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See also CommunionInstructions for recent updates. |
Link to > RosterCommunion > CommunionPreferences
See also CommunionInstructions for recent updates.
Communion Duties
Communion Team
- The first named worship partner on the roster is the team leader and they are responsible for procuring the bread.
- Only Gluten Free bread is used.
- Please place a whole slice of bread on a silver tray for the presiding minister to break.
- Check freezer before purchasing bread as there is often some stored there), and for setting up the Communion Table. (Wine is provided.)
Each leader must contact and remind other worship partners in their team of their impending duty and if necessary seek their assistance in setting up for Communion.
The team leader must also contact the Minister/Presider at least two days before his/her duty Sunday to ascertain which form of communion distribution will be used in the service. Three main forms are used -
- Serving the people in their seats. Diced pieces of bread and glasses are needed for this;
- The people go to the front and are served diced pieces of bread and wine in glasses;
- The people go to the front and are offered a diced piece of bread to dip in the cup. No glasses are needed for this form and the pieces of bread need to be large enough to dip - e.g, at least 2cm square.
Communion Ware and Wine
- Chalice and Silver plates are kept in the cupboard in the Vestry (for security reasons).
- Glasses, glasses trays, spare grape juice and wine pourers are kept in the kitchen centre island cupboards.
- 2 wooden bowls for collecting wine glasses during communion services where the people go to the front and are given bread and a glass are stored in the Vestry cupboards together with the silverware. Paper towelling is to be used for lining the bottom of each of the wooden bowls to deaden the noise of empty glasses hitting the wooden bowl. Roll to be stored with bowls.
- Tablecloths are stored in a black plastic hang bag with the Minister's albs and stoles in the Vestry cupboard.
- Grape Juice - stocks of communion wine are kept in a cupboard in Office, the one nearest to the door under the window. Do not keep unused juice - it should be discarded after the service.
Preparing the Elements
Elements should be provided for the following congregation numbers:
8.00 am |
45 |
9.15 am |
100 |
11.00 am |
100 |
The Bread
- All bread provided should be gluten free (GF), to ease the difficulties for people with gluten intolerance.
- Provide one 1 unbroken slice of [gf] bread . Place on silver plate.
- Place diced bread on:
- 1 plate for the 8.00am service
- 4 plates for 9.15am service
- 4 plates for 11.00am service
- The pieces of diced bread for the services where the bread is dipped should be big enough to be dipped in the chalice - e.g., at least 2cm square. No glasses are needed for services where the bread is dipped.
The Wine
- Grape juice is stored in the kitchen cupboard with the glasses, however, please check the refigerator for partially used containers before opening a new bottle.
- When filling the glasses don't forget to put some wine in the chalice. Only a small amount is required for services where glasses are used. For services where the bread is dipped, the chalice should we well-filled as the level drops quickly when the people dip their bread into it.
- At the conclusion of the service, all unused grape juice in the glasses and chalice must be discarded and poured down the sink.
- The number of trays for the glasses is to be assessed from the congregation numbers stated, and remember that the capacity of the trays varies from 25 to 32 glasses.
- For services where people come to the front and glasses are used, place the two wooden bowls at the extreme ends of the two centre front pews. These are for collecting the empty glasses, and should have a paper towel placed in each (see above).
Preparing the Table (9.15 and 11.00am services)
- Place the table cloth on the Communion table.
- The seasonal fall is not required.
- Place the Bible lectern in the back corner of the table.
- The elements should then be placed on the table.
- Check with the presiding minister whether the second cloth is to be used to cover the elements. This will be removed during the service and replaced at the end.
- Ensure that there is enough space at the rear of the table for the minister's book.
- Store spare wine trays and empty trays (11.00am service only) on shelf under communion table.
- Set up the dishwasher.
Worship Partners' Duty during Communion Service
- Please assemble in vestry 15 minutes before the service starting time for instructions and clarification of procedures to be adopted in serving the elements.
- When distributing the bread say to each person 'The Body of Christ broken for you' or 'The bread of life', or similar. When serving the wine, say 'The blood of Christ poured out for you', or 'The Cup of Hope', etc..
- worship partners may sit anywhere in the congregation before coming forward for the communion service.
- At the conclusion of the service, and after the bible has been carried out, follow the minister up the centre aisle to the doors.
- Please assist with the clearing of the elements and empty glasses from the sanctuary, and with the washing up afterwards.
Cleaning Up
After the service:-
- Clear the Communion Table and wipe clean if necessary. Replace seasonal table fall, Bible lectern and candle.
- Wash and dry glasses, chalice, wooden bowls etc, and return to appropriate cupboard.
- Store any unused wine in refrigerator.
- Inspect the cloths and if stained, would the leader please take home and soak in cold water as soon as possible. (Dab White King liquid on stubborn stains prior to washing.) Ensure that they are returned in time for the next Communion Service.