Link to CouncilAgenda20230123 > CouncilMinutes20230123 > CommunicationsCommittee
Communications report Jan 2023
While the Integrated Social Media and Streaming Presence project specified by Church Council remains a priority of the Communications Committee, little progress was possible in 2022 because we were unable to find a person in the congregation willing to take the lead on this project at our end. Anthony Costa in Sydney has been contacted and he is keen to help us. He has the right skills, but there is no point in engaging him until we have someone in the congregation to work with him and then carry on supporting our on-line ministry environment. We will try again in 2023.
The Communications Committee would like at least two new members. The committee needs at least one new member with a passion for using social media as a communications channel. The committee needs at least one new member with a passion for keeping the web-site design contemporary.