Held in the Church at 12:00pm on Sunday 20th November 2022.

A printable version of the agenda and key documents is attached.


1. Welcome and Apologies

Apologies: LesleyArmstrong, EricArmstrong, RewaFeenaghty, BlairFeenaghty, JacquiKing, ColinKing, MargaretFraser, DavidFraser, SusanKaroly, BillMorgan, JeanetteCoutts.

Note: Since we do not record attendance, it is not clear why apologies are reported. Unless anyone comments otherwise, apologies will not be reported in future.

2. Prayer

NeilPeters opened the meeting in prayer.

3. Appointment of Chair

As advised at the March 2022 meeting of the congregation, nominations were sought for chair of meetings of the congregation for a period of five years. JohnSnare re-nominated. There were no other nominations.

Resolution: This meeting of the Congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church appoints JohnSnare as chair of meetings of the congregation for a period of five years.

Approved by Consensus

4. Confirmation of Minutes of Meetings held on 14th March 2022 and 11th September 2022

The minutes of the March meeting of the congregation are at CongMeetingMinutes20220306

The minutes of the September meeting of the congregation are at CongMeetingMinutes20220911

5. Report of Election of Church Councilors

The chair reported that, following an election on 6th November 2022, AlisonClarkson, VidaFoo, SusanKaroly, and WendyPepper were elected as Church Councillors for 2023. A report of the election is at CongMeetingReport20221106.

6. Reports and Recommendations

6.1. Ministry Team Report

NeilPeters reported on just a few of the activities in the life of the congregation under the following points.

The underlying theme was getting back to 'normal' after the disruption caused by Covid-19.

6.2. Church Council Report

GlynHowells presented the church council report.

  1. Church Council is advertising widely across Australia for two full time ministers.
  2. The JNC is working efficiently and quickly to fill the two ministerial vacancies, with applicatipns closing on November 30th.
  3. The congregation needs to increase giving by around 10% which is $30,000 per year or on average about $20 per month - about a cup of coffee per week - to achieve the ministry vision. This will allow us to be: inclusive across all ages, and support an ongoing commitement to children, families, youth, young adults, and intergenerational worship. Now it the time to make that commitment. Glyn acknowledged that some people will be unable to give more but hoped that others will be able to give more.
  4. Glyn has recently spent 18 days in North Sulawesi in Indonesia. He was impressed by how active the Christian Churches are and how, in North Sulawesi, the Christian Church is the very centre of Community life. Glyn proposed exploring opportunities for expanding our relationships with fellow congregations in North Sulawesi. If you want to know more, find Glyn and ask him. He will be only too happy to tell you of his experiences.
  5. There is going to be a spectacular Indonesian Christmas celebration in our church at 5pm on Decemeber 11th. Glyn urged us all to register and attend.

Following the Church Council report, the chair emphasised the importance of everyone reviewing their planned giving commitments now. At the September meeting of the congregation, the congregation approved a vision based on two full time ministers. There are some who think that we can't raise the necessary planned giving funds and some who think we can. Now is the time for us to demonstrate through planned giving commitment updates what we can do.

6.3. Finance Report

6.3.1. 2023 Budget

A summary of the proposed budget for 2023 is attached.

Resolution: This meeting of the Congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the Budget for 2023

Proposed by KenCoutts, GWUC Treasurer

Approved by Consensus

6.3.2. Endowment Fund

The endowment fund no longer suits the needs of the congregation. It is proposed to change the arrangements for bequests and the funds in the endowment fund. Infomation concerning background and recommended action is attached.

Resolution: This meeting of the Congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the following proposal.

  1. The Functions and Framework of our Current Endowment fund have been made largely obsolete through changes implemented through Synod as to the receipt and use of Bequests and gifts. All Bequests and gifts with defined tied actions and processes now being centralised through Synod Secretariat.

  2. Authorise FinanceCommittee to initiate actions to close the existing Endowment fund and develop processes for a new Endowment fund to enable receipt by GWUC of untied bequests. This Fund to be maintained within the GWUC.

  3. Agree to recommendations to close and terminate the existing Endowment Fund framework. Terminate the associated rules where capital received is/was assumed as perpetual capital and for interest to be available for projects progressed through ChurchCouncil and approved by the Congregation.

  4. Existing Endowment fund will be closed by approval from the congregation with funds to be transferred in total being Capital and Accumulated interest to a Reserve within the Equity Section of GWUC Balance Sheet from the date of the Congregation Meeting but not later than 31 December 2022.
  5. Confirm the development of a revitalised Endowment fund and associated rules, following the decision to cancel and close the existing fund, because its functionality/definitions have had been compromised by the Changes of Synod.
  6. Complete a formal letter to the existing Trustees thanking them for their involvement. This to be signed off by Chairperson of Church Council and Treasurer. There will be no Trustees under the new Fund because it will operate within the controls of GWUC Balance Sheet and the authority of Church Council and FinanceCommittee.

  7. Develop new rules for use of the Existing funds transferred from the independent Endowment fund to the Endowment fund reserve within GWUC Balance Sheet.
  8. Continue to complete independent Audit of the existing Endowment fund through our auditors Yates and Partners for the FinancialYear 2022.

  9. From 2023 year the Endowment fund will sit within our GWUC Balance Sheet and will be Audited as part of GWUC and not as a separate entity.
  10. Complete new definition and processes for a new Endowment fund. Undertake the development of a new detailed marketing profile for Bequests (untied) for presentation to GWUC congregation in early 2023.

Proposed by KenCoutts, GWUC Treasurer

Approved by Consensus

6.4. People and Culture Report

KenCoutts presented the attached People and Culture Report for information.

6.5. Property Report

WarrenGreenwood presented the attached Property Report for information.

7. Other Business

There was no other business.

8. Benediction

JohnSnare closed the meeting in prayer.

CongMeetingMinutes20221120 (last edited 2022-11-25 05:03:36 by JohnSnare)