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Revision 1 as of 2021-11-10 03:35:53
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Editor: DavidMorgan
Revision 2 as of 2021-11-10 03:38:01
Size: 1229
Editor: DavidMorgan
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A discussion about GOMER post lockdowns, we think.

Link to GomerInfo

Possible futures for GOMER after Nov 2021

A discussion about GOMER post lockdowns, we think.


  • Yes, we are finally reopening our dine-in restaurant on Friday! We will, however, be keeping the restaurant dine-in hours as Wednesday to Sunday, with takeaway and outdoor seating available 7 days a week.

David Morgan

  • We could move indoors if we changed our day of the week. Happy to receive comments.
    Or continue to meet outdoors while the weather is (or should be) more amenable.
    I plan to continue the Zoom as long as there is demand for it.

Ross Mackinnon

  • I'll stick with Zoom until we can go indoors safely.

John Tuininga

  • I feel that the existing arrangement has fractured our Group somewhat.
    If another day of the week was chosen, in my instance, I would prefer a Wednesday or Friday morning.

John Hurst

  • Wednesday would be my choice. Can’t do Fridays.

Lindsay Brown

  • My preference would be to continue Mondays outside until 2022.
    I am available Thursdays every week. If Friday I would miss one week a month.
    Wednesdays do not suit me for indoors.

GomerPossibleChanges (last edited 2022-02-14 02:08:25 by DavidMorgan)