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== Beyond Corona Virus ==
A collection of material about the church beyond the COVID-19 shutdown.
== Opening after Corona Virus ==
An ongoing collection of material about opening the church buildings beyond the COVID-19 shutdown.
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=== Letter from GraemeFrecker May 18 ===
 There's no doubt that our patterns of gathering and worship have been seriously disrupted by the Coronaviral pandemic.<<BR>>
 Our thanks to all who have joined together to recreate worship services and devotions and displays that are inspiring us (even though we miss close contact). When life circumstances change so rapidly, and so substantially, the responsible ones face a major challenge. You have done marvellously well in dealing with that challenge. You have brought us new insights of the faith, and innovative ways of presentation. Thanks.

 My hope is we will all commit to considering the next step - where would Jesus be leading us after coronavirus? As Christians gather again, what will socially-distant worship look like? Where to go from here? .........in faith, in community service, and in Glen Waverley's role within the Uniting Church?

 "I came that they (each one of us!) might have life, and have it to the full", Jesus said.<<BR>>
 Will we return to things as they were pre-pandemic ?<<BR>>
 Are our current 'Future Directions' strategies still appropriate for a 'new normal' living and our community's needs?

 What will we look for in worship, in community service? <<BR>>
 Would we prefer virtual meetings in matters of faith?<<BR>>
 Will we reduce the number of worship services?<<BR>>
 Should we develop the pastoral role of small groups?

 In five years what might be the character of our congregation - more young families? singles? more immigrants? asian students? older people unable to attend meetings?
 Is our congregation 'a good fit' with our people catchment?

 These are some of the questions that we should explore. Together we ought to have found the clear Mind of the Spirit as we emerge from the restrictions of the pandemic.<<BR>>
 How will Congregation and Council help me explore these issues?

 Peace to all,

=== Comments from DavidFraser May 18 ===
[[attachment:GWUCActivitiesGroupsBeyondIsolationStrategy.pdf| Some notes prepared by DavidFraser for Council]]
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Notes to come. ==== Background ====

On May 20th Neil, Joanne (office), David Morgan (Safe church/ CC secretary), Glyn (CC chair) and Warren (Property) [Re-opening Task Group – possible name] met to consider and plan for re-opening of the church complex.
This followed extensive consultation with Synod and Presbytery.

Church council’s responsibility and role is outlined below by the Presbytery.

 ||The core message this week is that church councils are responsible for careful planning and implementation of safe practices, well before opening up our buildings, running church gatherings in homes, or restarting pastoral visitation. The Presbytery, and the Synod, are encouraging congregations to keep their members safe rather than rushing into opening up our buildings. (Port Phillip East Presbytery: ‘Preparing for the transition period’ Zoom Meeting 15 May). ||

 Please read above and a number of other relevant documents before our meeting. They have been attached above.<<BR>>

 We also read:

 [[https://www.insights.uca.org.au/values-and-principles-in-the-midst-of-a-pandemic/|Values and principles]] (courtesy of John Squires, Canberra Region Presbytery)

  Gathering for worship is important, but safety of people is more important.<<BR>>
  Safety of people is more important than income.<<BR>>
  Weakest or most vulnerable are the test for any decision we make<<BR>>
  Relationships with others are our first priority.<<BR>>
  Loving our neighbour takes priority over programs and activities<<BR>>
  We have a commitment to the common good—the good of all people in society<<BR>>
  We need to ensure the safety of vulnerable people in leadership (ministry leaders, both ordained and lay)<<BR>>
  (Port Phillip East Presbytery: ‘Preparing for the transition period’ Zoom Meeting 15 May).

==== Notes from meeting on May 20th ====

===== When are we able to re-open the church? =====
  Presbytery continues to recommend all meetings/ groups meet on-line<<BR>>
  Now to end of May – legally 0 groups because more than 10<<BR>>
  Church Council to reconsider possibilities when government regulations are relaxed and Presbytery sees safer way forward.

===== Process for groups to re-open =====
   1. Single point of approval: CC to approve
   1. Apply to CC in writing
   1. Between CC meetings CC to delegate re-opening decisions to working group – Neil, Glyn (CC Chair), David Morgan (Safe Church), Warren (Property), Joanne (Office) [Re-opening Task Group]

  After approval Property Committee Chairperson and Office Manager will communicate directly to group leader re requirements

  Notice sent to all group leaders to outline requirements e.g.<<BR>>
  For each gathering Leader personally responsible for recording attendance details, ascertaining numbers, ensuring no one unwell, cleaning afterwards, etc.<<BR>>
  Toilets high risk: need to be cleaned after every group uses.<<BR>>
  Kitchen closed; review when appropriate<<BR>>
  Discourage vulnerable people from putting themselves at risk<<BR>>

===== CLEANING =====
  Before opening building to groups: deep clean over 2 weeks<<BR>>
  2 stages:
   1. Property (Fairlie) to organise roster of volunteers – in small groups – 5-6 (?) at a time
   1. Then professional cleaners do toilets

  When complex reactivated and groups are back:
   1. Each group cleans toilets/ door handles, etc after each use (Like a shift change in a workplace) – entrances are high risk because all pass through.
   1. Toilets cleaned commercially 6 days per week

===== WORSHIP: some ideas/ possibilities from meetings with presbytery =====
  * Shorter services
  * Singing and choirs problematic because breath projected and spreads more virus.
   * singing or hum?
  * Serious thought will need to be given to the practicalities around consecutive worship services

===== HIRE GROUPS =====
 start later

===== Staffing of office =====
 Suggested Joanne return to office when church groups operating<<BR>>
 If they begin in smaller numbers, consider returning part time

==== Recommendations to CC ====
From this group.
  1. As we are one congregation, we should not recommence worship until circumstances make it possible for all services to begin
  1. Complex remains closed – no usual activities
  1. Groups such as, UCAF, Badminton and Table Tennis, Playgroups, Friday Bible Study, Choirs, LeisureTime, Men’s Group, Cooee, Hub not to commence until after state laws allow meetings of groups up to 50 people, but Church Council will also decide based on age of guests, volunteers, high risk individuals and support persons. Space requirements per person also relevant.
  1. Prioritise the vulnerable
  1. Each Church Group must seek permission to recommence and when approved the Office manager will issue instructions for that group. Church Council to consider all Synod recommendations on risk and age.
  1. Authorise Re-opening Task Group to manage between CC meetings
  1. Involve Communications Committee using all channels
   1. Need to help everyone understand where we are
   1. Design and create signage, forms, etc before re-opening

Glyn Howells<<BR>>
Church Council<<BR>>
Glen Waverley Uniting Church<<BR>>
20 May 2020

=== Government update 24 May ===

One politician's summary of the changes included:<<BR>>
Frustratingly, the legal directions which underpin these changes are yet to be released by the Victorian Government, which makes it difficult to answer detailed questions about their impact. I expect they will be posted [[https://www.dhhs.vic.gov.au/victorias-restriction-levels-covid-19|here]] closer to June 1 when they take effect.

Link to CouncilAgenda20200528 > CouncilMinutes20200528

Opening after Corona Virus

An ongoing collection of material about opening the church buildings beyond the COVID-19 shutdown.

1. Synod advice May 14

  • Duncan Mcleod wrote:
    • This afternoon we received a letter from the Moderator encouraging us as UCA congregations to carefully consider the ways in which we will maintain the safety of our members, even while the Victoria Government begins the loosening of restrictions related to COVID-19. I have attached the two associated documents prepared by the Synod that help us prepare for the time when we do start meeting in person and visiting our members again. I remind you that the General Secretary Mark Lawrence yesterday strongly advised congregations not to start meeting in person this Sunday. Please read through the current Frequently Asked Questions document, and the Checklist for Congregations.
  • VIC-COVID-FAQs-May-14.pdf


2. Notes from Synod Zoom meeting May 15

3. Meeting of Property / Ministry / Council representatives May 19

3.1. Background

On May 20th Neil, Joanne (office), David Morgan (Safe church/ CC secretary), Glyn (CC chair) and Warren (Property) [Re-opening Task Group – possible name] met to consider and plan for re-opening of the church complex.

This followed extensive consultation with Synod and Presbytery.

Church council’s responsibility and role is outlined below by the Presbytery.

  • The core message this week is that church councils are responsible for careful planning and implementation of safe practices, well before opening up our buildings, running church gatherings in homes, or restarting pastoral visitation. The Presbytery, and the Synod, are encouraging congregations to keep their members safe rather than rushing into opening up our buildings. (Port Phillip East Presbytery: ‘Preparing for the transition period’ Zoom Meeting 15 May).

    Please read above and a number of other relevant documents before our meeting. They have been attached above.
    We also read:

    Values and principles (courtesy of John Squires, Canberra Region Presbytery)

    • Gathering for worship is important, but safety of people is more important.
      Safety of people is more important than income.
      Weakest or most vulnerable are the test for any decision we make
      Relationships with others are our first priority.
      Loving our neighbour takes priority over programs and activities
      We have a commitment to the common good—the good of all people in society
      We need to ensure the safety of vulnerable people in leadership (ministry leaders, both ordained and lay)
      (Port Phillip East Presbytery: ‘Preparing for the transition period’ Zoom Meeting 15 May).

3.2. Notes from meeting on May 20th

3.2.1. When are we able to re-open the church?
  • Presbytery continues to recommend all meetings/ groups meet on-line
    Now to end of May – legally 0 groups because more than 10
    Church Council to reconsider possibilities when government regulations are relaxed and Presbytery sees safer way forward.

3.2.2. Process for groups to re-open
  1. Single point of approval: CC to approve
  2. Apply to CC in writing
  3. Between CC meetings CC to delegate re-opening decisions to working group – Neil, Glyn (CC Chair), David Morgan (Safe Church), Warren (Property), Joanne (Office) [Re-opening Task Group]
  • After approval Property Committee Chairperson and Office Manager will communicate directly to group leader re requirements

    Notice sent to all group leaders to outline requirements e.g.
    For each gathering Leader personally responsible for recording attendance details, ascertaining numbers, ensuring no one unwell, cleaning afterwards, etc.
    Toilets high risk: need to be cleaned after every group uses.
    Kitchen closed; review when appropriate
    Discourage vulnerable people from putting themselves at risk

  • Before opening building to groups: deep clean over 2 weeks
    2 stages:

    1. Property (Fairlie) to organise roster of volunteers – in small groups – 5-6 (?) at a time
    2. Then professional cleaners do toilets
    When complex reactivated and groups are back:
    1. Each group cleans toilets/ door handles, etc after each use (Like a shift change in a workplace) – entrances are high risk because all pass through.
    2. Toilets cleaned commercially 6 days per week

3.2.4. WORSHIP: some ideas/ possibilities from meetings with presbytery
  • Shorter services
  • Singing and choirs problematic because breath projected and spreads more virus.
    • singing or hum?
  • Serious thought will need to be given to the practicalities around consecutive worship services

  • start later

3.2.6. Staffing of office
  • Suggested Joanne return to office when church groups operating
    If they begin in smaller numbers, consider returning part time

3.3. Recommendations to CC

From this group.

  1. As we are one congregation, we should not recommence worship until circumstances make it possible for all services to begin
  2. Complex remains closed – no usual activities
  3. Groups such as, UCAF, Badminton and Table Tennis, Playgroups, Friday Bible Study, Choirs, LeisureTime, Men’s Group, Cooee, Hub not to commence until after state laws allow meetings of groups up to 50 people, but Church Council will also decide based on age of guests, volunteers, high risk individuals and support persons. Space requirements per person also relevant.

  4. Prioritise the vulnerable
  5. Each Church Group must seek permission to recommence and when approved the Office manager will issue instructions for that group. Church Council to consider all Synod recommendations on risk and age.
  6. Authorise Re-opening Task Group to manage between CC meetings
  7. Involve Communications Committee using all channels
    1. Need to help everyone understand where we are
    2. Design and create signage, forms, etc before re-opening

Glyn Howells
Church Council
Glen Waverley Uniting Church
20 May 2020

4. Government update 24 May


One politician's summary of the changes included:
Frustratingly, the legal directions which underpin these changes are yet to be released by the Victorian Government, which makes it difficult to answer detailed questions about their impact. I expect they will be posted here closer to June 1 when they take effect.

OpeningAfterCoronaVirus (last edited 2022-03-09 11:13:17 by DavidMorgan)