Differences between revisions 4 and 31 (spanning 27 versions)
Revision 4 as of 2010-04-18 06:17:13
Size: 2289
Editor: JohnHurst
Comment: add link to CouncilPolicies: AppropriateMusic: Psalm ref.
Revision 31 as of 2022-03-09 04:01:15
Size: 1656
Editor: JohnHurst
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== On Appropriate Attire in Worship Services ==

Church Council would not want to turn away '''any''' person from the saving grace of God. Accordingly, Council believes that it is neither appropriate nor acceptable that it should regulate a dress code for attendance at worship services.

Having said that, Council would urge all regular attendees to take into consideration the feelings of others in the congregation when they do dress to attend worship. If we recognize that some articles of clothing (or lack of them!) may upset others, and distract them from their devotions, we may choose to be more discreet in what we wear.

The words of Jesus in the Sermon on the Mount may also be worth keeping in mind: "So why do you worry about clothing? Consider the lilies of the field, how they grow: they neither toil nor spin; and yet I say to you that even Solomon in all his glory was not arrayed like one of these."

== On the Use of Music in Worship Services ==

Church Council does not wish to interfere in any way with the joyous outpouring of praise to God in worship services. Consequently, it does not wish to impose any standards of musical performance. Rather, what we seek is a communal celebration of that inner joy that comes from worshipping in concert and in harmony with others. It does not matter what the notes are - rather it is the spirit with which it is offered unto God.

All of our worship should be thus directed, and the only times in which attention is focussed upon individuals or groups is where there is an intercessory, welcoming or celebratory component - such as for the sick, or new arrivals, or special anniversaries. Clapping should be reserved for such occasions, not to praise the performances (or otherwise) of groups or individuals for worship activities offered unto God. "Make a joyful noise ''unto God''" (Psalm 66:1 - ed. emphasis)
 * MarriagePolicy.
 * CodeOfConduct and ChurchCouncilCodeOfConduct. ''Adopted CouncilMinutes20140422.''
 * Congregational SafeChurchCommitment adopted 2018. PolicySafePlaceForKids adopted 2003. ChildSafePolicy2010.
 * [[CommunicationsCalendarPolicy | Calendar Policy]] ''draft only: not yet considered by CommunicationsCommittee''
 * ElectronicCouncilCommunications ''not a policy, but this document sets out the motivations for electronic communications with the church''
 * EmailEtiquetteGuidelines ''draft only: under consideration by CommunicationsCommittee''
 * EndowmentFundRules2018 modified CouncilMinutes20180228 from [[CouncilEndowmentPolicy|EndowmentPolicy]] which was approved CouncilMinutes20110216
 * PrivacyPolicy ''appproved'': CouncilMinutes20100915, item 4.6
 * CouncilElectionProcess2012 (actually a Congregation responsibility, but included here for completeness)
 * ChurchDatabase (includes policy) adopted 2010: sets out the conditions for the use and administration of the church database
 * MinistersTelecomsAllowance. Ministerial telecommunications payments.
 * [[CouncilMinutes20130416#AlcoholPolicy|Alcohol policy]]. Affirmed April 2013.
 * SupportingOutsideEvents: a draft policy on approaches to fund raising for bodies outside the church.
 * [[FirstAidTrainingPolicy|First Aid training]]

Policies for the Regulation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church

This page is intended to be a compendium of all church council policies (and also such policies of the congregation as determined by groups under the aegis of the Church Council).


CouncilPolicies (last edited 2022-03-09 04:01:15 by JohnHurst)