Link to ChurchRosters > RosterWelcomersDuties > RosterUnavailable > RosterHospitalityPrevious
Your roster coordinator is JanClear.
From 18 April 2021 we will have people designated as welcomers and they will be in the foyer and have a special badge and there will be a larger version of the badge which will be clearly visible from either side of the foyer. (no table). There will be two welcomers for 9.15 and two for 11am and they will be on duty for two or three weeks. Neil will explain details on Sunday and we hope to start on 18 April.
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2025 |
Jan |
5 |
10.00am |
School holidays. Communion. |
Jan |
12 |
10.00am |
School holidays. |
Jan |
19 |
10.00am |
School holidays. |
Jan |
26 |
10.00am |
School holidays. |
Feb |
2 |
10.00am |
Communion. Backpack Blessing |
Feb |
9 |
10.00am |
Feb |
16 |
10.00am |
Feb |
23 |
10.00am |
Mar |
2 |
10.00am |
Communion. |
Mar |
9 |
10.00am |
Mar |
16 |
10.00am |
Mar |
23 |
10.00am |
Mar |
23 |
10.00am |
Mar |
30 |
10.00am |
Apr |
6 |
10.00am |
School holidays. Communion. |
Apr |
13 |
10.00am |
Palm Sunday. School holidays. |
Apr |
18 |
09:30am |
Good Friday |
Apr |
20 |
10.00am |
Easter Day. School holidays. |
Apr |
27 |
10.00am |
May |
4 |
10.00am |
Communion. |
May |
11 |
10.00am |
May |
18 |
10.00am |
May |
25 |
10.00am |
Jun |
1 |
10.00am |
Communion. |
Jun |
8 |
10.00am |
Jun |
15 |
10.00am |
Jun |
22 |
10.00am |
Jun |
29 |
10.00am |
Jul |
6 |
10.00am |
School holidays. Communion. |
Jul |
13 |
10.00am |
School holidays. |
Jul |
20 |
10.00am |
School holidays. |
Jul |
27 |
10.00am |
Aug |
3 |
10.00am |
Communion. |
Aug |
10 |
10.00am |
Aug |
17 |
10.00am |
Aug |
24 |
10.00am |
Aug |
31 |
10.00am |
Sep |
7 |
10.00am |
Communion. |
Sep |
14 |
10.00am |
Sep |
21 |
10.00am |
School holidays. |
Sep |
28 |
10.00am |
School holidays. |
Oct |
5 |
10.00am |
School holidays. Communion. |
Oct |
12 |
10.00am |
Oct |
19 |
10.00am |
Oct |
26 |
10.00am |
Nov |
2 |
10.00am |
Communion. |
Nov |
9 |
10.00am |
Nov |
16 |
10.00am |
Nov |
23 |
10.00am |
Nov |
30 |
10.00am |
Advent 1. |
Dec |
7 |
10.00am |
Advent 2. Living nativity service. Communion. |
Dec |
14 |
10.00am |
Advent 3. Multicultural Christmas celebration. |
Dec |
21 |
10.00am |
Advent 4. |
For previous allocations, see RosterHospitalityPrevious, RosterWelcomeTable2013, RosterWelcomeTable2012, RosterWelcomeTable2011
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