Link to CouncilAgenda20220421 > Council Minutes20220421


Neil’s Report

The ministry team have been very pleased with the feedback that we have received as a result of using the resource “Full to the Brim” developed by SanctifiedArt for Lent and Easter. People have responded well to the liturgy, the art, the poetry, and the message themes. The Thursday afternoon Bible Study was well worth trying. The numbers looking at the recording were solid. Neil has decided to run another study series in July.

The holy week services were led by Ross, Di, Susan and Neil and each was different and capably led. All holy week services were live streamed as was the Seniors service. We want to thank the Tech team for their wonderful support and enthusiasm offered to the ministry team and worship leaders.

Both the Good Friday and Easter Sunday service were well attended. The ministry team tried to balance creative and reflective, tradition and technology, the Biblical story and the story of our lives as well as the opportunity for participation. We feel the services came together and worked well for people. Selwyn Allen donated the rose petals. We do get good support from our members when we ask something of them or they offer. We get great support from Joanne in the office, musicians, singers and FreeSpirit as well as the tech team. I do want to acknowledge the wonderful Installation in room for Holy week and Easter. Thanks to MichaelBoldiston who installed the rails. Alanee and Joanne who developed the thoughtful and reflective Installation using our resource material.

The Indonesian Fellowship anniversary and praise and worship afternoon was a great success.

DanielSihombing is intending to test a call to ordained ministry through the Uniting Church selection process this year. The church council will need to meet with Daniel, hopefully in May or early June, to reflect, listen and discern with Daniel about his Call to ministry. The church council will need to fill in a form answering several questions and submit this to the Presbytery Secretary. It will be interesting changing gears to come back to multiple services. Alanee and I have been able to work collaboratively and with trust in each other to offer the 10 am service live streamed. The change to multiple services will bring change to how we work. I conducted the funeral service for Trevor Scott at the Springvale chapel.

I am taking one week’s annual leave from 28 May.


Di's report

Easter is always a busy time and this year has been no exception. Added to that I was away for the week before Holy Week at a Gril Guide Camp. This was a very successful event but note to self is not to do a very busy camp before Easter as it was a little more challenging to recover.

I attended the Lay Preachers Conference, which was an excellent time of training with amazing guest speakers. I have now finished my time as Presbytery Rep on the Lay Preachers Association.

I attended Presbytery on ZOOM and also met with Craig Mitchell regarding Lay Preachers. I presided at a funeral for a lady at Sandringham UC and have done my last morning service for Sandringham as they now have long term supply.

I attended the UCAF meeting and it was good to catch up with a number of people. I have also visited and phoned a number of people.

I was able to help with Pancake Day but unfortunately it was not well attended but we did raise some money for Share. I also attended the MLDC meeting on ZOOM.

Holy Week was a busy but thoughtful time and it was an honour to lead the Tuesday night service and to share with Neil in the Maundy Thursday Service. Good Friday and Easter Sunday at Black Rock seemed to go well and it was good to plane these services and share in leading them with Greg Fry.

I have continued to walk with girls at Jells Park and catch up with the boys at GOMER.

I will be on leave from the 18th April till the 25th April.

MinistryTeamReport202204 (last edited 2022-04-18 00:17:26 by DavidMorgan)