Link to SafeChurch

Safe Church Training Program

October 2022

You will then be sent an email with a link to the training and a user name and password to use. The password needs to be changed. The follow the instructions to complete all seven units" of "module 1".

August 2022

Synod wrote:

We are very pleased to announce that we are now able to make new and updated safe church training available across the Synod.  This has been developed nationally within the UCA for training across Australia, and we encourage all appointed leaders to complete this training. 

Our preferred option is that people register for the online training module, with UnitingLearning We will then work to upload people to the online learning system, and let them know via the email each person will provide on the form.  This system will then provide each leader who completes the training with a training certificate.

Individual training form:

Note that this link is to register for training, not to actually do it.

March 2021

We are now advised that the new training is not expected to be available until mid year

From 2021

Culture of Safety report to Feb 2021 Synod includes:

A core principle of being a safe church is making sure our leaders are well resourced and understand the principles and practices of child safety. Safe Church Training is a key way we seek to live out this principle. It is three years since the most recent version of Safe Church training began, using a train the trainer method. This meant new leaders could be trained locally in a timely way and that appointed leaders across the Synod have undertaken this important training. We thank those who facilitated this training -either in a congregation or presbytery, including those who adapted the training to deliver it remotely. In planning new Safe Church Training for 2020, conversation with the NSCU and the other synods led to an agreement to develop national Safe Church Training that will meet the National Child Safe Principles (as well as the Victorian Child Safe Standards). The Culture of Safety Unit has worked with the NSCU and representatives from other synods to develop a number of Safe Church Training modules that will be available from late February 2021. The primary mode of delivery will be via the Assembly Learning Management System (LMS). This will allow anyone required to compete this training to do this online at their own pace, at a time that suits them. The LMS will keep a record of who has successfully competed training. All active ministry agents and most appointed leaders will be required to complete this training during 2021. The Culture of Safety Unit will provide advice on who has to complete what modules and when once the training program is finalised.

Pre 2021

Synod Safe Church Training resources