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Communications Committee


Monday, 11 Feb 2013, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Room 2

1. Attendance and Apologies


Apologies: JohnHurst, VidaFoo

2. Confirmation of the agenda

Minutes of the previous meeting are at CommunicationsMinutes20121210

3. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

4. The future of the GWUC Facebook site

5. Easter Cards and Outside Notice

6. Unmet Communication Needs

7. The GWUC Web Site

We have input from the Hub. They would like the home page, at the bottom to list the Community Hub in the "About Us" column, with the "Groups" column having Cooee, Leisure Time and The Hub listed, and in the "Children's and Families" Column having Playgroups and Story Hub listed. The Community Hub page would list the groups in the Community Hub, and then each of these groups would have a page. These pages would link from the Community Hub page and also from the separate groups listed in the "Groups" column and the "Children's & Families" column.

8. Next meeting

9. Other Business

Policy for notices on the Carpark notice board

Weekly Bulletin insert policy

Hub reducing report writing - plan to include comprehensive reports for the monthly bulletin every two months, not monthly.

10. Closure

Meeting close no later than 9:30pm


CommunicationsAgenda20130211 (last edited 2013-12-14 04:36:50 by JohnHurst)