The new church council

2013 Election Timeline

The Ballot for election of Church Councillors for 2013 will occur in the Special Meeting of the Congregational on Sunday the 25th of August, 2013. Ballot papers will be handed out at the meeting.

Nomination Forms

These will be available from Sunday 14th July and at anytime until Wednesday 7th August, 2013. Everyone in the congregation is encouraged to prayerfully consider, identify and make nominations.

Each nomination requires:

Information session

A information session will be held at the church on Sunday the 21st of July, 2013 at 2/8pm clarifying the new roles of the church council.

Nominations close

On Wednesday 7th August, 2013. These may be returned to the Church Office until the end of that date.

Nominations received

Will be posted from Thursday 8th August to Sunday 25th August, 2013. Photographs of nominees will accompany the nomination details.

Church Council Elections

Will be held by written ballot during a Special Meeting of the Congregation on Sunday the 25th of August, 2013 followed by a light lunch and after a combined service at 10am.

Warren Bartlett
Chair of Congregation
Neil Skilton
Congregation Secretary


CouncilElections2013 (last edited 2013-07-12 01:53:53 by JohnHurst)