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Possible futures for GOMER after Nov 2021

A discussion about GOMER from November 2021, post lockdowns, we think and hope.


David Morgan

Ross Mackinnon

John Tuininga

John Hurst

Lindsay Brown

Colin King

John Snare

Doug Newberry

Robert Wood

Anthony Edwards to Madelines

Madelines to Anthony

David Morgan

John Hurst

David Morgan

Robert Wood

Bill Norquay

John Tuininga


Andrew Manolitsas

Anthony Edwards to Madelines Dec 7

Hi Jess,

There is a lot of discussion going on in our group about changing our venue on a Monday morning, which most people do not want to do but feel that they probably have to because of Madeline’s closure on Mondays and Tuesdays.

A possible solution occurred to me today while I was sitting at one of your outside tables about 10.00 a.m., at which time it was extremely busy and there was nowhere near enough seating room for many.

How about opening the restaurant for seating purposes only? Patrons would still have to buy their drinks from the kiosk window, and then simply walk inside and sit at one of the tables. This would not involve any extra staff at all, and the only involvement of staff I can think of would be the possible cleaning of tables. A prominent sign stating that patrons must clear and wipe their tables before leaving would help substantially.

Please give this suggestion your careful consideration, because I cannot really think of any practical reason why it could not be followed, and if patrons know that they will have somewhere to sit, particularly in inclement or cold weather, you may well in fact increase your revenue.



Madelines to Anthony

Hi Anthony,

Thank you for your email.

I appreciate your well thought out possible solutions to the challenge your group is currently facing.

Whilst in theory, your idea may just well work, current COVID Government regulations stipulate that a COVID Marshall would need to be present to monitor check-in's and vaccination status' for anyone dining indoors. The only way we can get around utilising outdoor seating with the current setting we have is that it is indeed just outdoors.

Furthermore, whilst your faith in the customers we have mirrors ours in regards to cleanliness, we could not have unsupervised patrons inside our restaurant, given there is open access to alcohol on the wine rack and other valuable equipment in there.

My sincerest apologies are extended to you and your group for how this may influence your feelings, but we will not be reopening our indoor dining on Monday's and Tuesday's for all the reasons outlined in my previous email.

Once more, I'd like to thank you for your understanding and patronage during a determinedly difficult and unsettling time for all.

Thank you, and kind regards,

Jess Blackwell

David Morgan



DavidMorgan 14 Feb 2022

Hi Gomers,

After 4 weeks, it is time to evaluate the new GOMER arrangements.
We have been getting typically 12 present at church, who are mainly very regular.
The coffees have been coming as quickly as they did at Madelines, and have been adequately hot.
The walk is not as nice as Jells Park, but walking from church saves driving between venues.
Setting up and packing up has not been onerous.
The Zoom session is still available, but typically only getting two participants, as far as I am aware.

I would invite comments and suggestions, particularly on:
What can we do to encourage greater participation on both venues?
How can we improve the experience for those who are coming?



GomerPossibleChanges (last edited 2022-02-14 02:08:25 by DavidMorgan)