Differences between revisions 12 and 20 (spanning 8 versions)
Revision 12 as of 2014-09-21 01:46:26
Size: 972
Editor: DavidMorgan
Comment: Added link to meeting minutes.
Revision 20 as of 2016-02-24 06:12:43
Size: 1220
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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In mid 2014, Council undertook a visioning process. Beginning in mid 2014, Council undertook a visioning process.
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Details are available in Council minutes, linked from CouncilPage, but a summary is provided here. Details are available in Council minutes, linked from CouncilPage, but a collection of documents is provided here.
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 * [[attachment:VisioningIdeasToCouncilJuly.pdf|Report from Focus Groups to Council July meeting]]
 * [[attachment:VisioningIdeasToCouncilAug.pdf|Report as refined by a subcommittee incorporating the July meeting, presented to a special Council meeting in August]]
 * [[VisioningIdeas3|Report as refined after the special meeting for regular August meeting of Council]] and presented to the [[Congregational Meeting of 31 Aug 2014]]
 * [[attachment:VisioningIdeasToCouncilJuly.pdf|Focus Group ideas]] to Council July meeting.
 * [[attachment:VisioningIdeasToCouncilAug.pdf|Organic Vision]] as refined by a subcommittee incorporating the July meeting, presented to a special Council meeting in August.
 * [[VisioningIdeas3|Organic Vision revised]] after the special meeting for regular August meeting of Council and presented to the [[CongMeetingMinutes20140831|Congregational Meeting of 31 Aug 2014.]]
 * [[Visions2014Presentation|Presentation of the Organic Vision]] to the [[CongMeetingAgenda20141109|Congregational meeting of 9 Nov 2014.]]
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The current Vision Document for comment is at VisioningIdeas3. Please read and provide your feedback, either by add your comments to VisioningIdeasFeedback, or by sending comments to any member of council, or to the ChurchOffice. Arising from this were deliberations and facus groups on how to structure the ministry team to fulfill the vision.
 * [[attachment:MinistryTeamConsiderationsR.pdf|Organic Ministry Team Document Nov 2015]]
 * [[FocusGroup201602|Notes from Focus Group meeting 24 Feb 2016]]

Visioning Process 2014

Beginning in mid 2014, Council undertook a visioning process.

Details are available in Council minutes, linked from CouncilPage, but a collection of documents is provided here.

Arising from this were deliberations and facus groups on how to structure the ministry team to fulfill the vision.

VisioningProcess2014 (last edited 2018-10-22 05:54:06 by DavidMorgan)