Worship Service translations into your own language:

If you would like to enjoy our Sunday morning worship, you can get subtitles in English or your own language, YouTube offers that option when you are not watching our services live. This service seems to become available about an hour after the end of the service.

On your Computer (not tablet or phone) follow these instructions and you will be able to watch and read the services in your language of choice.

Go to our church YouTube channel - https://www.youtube.com/channel/UCiWX-WVai6wcQ9pLxon1Geg

Select the service you wish to watch with translated subtitles;

Click on the “COG” or "Gear" at the bottom right of the service you have selected;


Click on “Subtitles” and turn them ON by selecting ‘English auto-generated;


Then click on Auto Generated again and select "Auto-Translate”


Select the language you prefer.


Return to the Video
You will hear the English version, but see across the bottom of the screen an instant translation to your language of choice.

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Feedback on how well this works is welcome to <wikimasters AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

Thanks to WarrenGreenwood

YouTubeTranslation (last edited 2022-12-02 09:00:47 by DavidMorgan)