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Comment: link to Presbytery Prayer Calendar page directly
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Other links are on the RosterVestry page. |
Link to > RosterVestry > ChurchRosters
Vestry Duties - Prayers of the People
The person rostered for Vestry duty takes the Prayers of the People (Intercessary prayer) in the 9:15 and 11am services
The minister rostered for each service will contact the volunteer concerned well in advance to give the theme for the service. The wiki is also programmed to send reminders to those mentioned on the Vestry Roster page (note: this only works if your home page includes your email address).
If you are unable to prepare and lead these prayers for any reason, please arrange a replacement. Available people are listed at VestryPreferences. Because the wiki reminder program uses the current roster page, if you do make a swap, you are asked to update the Roster page appropriately.
Useful resources for preparing prayers are:
PreparingAndLeadingPrayersForOthers - a document prepared by RossMackinnon. (Discussed at Elders in 2010, see EldersMinutes20100714.)
- “Seasons of the Spirit” – GWUC subscribes to this. This resource is based on the Lectionary we use and provides useful ideas for worship throughout the year. The folder is in the Office. Relevant pages may be photocopied.
- News papers. - click on the day concerned and look at “Online Worship and Liturgy Resources”. This website provides material from around the world, including Australia. - each week, a different Church of Scotland minister provides ideas for prayers and worship for that Sunday.
Other links are on the RosterVestry page.
Remember to include time for prayer for those listed in the prayer book in the foyer.
Conclude with the Lord’s Prayer (unless it is Communion).
A useful tip – 100 words = 1 minute of time, approximately.
Ross Mackinnon
Elders’ Convenor
11 February 2010
Some Past Prayers
JohnHurst has included his prayers here as a possible resource for others - feel free to add your own!
(This table is an index to WorshipPrayersPeopleText)
Date |
Who |
Prayer |
2016 |
Nov |
20 |
2014 |
Aug |
24 |
2014 |
Jul |
27 |
2014 |
Apr |
20 |
2013 |
Dec |
01 |
2013 |
Sep |
01 |
2013 |
Jul |
14 |
2013 |
Mar |
24 |
2013 |
Mar |
17 |
2013 |
Feb |
17 |
2012 |
Oct |
14 |
2012 |
Sep |
16 |
2012 |
Sep |
09 |
2012 |
Jul |
01 |
2012 |
May |
26 |
2012 |
Apr |
29 |
2012 |
Mar |
18 |
2012 |
Feb |
19 |
2012 |
Jan |
22 |
2011 |
Oct |
09 |