Monash Recycling Centre

Questions about recycling arising from the 2023 fete were directed to the Monash City Council by WarrenGreenwood and DavidMorgan

On 2023 Nov 1, Kirsty Green, Manager Sustainable Monash wrote:

Hi Warren,
All books (paperback and hardback) are accepted as free items at the Recycling and Waste Centre. I apologise for any information you received that did not reflect that. This issue has been addressed with all staff to reiterate free book acceptance, as part of our continuous improvement team training program.
Commingled recycling refers to any item that is accepted in the recycling bin (yellow). If you are ever in doubt, our A-Z guide to recycling is a fantastic tool that will help you to understand what can and can’t be recycled and where it can go.
Scrap metal refers to any item that is substantially metal such as a hot water system, oven, microwave, bike, metal drums and metal roof sheeting. The example of a metal frying pan with cords and dials removed is scrap metal. This issue has also been reiterated with all staff (including weekend staff).
White goods that are accepted as free refer to appliances such as tumble dryers and washing machines. These are accepted as scrap metal.


Hi David,
Thanks for your email. E-waste items that are free to everyone are part of the National Television and Computer Recycling Scheme (NTCRS). These include computers, laptops, TVs, printers and fax machines. All other e-waste items are free for Monash residents. For non-Monash residents, charges apply for e-waste items not covered in the NTCRS scheme. I appreciate you taking the time to point out that this info is not super clear on our website. We are going to update it shortly to better reflect how it all works. Thanks for your help!
Kind regards,

The Recycling Centre web page as on 2023 Nov 1.

MonashRecyclingCentre (last edited 2023-11-01 08:18:14 by DavidMorgan)