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Held in the Worship Centre at 11am on Sunday 25th August, 2013.


1. Welcome and Apologies

HeatherHon, ThedaHowells, FionaLeister, JoelLeister, KerrynLeister, NeilLeister, FaySchroeter, BarbaraThompson.

2. Devotions

Led by Ross McKinnon, on the Prophet Samuel.

3. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on Monday 1st July, 2013.


4. Matters arising from the previous Minutes

4.1. Notice of Motion – Congregational Meeting Times

Already implemented in the date of todays meeting – thanks WarrenGreenwood for the initiative!

5. Correspondence

No correspondence received.

6. Report from JNC

Liz introduced the JNC and the outline of how the JNC has proceeded thus far. Before mentioning the name of the proposed minister of placement, she read out the main areas of the selection process. The congregation clarifying the leadership style and strategy/vision processes of Rev Neil asked a few questions. This was successfully answered through the information provided by Liz. Confidentiality was also asked for seven days of the entire congregation in attendance, even of other members of the church. This was for the sake of Neil’s current Congregation .

7. Presentation by Church Council Nominees

All eleven nominees proceeded to present.

8. Election of Church Councillors

Elections took place.

9. Other Business

9.1. Naming a Cow

We have been offered the privilege of naming a cow, given by LynMcDonald

9.2. Church Council

Spoken by John Hurst (outgoing Church Council Chair), who mentioned how we accept and affirm our new directions as a Congregation, and that we look forward in the hope of Christ. The outgoing Council wishes the incoming Council all hope and faith in Christ. John also assured that he and the current Council will do everything they can do to smoothen the transition of Councils. He then asked everyone to welcome the new Council together! Warren Bartlett and Neil Skilton will hold the first council meeting as current Chair and Secretary of the Congregation

9.3. Free Spirit Concert

Spoken by Vida Foo, mentioning a Free Spirit concert this afternoon!

9.4. Steering Committee

Brace Bateman spoke on an update in his role: Three tasks were set some months ago: one was to find a minister (today we’ve done that), one was to set a new church council (now we’ve done that), and the third was to have all the groups in our church to have time to spend on the community of love, and to grow spirituality. Today, he has been to 32 groups, and is looking for an invitation to the other 17 groups to help make the transition that Brace is seeking.

10. Benediction

11. Lunch