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Faith Development Mission Group


The FaithDevelopment Missional Group was formed to help people both within and beyond the GWUC congregation in their spiritual journeys individually and communally. All who want to learn more about developing their relationship with God's Divine Presence are welcome in our community.

Our aims are:

  • Encouraging and facilitating opportunities for people of all ages to grow and develop their relationship with God and its impact on their life in an ever-changing society.
  • Empowering people to share their faith questions and providing safe places for people to wrestle with these questions.
  • Listening to what people are 'seeking' and empowering and resourcing them to search for answers.
  • Encouraging people to seek opportunities at all times to share their faith and help those around them to grow in their spiritual journey.

1. Meetings








Previous reports are archived at FaithArchives

2. Members of the Faith Development Group

A list of members is held at FaithGroup

3. Latest News

There are a number of groups currently studying the New Season Major Strategic Review bible study series.

The BibleStudy groups page lists those bible study groups that meet on a continuing basis.

The FaithGroup has installed a Write On Me Please Board, also known as the WOMP Board or FaithWompBoard. During the GrowingGenerousGivers preparation the FaithGroup also developed a plan for 2013 (see Faith Development Aims poster)

A recent column on FaithAndDoubt by Clare Boyd-Macrae makes for interesting reading.

4. What's Happening in the Community of Faith

5. Other Faith Resources


FaithDevelopment (last edited 2025-01-20 03:47:41 by JohnHurst)