To be held in the Church at 11:30am on Sunday 6th March 2022 - following the 10:00am Combined Worship service.

A printable version of this agenda and key documents is attached.


1. Welcome and Apologies


2. Prayer

3. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 14th March 2021

The minutes of the March meeting of the congregation are at CongMeetingMinutes20210314

4. Reports and Recommendations

4.1. Ministry Team Report

Some good news about some of our programmes (for information)

4.2. Church Council Report

Discussion of future ministerial team plans as reported to the congregation on February 6th

Discussion of 2022 Re-Visioning as presented to the congregation on February 6th.

Proposed Resolution. This meeting of the congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church agrees to adopt the projects prepared and presented by the Church Council concerning:

1. Welfare,

2. Program of Intercultural and Intergenerational Events,

3. Digital Ministry and

4. Outreach to the Glen Waverley Community.

4.3. Finance Report

Treasurer or delegate (for information).

4.3.1. 2021 Finance Report

The Treasurer has prepared a report summarising the 2021 results.

Church Council and Finance Committee have confirmed the annual Financial Statements and Accounts as at 31 December 2021.

Proposed Resolution: This meeting of the Congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the Accounts as presented and approves forwarding to our Auditors and then to Presbytery.

Proposed by KenCoutts, GWUC Treasurer

4.3.2. 2022 Budget

Information concerning the budget is contained in the attached letter and clarification. Noteworthy is that the budget is tight and that Offering Receipts are a problem.

The Congregation is advised that Church Council have prepared and approved a proposed budget for 2022.

Proposed Resolution: This meeting of the Congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the Budget for 2022

Proposed by KenCoutts, GWUC Treasurer

4.3.3. Endowment Fund

The Endowment Fund is outside the GWUC Financial Accounts and had a balance of $68,140.11 at the end of 2021. A summary of the account and relevant transactions is attached.

4.4. People and Culture Report

A report updating the congregation from the People and Culture Committee is attached.

5. Congregational Outreach Projects

Proposed resolution: That the funds from the 2022 GWUC Fete be allocated according to the 2021 COP Panel's recommendations. These are that funds should be distributed to the following groups: The GWUC Welfare Committee, Friends of Baguia ( Timor Leste), Friends of Ermera (Timor Leste), Diocesan Project Jagriti Bhalai Kendra ( Northern Eastern India).

6. Other Business

6.1. Marriott Bequest Picture Window Update

At the meeting of the congregation in March 2021, the attached proposal was considered to apply a bequest from the late Irene Marriott "which is to be used by the Church for a project or improvement approved by my Trustees as being an acknowledgement of the connection and support of my late husband Fred Marriott and myself with that church."

John Snare to summarise what has happened since the last meeting.

Proposed resolutions:

1. The congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the proposal to apply money from the Marriott bequest create a work of art on the wall at the south end of the entry foyer (above the foundation stones).

2. The congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the proposal to apply money from the Marriott bequest create a work of art on back-lit glass.

3. This Glen Waverley Uniting Church congregation calls for volunteers to progress the Marriott Bequest picture project, building on the proposal presented to the congregation in March 2021.

6.2. Any other Business

7. Benediction

CongMeetingAgenda20220306 (last edited 2022-03-05 05:19:34 by JohnSnare)