' As it is school holidays, The Hub and Playgroup are in recess again this week.

'''Next Week - Material Aid Offering - Sunday 12 July''' The material aid offering next week will be in aid of Friends of Ermera, East Timor. The specific item requested is summer clothing fabric.

'''Celebration Morning Tea at The Hub - Wednesday 15 July''' Come and celebrate with us six successful years of The Hub. Spend time chatting with friends, old and new, as you enjoy a delicious morning tea including special birthday cake. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you plan to attend.

'''Craft Group - Friday 17 July''' Craft group is on again on Friday 17 July at 1.30pm. All are welcome. Activities are available for all so please come alone. Come and share in conversation, craft and a cuppa.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 27 Jun 2015 =
'''School Holidays'''

The Hub and Playgroup are in recess for two weeks.

'''Celebration Morning Tea at The Hub - Wednesday 15 Jul'''

Come and celebrate with us 6 successful years of The Hub. Spend time chatting with friends, old and new, as you enjoy a delicious morning tea including special birthday cake. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you are planning to attend.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 20 Jun 2015 =
'''Outreach BBQ Forum - Sunday 21 June''' Join us after the 11am Service this Sunday for the Outreach BBQ Forum where we will hear from Dee and Dan Rutherford about the wonderful work at the Kivuli Project (Australia) Inc. Come and share lunch $5 cost). All are welcome.

'''Ivan's Pies - Tuesday 23 June''' Please collect Pie Orders from the Church Hall on Tuesday 23 June between 2pm and 6pm. Many thanks for your generous support.

'''Church Anniversary - Sunday 28 June''' Next week there will be a Combined Service at 10am where we will celebrate the Anniversary of the Uniting Church. Following this service there will be the opportunity to share in a spit roast lunch. Today is the last day to get your tickets. Please see Faye Wagon or Barbara Thompson. Tickets cost $20 per person, $10 children under 12 or $5 for children under 6. Don't miss out! Remember - no ticket, no lunch! '''<<BR>>'''

'''Church Office - Monday 22 June to Friday 26 June''' This week Heather will be away doing an intensive study unit at CTM. The office will be staffed by Sharon Harper-Wilkinson during this time. Office hours for each day are noted in the bulletin.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 6 Jun 2015 =
 * the latest copy of the [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Newsbeat-June-2015.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter is available.]]

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 May 2015 =
 * Council met this week. See [[CouncilMinutes20150428|Provisional minutes]]

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 Apr 2015 =
 * Developing analysis of the worship survey is at ServicesSurvey2015

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Apr 2015 =
 * [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HG-0U7S6F_34j5Z4Y9jUQnUUW1Ehf6U8mzTmFNm99_k/viewform|This is the link to the survey]] on the possibility of combining some Sunday services.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Apr 2015 =
 * the latest copy of the [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Newsbeat-April-2015.pdf|Presbytery Newletter]] is available.
You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.
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Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in).

## Note to editors: please use the following template for links to Newsbeat, to ensure that readers are taken to the correct page.
## * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Newsbeat-October-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for October]] is now available.
## Note that the Presbytery is not very consistent with the format of their URLs. You need to check each time.
## Did not work for November 2019. dlm Yes, I have written to Helen Beeby, who has Boobied. I am trying to keep a consistent look and feel to the Newsbeat links ajh
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 February 2020 =
 * Playgroup, English Conversation Classes & The Hub all start for 2020 THIS WEEK.
 * Don't forget to check the l'''etter rack''' - rosters are now being distributed.
 * '''Saturday 29 February - Book Sale - '''Leap in and buy some great books! Doors open 8.30am.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 February 2020 =
 * If you have offered to deliver flyers for the Book Sale, please collect them from the table in the foyer.
 * Don't forget to check the letter rack - rosters are now being distributed.
 * New start dates for Playgroup, English Conversation Classes & The Hub - all return for 2020 in the week beginning 17 February.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 February 2020 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2020/02/Newsbeat-February-2020.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for February]] is now available.
 * CTM are running a [[https://victas.uca.org.au/event/new-and-renewing-gathering/|New and Renewing Gathering]] on Saturday March 24th.
 * [[DadsPlayGroup|Chinese Dad's Playgroup]] has been cancelled for this Saturday Feb 1 because of the novel corona virus 2019-nCoV.
 * For the same reason, TheHub will now commence on Tuesday 18th February at 10am.
 * Similarly the [[RosterEnglishClass|English conversation class]] will start on February 20.
 * Church Council met this week and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20200129.
 * Weekday playgoups will commence on Feb 17.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 25 January 2020 =
 * CraigMitchell is running a session on [[https://www.ucappep.org/forming-disciples-in-a-missional-church/|Forming disciples in a missional Church]] on 5 March, 10am-3pm at Glen Waverley UCA. Details and booking at the above link.
 * The 2019 performance of our solar panels has been added to SolarPowerPerformance

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 11 January 2020 =
 * To help meet gaps already identified and to enable longer term relief and recovery Synod have launched a Uniting Bushfire Appeal. You can find the appeal at https://www.vt.uniting.org/uniting-vic-tas-2020-bushfire-appeal/
 * [[https://www.target.com.au/targetbushfirereliefappeal|Target Australia]] will match dollar for dollar all cash contributions made to the Appeal via coin boxes and registers in stores. (But it appears that you forego your tax deduction.)
 * [[http://www.gerf.org.au|Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund]] has also been recommended.
 * A reminder that the church office will be closed until Tuesday 28 January – emails and phone messages will be monitored daily.
 * Don’t forget the Back to School and Backpack Blessing on Sunday 26 January at 10am.
 * Sunday morning worship will be a single service at 10:00am each week until the end of January 2020.
 * Watch this space for news about Sunday 4:30pm and 5:30pm activities in 2020.
 * Indonesian fellowship is in recess and will recommence in 2020.
 * Chinese fellowship is in recess and will recommence in March 2020.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 January 2020 =
 * NewView for [[attachment:NewView/201912.pdf|Dec 2019]] is available
 * Sunday 22 Dec 2019 – Combined Nativity Worship 10:00am
 * 24 Dec 2019 – Christmas Eve join us at 5:30pm or 11:00pm
 * 25 Dec 2019 – Christmas Day worship at 8:30am and 10:00am
 * 29 Dec 2019 – Combined Worship 10:00am
 * 31 Dec 2019 – New Year’s Eve join us at 11:00pm
 * Sunday morning worship will be a single service at 10:00am each week until the end of January 2020.
 * Sunday 4:30pm and 5:30pm activities have finished for 2019. Watch this space for news about what will happen in 2020.
 * Indonesian fellowship is in recess and will recommence in 2020.
 * Chinese fellowship is in recess and will recommence in March 2020.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 December 2019 =
 * The Christmas Trees Display - Christmas Reflections - is on until the end of December. Information booklets are available in the church foyer.
 * Rosters for 2020 are now being filled. If you can help, please put your name on the lists on the office counter.
 * Charity Christmas Cards are available to purchase from the office.
 * Indonesian fellowship is in recess and will recommence in 2020.
 * Chinese fellowship is in recess and will recommence in March 2020.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 7 December 2019 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/12/Newsbeat-December-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for December]] is now available.
 * The [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/r-e-jdkikity-uuiulyukil-m/|Synod of VicTas Newsletter for December]] is now available.
 * Our WelfareCommittee is one of the local charities being supported by [[https://www.grilld.com.au/restaurants/victoria/melbourne/glen-waverley|Grill'd]] for December. If you go there, identify yourself as being from GWUC, and you will be given double tokens to vote with. If we get the most votes of the three Decemeber causes, we will get $300. There are also special deals for 6 or more persons; ask.
 * Seniors' Service - Celebrate Christmas with Carols - this Sunday 8 December @ 2.30pm
 * Leisure Time Christmas Breakup - Monday 9 December @ 10.15am
 * Remembrance Service - Tuesday 10 December at 8pm.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 30 Nov 2019 =
 * ChurchCouncil met this week, and provisional minutes are [[CouncilMinutes20191127|available here.]]

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 23 Nov 2019 =
 * The Hub Children's Christmas Photos are on this week - Monday to Wednesday at 10am. Come along and join in the fun!
 * Don't forget to regularly check the office counter & letter rack - Christmas events and planning for 2020 has begun...

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 Nov 2019 =
 * The [[ChoirOfHopeUpdateSep2019|Choir of Hope survey]] mentioned in today's congregational meeting is available to members. (Login needed)
 * Our Welfare group has a jar at Grill'd for December. For details of how you can support them, see [[https://view.email.grilld.com.au/?qs=44e34195a67289d457eefa5f941b550890fd4c3e942faa76f1325b33b3094c41dca1cc8c5dc3dba29b4022ea99676ee68364afd1549c7408762a46f8f461a0e6c41973dd323bda818a5d40b1eecf02b3|this link.]]

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 Nov 2019 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/11/Newsbeat-November-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for November]] is now available.
 * The [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/r-e-jddtjhjy-uupjjiyjy-f/|Synod newsletter for November]] is now available.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 Nov 2019 =
 * Here is the [[http://www.prayasyoucan.com.au/|link to Sister Harris's website]] mentioned in the [[http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/ChurchBulletin?action=AttachFile&do=view&target=201911.pdf|monthly Bulletin]]

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 Oct 2019 =
What an amazing Fete we had this last Saturday - if you missed it, pop Saturday 17 October 2020 into your diary - you don't want to miss the next one!

Coming up this week:

 * Seniors' Morning Tea at The Hub tomorrow, Thursday 24 Oct 2019 at 10am - all are welcome.
 * Pop Up Study this Sunday 27 Oct 2019 at 2pm - come along and join in this interactive presentation by Dr CraigMitchell.

Church Council met on Wednesday, and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20191023

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Oct 2019 =
 * The [[attachment:PopUpStudy-20191027.pdf|Pop-Up Study]] with Presbytery Minister CraigMitchell is coming on 27 Oct 2019.
 * The [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/r-e-jdtdilkt-ukdkykikn-e/|Synod Newsletter for October]] is now available.
 * An election for Church Councillors and Elders will be help this Sunday at all services.
 * Seniors' Week Concert Event - The Evans Family at 2.30pm. Entry by donation.
 * Planned Giving Envelopes are available from the table in the foyer.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Oct 2019 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Newsbeat-October-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for October]] is now available, including a flyer for our forthcoming "Pop-Up Study" on 27 Oct 2019 at 2pm, here in Glen Waverley.
 * Council met this week and provisional minutes are available to those logged into the wiki at CouncilMinutes20191002. As always, if you need an account or other help, contact DavidMorgan or the church office.
 * Bring & Share Lunch is on this Sunday - All are welcome.
 * Planned Giving Envelopes are now available from the table in the foyer.
 * If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, don’t forget to collect them from the table in the foyer. The leaflets need to be delivered by Sunday 13 October.
 * There is no 4.30 program during school holidays.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 Sep 2019 =
 * No 5.30 worship this Sunday 29 September.
 * Planned Giving Envelopes are now available from the table in the foyer.
 * If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, please collect them from the table in the foyer.
 * There is no 4.30 program during school holidays.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 21 Sep 2019 =
 * The ChurchFete is only 4 weeks away!

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 Sep 2019 =
 * Please note that the September meeting of [[CouncilPage|Church Council]] has been delayed to October 2.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 7 Sep 2019 =
 * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/09/Newsbeat-September-2019-99.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for Sepember]], including a flyer for our Fete, is now available.
 * The [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/r-e-jdcitud-uklkttdrui-a/|Synod newsletter]] is also available.
 * This [[https://www.abc.net.au/news/2019-09-04/politics-and-religion/11474738|article by Annabelle Crabb on the ABC]] is challenging to Christians.
 * The [[attachment:ChristmasTreeExhibitionInvitation.pdf|invitation to all groups to contribute to a christmas tree exhibition.]]

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 31 Aug 2019 =
 * Church Council met this Wednesday Aug 28, and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20190828. Please contact the office if you would like a paper copy.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 24 Aug 2019 =
 * Church Council meets next Wednesday Aug 28.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 Aug 2019 =
 * The [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/r/15136F2561D955792540EF23F30FEDED/B345548683475CBC16B21F2806CB3AEB|August newsletter from Synod]] is now available.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 Aug 2019 =
 * Synod have issued a [[attachment:SynodLetter20190806StatementFromHeart .pdf|pastoral letter regarding the Uluru Statement from the Heart]] for congregations to consider.
 * The Light Lunch is on this Sunday 11 August at 12.30pm. All are welcome.
 * Come and celebrate 10 years of The Hub - Wednesday 14 August at 10am. All donations to research into Parkinson's Disease.
 * A reminder that Munch with a Bunch replies are due 19 August. Please return replies to Faye Wagon or they can be left at the church office.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 Aug 2019 =
 * Council is considering nominating for the MissionPilotProcess. Comments are welcome to DavidMorgan.
 * Adult Group are meeting this Friday 2 August at 8pm
 * Bring & Share Lunch is on this Sunday 4 August at 12pm. Please bring a plate of food to share. All are welcome.
 * '''Don't forget - '''NO 4.30pm or 5.30pm service at GWUC this Sunday 4 August - instead we will be meeting in the GWUC car park at 5pm on that day and carpooling to hear Jools speak at Murrumbeena Uniting Church. All are welcome!
 * Further information about these and other events can be found in the [[https://gwuc.us13.list-manage.com/track/click?u=37010fcf076a5fbf8a261ceba&id=a6f8c48da0&e=ff36f8dbfc|Weekly Bulletin]].
 * [[https://www.ucappep.org/newsbeat|Presbytery Newsletter]] is available.

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in).

GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 February 2020

  • Playgroup, English Conversation Classes & The Hub all start for 2020 THIS WEEK.

  • Don't forget to check the letter rack - rosters are now being distributed.

  • Saturday 29 February - Book Sale - Leap in and buy some great books! Doors open 8.30am.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 February 2020

  • If you have offered to deliver flyers for the Book Sale, please collect them from the table in the foyer.
  • Don't forget to check the letter rack - rosters are now being distributed.
  • New start dates for Playgroup, English Conversation Classes & The Hub - all return for 2020 in the week beginning 17 February.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 February 2020

GWUC Headlines for w/e 25 January 2020

GWUC Headlines for w/e 11 January 2020

  • To help meet gaps already identified and to enable longer term relief and recovery Synod have launched a Uniting Bushfire Appeal. You can find the appeal at https://www.vt.uniting.org/uniting-vic-tas-2020-bushfire-appeal/

  • Target Australia will match dollar for dollar all cash contributions made to the Appeal via coin boxes and registers in stores. (But it appears that you forego your tax deduction.)

  • Gippsland Emergency Relief Fund has also been recommended.

  • A reminder that the church office will be closed until Tuesday 28 January – emails and phone messages will be monitored daily.
  • Don’t forget the Back to School and Backpack Blessing on Sunday 26 January at 10am.
  • Sunday morning worship will be a single service at 10:00am each week until the end of January 2020.
  • Watch this space for news about Sunday 4:30pm and 5:30pm activities in 2020.
  • Indonesian fellowship is in recess and will recommence in 2020.
  • Chinese fellowship is in recess and will recommence in March 2020.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 January 2020

  • NewView for Dec 2019 is available

  • Sunday 22 Dec 2019 – Combined Nativity Worship 10:00am
  • 24 Dec 2019 – Christmas Eve join us at 5:30pm or 11:00pm
  • 25 Dec 2019 – Christmas Day worship at 8:30am and 10:00am
  • 29 Dec 2019 – Combined Worship 10:00am
  • 31 Dec 2019 – New Year’s Eve join us at 11:00pm
  • Sunday morning worship will be a single service at 10:00am each week until the end of January 2020.
  • Sunday 4:30pm and 5:30pm activities have finished for 2019. Watch this space for news about what will happen in 2020.
  • Indonesian fellowship is in recess and will recommence in 2020.
  • Chinese fellowship is in recess and will recommence in March 2020.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 December 2019

  • The Christmas Trees Display - Christmas Reflections - is on until the end of December. Information booklets are available in the church foyer.
  • Rosters for 2020 are now being filled. If you can help, please put your name on the lists on the office counter.
  • Charity Christmas Cards are available to purchase from the office.
  • Indonesian fellowship is in recess and will recommence in 2020.
  • Chinese fellowship is in recess and will recommence in March 2020.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 7 December 2019

  • The Presbytery Newsletter for December is now available.

  • The Synod of VicTas Newsletter for December is now available.

  • Our WelfareCommittee is one of the local charities being supported by Grill'd for December. If you go there, identify yourself as being from GWUC, and you will be given double tokens to vote with. If we get the most votes of the three Decemeber causes, we will get $300. There are also special deals for 6 or more persons; ask.

  • Seniors' Service - Celebrate Christmas with Carols - this Sunday 8 December @ 2.30pm
  • Leisure Time Christmas Breakup - Monday 9 December @ 10.15am
  • Remembrance Service - Tuesday 10 December at 8pm.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 30 Nov 2019

GWUC Headlines for w/e 23 Nov 2019

  • The Hub Children's Christmas Photos are on this week - Monday to Wednesday at 10am. Come along and join in the fun!
  • Don't forget to regularly check the office counter & letter rack - Christmas events and planning for 2020 has begun...

GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 Nov 2019

  • The Choir of Hope survey mentioned in today's congregational meeting is available to members. (Login needed)

  • Our Welfare group has a jar at Grill'd for December. For details of how you can support them, see this link.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 Nov 2019

GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 Nov 2019

GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 Oct 2019

What an amazing Fete we had this last Saturday - if you missed it, pop Saturday 17 October 2020 into your diary - you don't want to miss the next one!

Coming up this week:

  • Seniors' Morning Tea at The Hub tomorrow, Thursday 24 Oct 2019 at 10am - all are welcome.
  • Pop Up Study this Sunday 27 Oct 2019 at 2pm - come along and join in this interactive presentation by Dr CraigMitchell.

Church Council met on Wednesday, and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20191023

GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Oct 2019

  • The Pop-Up Study with Presbytery Minister CraigMitchell is coming on 27 Oct 2019.

  • The Synod Newsletter for October is now available.

  • An election for Church Councillors and Elders will be help this Sunday at all services.
  • Seniors' Week Concert Event - The Evans Family at 2.30pm. Entry by donation.
  • Planned Giving Envelopes are available from the table in the foyer.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Oct 2019

  • The Presbytery Newsletter for October is now available, including a flyer for our forthcoming "Pop-Up Study" on 27 Oct 2019 at 2pm, here in Glen Waverley.

  • Council met this week and provisional minutes are available to those logged into the wiki at CouncilMinutes20191002. As always, if you need an account or other help, contact DavidMorgan or the church office.

  • Bring & Share Lunch is on this Sunday - All are welcome.

  • Planned Giving Envelopes are now available from the table in the foyer.
  • If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, don’t forget to collect them from the table in the foyer. The leaflets need to be delivered by Sunday 13 October.
  • There is no 4.30 program during school holidays.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 Sep 2019

  • No 5.30 worship this Sunday 29 September.
  • Planned Giving Envelopes are now available from the table in the foyer.
  • If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, please collect them from the table in the foyer.
  • There is no 4.30 program during school holidays.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 21 Sep 2019

GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 Sep 2019

  • Please note that the September meeting of Church Council has been delayed to October 2.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 7 Sep 2019

GWUC Headlines for w/e 31 Aug 2019

  • Church Council met this Wednesday Aug 28, and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20190828. Please contact the office if you would like a paper copy.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 24 Aug 2019

  • Church Council meets next Wednesday Aug 28.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 Aug 2019

GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 Aug 2019

  • Synod have issued a pastoral letter regarding the Uluru Statement from the Heart for congregations to consider.

  • The Light Lunch is on this Sunday 11 August at 12.30pm. All are welcome.
  • Come and celebrate 10 years of The Hub - Wednesday 14 August at 10am. All donations to research into Parkinson's Disease.
  • A reminder that Munch with a Bunch replies are due 19 August. Please return replies to Faye Wagon or they can be left at the church office.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 Aug 2019

  • Council is considering nominating for the MissionPilotProcess. Comments are welcome to DavidMorgan.

  • Adult Group are meeting this Friday 2 August at 8pm
  • Bring & Share Lunch is on this Sunday 4 August at 12pm. Please bring a plate of food to share. All are welcome.

  • Don't forget - NO 4.30pm or 5.30pm service at GWUC this Sunday 4 August - instead we will be meeting in the GWUC car park at 5pm on that day and carpooling to hear Jools speak at Murrumbeena Uniting Church. All are welcome!

  • Further information about these and other events can be found in the Weekly Bulletin.

  • Presbytery Newsletter is available.

HeadLines (last edited 2024-09-07 06:30:23 by DavidMorgan)