This is the Calendar of events for various fund raising purposes.
The Church budget assumes that $10,000 will be raised from events with a figure in the Church column. Other events are either to raise funds for external purposes, or as social events. Note that this calendar is NOT meant to replace the church calendar, see the church events calendar.
NOTE: If you are planning an event, please ensure advance notice of the event to Church Council (as soon as possible, please, even if dates are not settled). You should also notify the Fund Raising Coordinator, VidaFoo, to allow her to advise on timing and to make sure your event is added to the Events Calendar. Booking is based on a "first come, first served" basis.
Date |
Weekday |
Event |
Organisers |
Contact person |
Funds Raised |
Church |
Other |
Other Fund Name |
Feb |
23 |
Sat |
Italian Night (tbc) |
Fund Raising Gr |
? |
Mar |
2 |
Sat |
Book Fair |
Gold FISH & Book Gr |
? |
Devonshire Tea |
Eileen Scott |
? |
27 |
Sat |
Asian Dinner (tbc) |
Fund Raising Gr |
? |
May |
26 |
Sun |
Concert with Monash Chorale (tbc) |
Uniting Voices |
? |
? |
Monash Chorale |
Jun |
15-16 |
Sat-Sun |
Craft Exhibition (tbc) |
? |
Sep |
1 |
Sun |
Concert |
? |
Oct |
19 |
Sat |
Fete |
All |
? |