Held in the Church at 12:00pm on Sunday 19th November 2023 - following a shortened 11:00am worship.
1. Welcome
The chair (JohnSnare) welcomed members of the congregation, sought and received approval to record the meeting for the purpose of assisting with preparing the meeting minutes, and reminded those in attendance on the protocol for using the orange, yellow and blue cards.
2. Prayer
NeilPeters opened the meeting in prayer.
3. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 30th July 2023
The minutes of the July meeting of the congregation are at CongMeetingMinutes20230730. These minutes were confirmed by concensus.
4. Election of Church Councilors
The chair explained the reasons for delaying an election for 2024 church councillors until March 2024. He noted that the 2023 ChurchCouncil has agreed to continue until the election. The most likely election date is 17 Match, 2024. This is the week after the Getaways weekend and the week before Palm Sunday. The date will be confirmed after discussion with the ministerial team in January.
5. Reports and Recommendations
5.1. Ministry Team Report
Some good news about some of our programmes (for information).
NeilPeters highlighted:
- how the Hub morning teas have recovered after the covid years and are now well attended;
the enthusiatic work done by AnnetteWojak and WendyPepper with the childrens Sunday Squad;
- and previewed the Advent and Christmas special programmes.
ChrisWaddell commented on:
- the fete, as a wonderful community as well as funds raising event, as his introduction to our congregation;
- how well volunteers were doing with the youth group; and
- the scale of the pancake breakfasts we run at the Glen Waverley Secondary College each week.
5.2. Church Council Report
DavidMorgan presented the ChurchCouncil report, observing that ChurchCouncil chair AlisonClarkson and Courch Council member WendyPepper were both attending Synod.
He highlighted the following.
ChrisWaddell is settling in following his well-received his induction service in which children and youth participated with contributions from the band and Free Spirit.
IanFerguson is coming soon; he is moving-in on January 2nd, his first service will be January 21st ; and his Induction Service will be on Sunday February 4th at 2pm.
- Remoun, new Welfare Coordinator was introduced to the congregation by video on Sun 22 Oct. We are fortunate to someone with his experience.
- David thanked the JNC and the People and Culture Committee for the work they did culminating in Chris, Ian and Remoun joining us.
- Preparations are well in hand for the ‘Cutting of Ties’ service for Neil Peters. For catering, please put you name on the list on the Office counter.
Progress on funding appeal. . A year ago we committed to two full time ministers, and appealed for giving to fund them. 2023 is currently $25000 ahead of the same time in 2021, aiming for $30000 by the end of the year.
In the chart below, the red dots are 2021, the Blue dots are 2022, and the green dots are 2023 (so far).
A new Outreach & Social Justice Committee is in place. Outreach.
There are lots of opportunities to be involved, including giving, letter writing, Christmas gift shopping.The Glen Waverley High School Pancake program is receiving funds through LocalMatters at Grill'd for November. If you buy a burger at Grill'd in November and put the token you receive in 'our' jar', Grill'd will contribute to the costs of running our pancake programme.
5.3. Finance Report
5.3.1. 2024 Budget
WarrenGreenwood, on behalf of the Treasurer, presented the proposed budget for 2024. A summary is attached here.
Highlights are:
- giving is on track to meet the commitments we made last year concerning the ministry team;
- building hiring income covers property costs; and
- we are meeting our Mission and Service obligations as requested by Presbytery.
Resolution: This meeting of the Congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the Budget for 2024
Proposed by KenCoutts, GWUC Treasurer
Approved by Concensus (and acclamation)
WarrenGreenwood also presented related information on our accounts (assets, liabilities and total equity), and a related letter from the treasurer is attached here. The Treasurer can provide more detailed information on request.
JohnSnare thanked the treasurer and the FinanceCommittee for all the hard work that have done to prepare the budget and keep our accounts in good shape. NeilPeters reminded us that the Office Manager (JoanneBoldiston) also does lots of work in keeping our finance records in good shape.
6. Other Business
VidaFoo reported her observation that there are a number of people from Mainland China who visit us and would like to learn more about our faith. She asked the congregation to think about how we might best support these people. People with ideas should discuss with Vida.
JohnSnare appealed to those present to start thinking now about which of the people they know would be valuable members of the 2024 Church Council, and to talk to them with a view to accepting nomination when nominations open next February. He noted that we have lots of resources, but without people willing to serve on our ChurchCouncil, our congregation will not continue to be able to operate.
7. Benediction
JohnSnare closed the meeting in prayer.