Link to CouncilAgenda20221017 > CouncilMinutes20221017


Neil’s Report

The reality is about to hit for life in the ministry team without Alanee. It will be great to come together on Sunday 16th October to celebrate Alanee’s significant ministry at GWUC. I feel we are prepared as well as we can be going forward. Also knowing there will be things that slip past because Alanee was not here to do them and we didn’t see them. The ministry team will be working to ensure the volunteers in youth and children and families ministry, and the 5 pm service etc all feel supported. Alanee has good arrangements in place for the rest of this year.

It did look like we might get supply ministry from late October through till Christmas but this did not proceed. Presbytery are well aware of our need. I am mindful that we still have a team here while other congregations have nothing if they don’t have supply. It is also not straight forward to bring someone in and require them to work with our theme for Advent and Christmas. So, the Presbytery does not have an option for us right now and will seek to find supply from February. But this will also depend on where we are up to in the placements process.

It is now confirmed that we will move to our own house on the 5th January 2023. This is an exciting development for us. I will take annual leave from Tuesday 3 January returning to work Monday 23rd January. I attended on zoom a Synod retirement seminar last week. I was reminded that I should give three months notice of my retirement date.

I have participated in two online training seminars. One on conducting outdoor worship and the other offered by the Presbytery on Advent and Christmas resourcing.

The ministry team took the opportunity to have a “thank you” dinner with Alanee.

There have been pastoral conversations, meetings and Presbytery/Synod commitments. I continue to meet with my supervisor on a fairly regular basis.

Planning for Advent and Christmas is underway and is shaping up as follows


Di’s Report

I have continued to meet with and walk with the GOWERS at Jells Park and also catch up with the GOMERS at the Church. I have been somewhat pre-occupied with caring for a friend and her family as she has travelled the last part of her journey with brain cancer. But I have continued to visit people and make heaps of phone calls. As part of my role on the Presbytery Pastoral Committee, I have had some meetings to plan interviews and to interview perspective Pastors. I had my second cataract surgery and am delighted with the result, I can almost see through steel!!

Attended a Women in Lay Ministry meeting with Anneke. I also attended UCAF and met with a ministry colleague as we support one another in our ministries. Attended a Worshiping Resource PD, which focused on Christmas with new ways of doing Christmas. Attended an Inter-Faith service at St Paul’s for climate change. The way forward for Black Rock is still going through discussion and decision making. We will have a congregational meeting in early November to work towards our way forward. It was very exciting to be involved in the marriage of a couple from Black Rock, it was a very happy occasion.

Pastoral Care

MinistryTeamReport202210 (last edited 2022-10-15 00:59:38 by DavidMorgan)