
Uniting Voices

The wiki page for the Glen Waverley Uniting Church Choir. This page is no longer being maintained, as the choir has folded.

Very Sad Note

On 8 Aug 2020 we received the sad news that our dear conductor, Lyn Bromage, passed away after a short illness. We are all very saddened by the news, as Lyn had rescued the choir from closing down, and her patience and tenderness with the choir had brought us a new lease of life, even though we have been shut down by Covid. Her husband, Alan, joined her in the afterlife on 20 Oct 2020. He missed her so much.


You MUST watch this. It is so about why choirs are important. John Rutter on Choir Singing

2020 Proprosed Programme

Choir practice starts at 8pm SHARP so please be on time. You are encouraged to be there at 7:45pm for socializing and chatting before the rehearsal proper starts.

See what music we have sung and when at the Choir Music by Date Sung page (up to 2011), or on the wiki at ChoirPreviouslySung2017 (and back to 2010). A record of what was sung in 2018 was not kept.














Grant Us Thy Peace


sheet music






Make My Life an Alleluia


sheet music






(title unknown)






Come to the Table of the Lord

and that was it. Covid-19 put a stop to subsequent UnitingVoices contributions to Sunday worship for the remainder of the year

And ever. Susan Karoly endeavoured to breathe some new life into the choir in March-May 2021, but by then too many people had migrated ("jumped ship"?) to FreeSpirit, and UnitingVoices was left with 2 bases, no tenors, 2 altos and 4 sopranos. The last performance was on 16 May 2021, when the (abbreviated) choir sang an arrangement of Cesar Frank's Panis Angelia. There was a note of thanksgiving at the morning services on 20 Jun 2021 for the work of UnitingVoices.

Our New Anthem

(Tune: Immortal, Invisible)

Immoral, impossible, God only knows
How tenors and basses, sopranos, altos
at service on Sunday are rarely the same
as those who on Thursday to choir practice came.

Quite chatty, and social, the sopranos talk out,
Uncaring that even the conductor must shout
to teach all the others their parts and their pitch
but sopranos chat on with their blame and their bitch.

'Tis good that the sopranos have only the tune,
To sing all the high notes, as high as high noon,
But give them a descant to sing harmony
Their lack of sight reading is easy to see.

The altos, oh bless them, are seldomly heard
In spite of conjoling to sing like a bird,
But 'tis no matter, their music is plain
They sing the same notes all over again.

The tenors, their numbers, tho' really quite few,
Aspire to sing high notes with pitch that is true,
But sadly, the outcome is never quite that,
They sing rather loudly but always so flat.

Obstreperous basses, they sing in their boots,
With rumbling great voices that sure are not flutes
In the back stalls they rumble and grumble and moan,
When practice is over they rush to shoot home.

Some basses are late with their big booming voice
But they get offended when we pick on their noise
So we have to remember that they are only boys,
Who would rather go home to play with their toys.

Unready, unable to sight read the notes
nor counting, nor blending, they tighten their throats
the descant so piercing is soaring above,
a melody only a mother could love.

They have a conductor, but one wonders why,
No one in the choir ever turns her an eye.
It's clear by her flailing, she wants them to look
but each singer slouches with nose in the book.

Despite the offences, the music rings out,
the folks in the pew are enraptured, no doubt,
their faces are blissful, their thoughts appear deep,
but it is no wonder, for they are asleep.

Previously Sung

For a list of works we have previously sung, visit the ChoirPreviouslySung page.

Choir Information

Background information on and for the choir is available on the ChoirInformation page. A list of members is at UnitingVoicesGroup.


UnitingVoices (last edited 2021-09-01 06:17:56 by JohnHurst)