Differences between revisions 8 and 11 (spanning 3 versions)
Revision 8 as of 2016-02-26 04:17:37
Size: 1939
Editor: DavidMorgan
Comment: Restoring revert
Revision 11 as of 2016-03-06 01:22:54
Size: 2140
Editor: JohnHurst
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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 * Rev Neil Peters  * Rev NeilPeters
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Treasurer will provide a summary on the the 2015 final outcomes. - Ashley Irvine Treasurer will provide a summary on the the 2015 final outcomes. - AshleyIrvine
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  * For the visioning process, please see VisioningProcess2014   * For the visioning process, please see VisioningProcess2014 and the links on that page.
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  * For the presentation to be made at the meeting, please see [[attachment:VisioningProcess2014/MinistryTeamMakeUpForCongMeet.pdf|presentation to Congregational meeting]]
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 * Concerns regarding the shortage of people for steward rosters- Lynne Boyer  * Concerns regarding the shortage of people for steward rosters- LynneBoyer
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Link to > CongregationMeetingReports > CongregationalPage




to be held in the Worship Centre at 11:30am on Sunday 6th March 2016 - following the 10:00am Combined Worship service - Lunch to be served by Inclusive Community following the meeting.


1. Welcome and Apologies

2. Prayer and Devotion

3. Election of Chairperson

  • Rev Neil Peters will chair the meeting to elect a new chairperson

4. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 24th November 2015

See CongMeetingMinutes20151124

5. Matters arising from the previous Minutes

  • Unfilled Role of Presbytery Representative - Susan Karoly has offered to fill this role. Meeting Endorsement and thanks required.
  • Church Lighting Upgrade.

6. Correspondence

7. Presentation of Financial Statements for year 2015

Treasurer will provide a summary on the the 2015 final outcomes. - AshleyIrvine

8. Reports and Recommendations

8.1. Church Council Vision

8.2. COP report/recommendations

  • Outreach Committee to recommend COP Committee membership - Rev Neil Peters

9. Other Business

  • Concerns regarding the shortage of people for steward rosters- LynneBoyer

10. Benediction

  • Chairperson


CongMeetingAgenda20160306 (last edited 2016-04-09 13:19:36 by DavidMorgan)