Size: 6773
Comment: minor rewordings
← Revision 22 as of 2014-06-16 07:46:23 ⇥
Size: 6763
Deletions are marked like this. | Additions are marked like this. |
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Meeting chaired by Graeme Frecker, Chair of the Congregation. | Meeting chaired by GraemeFrecker, Chair of the Congregation. |
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received from: JacquiKing, ColinKing, PamMcDonald, LynMcDonald, JohnKenez, WarrenBartlett, LorraineBartlett, AlanRobison, HeatherRobison, MerleRobinson, NeilLeister, RossMackinnon, KeithBoundy, GrahamPottenger, MeroldMilner, GraemeMilner, GeraldineFleming, RobertFleming, ElwynPederson, HelenBoucher, DavidBoucher, KayeMorgan. | received from: JacquiKing, ColinKing, PamMcDonald, LynMcDonald, !JohnKenez, WarrenBartlett, LorraineBartlett, AlanRobison, HeatherRobison, MerleRobinson, NeilLeister, RossMackinnon, KeithBoundy, GrahamPottenger, MeroldMilner, GraemeMilner, GeraldineFleming, RobertFleming, ElwynPederson, HelenBoucher, DavidBoucher, KayeMorgan. |
Line 20: | Line 20: |
Celebration and Diversity. Pictures were shown of activities at GWUC, whilst Roger Vass played the piano. She then led us in prayer. |
Celebration and Diversity. Pictures were shown of activities at GWUC, whilst RogerVass played the piano. She then led us in prayer. |
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Moved: John Hurst, Seconded, Margaret Williams. | Moved: JohnHurst, Seconded, MargaretWilliams. |
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<<Anchor(COP)>> | |
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Heather Hon gave this report, and acknowledged the work of Neil Leister and Alice | HeatherHon gave this report, and acknowledged the work of NeilLeister and Alice |
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Seconded: Michael Coles.<<BR>> | Seconded: !MichaelColes.<<BR>> |
Line 66: | Line 65: |
Seconded: Kaye Mackinnon.<<BR>> | Seconded: KayeMackinnon.<<BR>> |
Line 72: | Line 71: |
Seconded: Margaret Lemke.<<BR>> | Seconded: MargaretLemke.<<BR>> |
Line 75: | Line 74: |
The Chairman, Graeme Frecker thanked Heather, and the Selection Panel for their work.<<BR>> | The Chairman, GraemeFrecker thanked Heather, and the Selection Panel for their work.<<BR>> |
Line 79: | Line 78: |
Chair of Church Council, John Hurst spoke to a comprehensive PowerPoint | Chair of Church Council, JohnHurst spoke to a comprehensive !PowerPoint |
Line 89: | Line 88: |
John Hurst responded that he believed the matter to be confidential to the Council, and | JohnHurst responded that he believed the matter to be confidential to the Council, and |
Line 92: | Line 91: |
Graeme Frecker then read the “Statement of Employment”.<<BR>> | GraemeFrecker then read the “Statement of Employment”.<<BR>> |
Line 95: | Line 94: |
Irene Marriott then read a statement from members of Club 2011.<<BR>> | IreneMarriott then read a statement from members of Club 2011.<<BR>> |
Line 104: | Line 103: |
report given by JanClear – [[InclusiveRptCongJul2011|attached]].<<BR>> JohnHurst informed the meeting that JanClear is involved with 18 of the 70 groups at GWUC. The meeting responded with acclamation. |
report given by JanClear – InclusiveReport201107.<<BR>> JohnHurst informed the meeting that JanClear is involved with 18 of the 70 groups at GWUC. The meeting responded with acclamation. |
Line 109: | Line 107: |
report given by JudithGreenwood – [[HubRptCongJul2011|attached.]]<<BR>> Thanks to Judith for her delicious biscuits. The meeting responded with acclamation. |
report given by JudithGreenwood – HubRptCong201107.<<BR>> Thanks to Judith for her delicious biscuits. The meeting responded with acclamation. |
Line 114: | Line 111: |
Report given by BelindaClear – [[EldersRptCongJul2011|attached]] | Report given by BelindaClear – [[EldersRptCong201107|attached]] |
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Current representatives; John Hurst, Alison Clarkson, Brian Clarkson [deceased] | Current representatives; JohnHurst, AlisonClarkson, !BrianClarkson [deceased] |
Line 123: | Line 120: |
MichaelColes nominated JohnHurst.<<BR>> | !MichaelColes nominated JohnHurst.<<BR>> |
Line 132: | Line 129: |
Margaret Williams nominated Faye Wagon. Nomination declined.<<BR>> Alanee Hearnshaw nominated Neil Skilton, Seconded: Michael Coles.<<BR>> |
MargaretWilliams nominated FayeWagon. Nomination declined.<<BR>> AlaneeHearnshaw nominated NeilSkilton, Seconded: !MichaelColes.<<BR>> |
Line 135: | Line 132: |
Neil Skilton was appointed.<<BR>> | NeilSkilton was appointed.<<BR>> |
Line 140: | Line 137: |
Graeme Frecker’s term of office expired. Not re-nominating.<<BR>> There being no nominations this will need to be revisited at next meeting of the Congregation. The position remains vacant. |
GraemeFrecker’s term of office expired. Not re-nominating.<<BR>> There being no nominations this will need to be revisited at next meeting of the Congregation. The position remains vacant. |
Line 145: | Line 141: |
Greg Fry thanked Graeme Frecker and Faye Wagon for their service.<<BR>> | GregFry thanked GraemeFrecker and FayeWagon for their service.<<BR>> |
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---- CategoryCongregation |
Back to > CongregationalPage > CongregationMeetingReports
Held in the Worship Centre, 4 Jul 2011. Meeting chaired by GraemeFrecker, Chair of the Congregation.
The Chairman welcomed 72 members to the meeting. He advised the meeting there was a small adjustment to the Agenda, at the request of the Ministry Team. Their report will include the devotions.
received from: JacquiKing, ColinKing, PamMcDonald, LynMcDonald, JohnKenez, WarrenBartlett, LorraineBartlett, AlanRobison, HeatherRobison, MerleRobinson, NeilLeister, RossMackinnon, KeithBoundy, GrahamPottenger, MeroldMilner, GraemeMilner, GeraldineFleming, RobertFleming, ElwynPederson, HelenBoucher, DavidBoucher, KayeMorgan.
given by RosemaryCarter, who read from Romans, and spoke about Celebration and Diversity. Pictures were shown of activities at GWUC, whilst RogerVass played the piano. She then led us in prayer.
Rosemary, Greg and Alanee all spoke, and gave focus to the people at GWUC developing their relationship with each other. How do we see our church? How do the team lead a congregation of this size? We are a community of faith – doing something together. Worship, Outreach, Inclusive Community, The Hub, Faith, - all encourage people to grow in faith.
of the meeting of March 22, 2011 were taken as a true record.
Moved: JohnHurst, Seconded, MargaretWilliams. [A comment from the floor - re the absence of Minutes being sent electronically. – The Secretary will follow this up].
HeatherHon gave this report, and acknowledged the work of NeilLeister and Alice Barelli who met with all the applicants to gather a fuller understanding of their chosen projects.
Heather then spoke to a comprehensive PowerPoint presentation and gave details of all the projects recommended by the selection panel.
Details of these projects are here.
- Friends of Baguia Inc [East Timor] $3,600
- Habitat for Humanity Australia [Vic] Inc $4,500
- Hotham Mission Asylum Seeker Project $2,500
- Mission in Action [Kenya] $7,400
- New Hope Counselling $1,500
- Rubaga Youth Development [Uganda] $ 500
- Total $20,000
Heather then put the following motions to the meeting:
8.1. Motion 1:
“That the total proceeds from the 2011 GWUC fete are allocated to COP Projects”.
Seconded: MichaelColes.
There were no questions.
Carried by consensus.
8.2. Motion 2:
“That the proceeds are allocated as per COP Panel Recommendations”.
Seconded: KayeMackinnon.
There were no questions.
Carried by consensus
8.3. Motion 3:
“If proceeds are less than $20,000, re-allocation of funds is at the discretion of the COP Selection Panel:.
Seconded: MargaretLemke.
There were no questions.
Carried by consensus
The Chairman, GraemeFrecker thanked Heather, and the Selection Panel for their work.
The meeting responded with acclamation.
Chair of Church Council, JohnHurst spoke to a comprehensive PowerPoint demonstration, which showed the work of the Council for the first half of 2011. There were questions asked and answered:
- Debbie Davey’s placement finished, at her request, at the end of April 2011.
- 9.30 service – Community of Faith to undertake a review of services, including 9.30 service, during August.
A graph showing attendances at the various services was shown.
- The Office Manager position.
Irene Marriott sought permission to speak to the meeting.
Irene spoke of her concern at Wendy Wyatt’s departure from the office, and asked that the Church Council re-visit the decision.
JohnHurst responded that he believed the matter to be confidential to the Council, and it was not appropriate to open it for discussion at the meeting.
Wendy’s contract ends on August 31st, 2011.
GraemeFrecker then read the “Statement of Employment”.
Position will be advertised within a matter of weeks, and Church Council Executive will organise a selection panel.
IreneMarriott then read a statement from members of Club 2011.
Statement tabled, available at CongMeeting4Jul2011Tabled01.
10. “ON THE WAY TOGETHER” – intentions for Mission 2011
10.1. Community of Faith
report prepared by ColinKing circulated to meeting and available on wiki at FaithCongReport201107.
10.2. Inclusive Community
report given by JanClear – InclusiveReport201107.
JohnHurst informed the meeting that JanClear is involved with 18 of the 70 groups at GWUC. The meeting responded with acclamation.
10.3. The Hub
report given by JudithGreenwood – HubRptCong201107.
Thanks to Judith for her delicious biscuits. The meeting responded with acclamation.
Report given by BelindaClear – attached
Given by JohnHurst
Current representatives; JohnHurst, AlisonClarkson, BrianClarkson [deceased] All positions declared vacant.
Nominations called for.
MichaelColes nominated JohnHurst.
DavidMorgan nominated AlisonClarkson [subject to her acceptance on her return from overseas].
JohnHurst and AlisonClarkson were duly appointed. The meeting responded with acclamation.
DavidMorgan moved, RosemaryCarter seconded, "that Church Council have responsibility to seek to appoint a third representative". Carried by consensus
This position was declared vacant.
MargaretWilliams nominated FayeWagon. Nomination declined.
AlaneeHearnshaw nominated NeilSkilton, Seconded: MichaelColes.
No further nominations received.
NeilSkilton was appointed.
The meeting responded with acclamation.
This position was declared vacant. GraemeFrecker’s term of office expired. Not re-nominating.
There being no nominations this will need to be revisited at next meeting of the Congregation. The position remains vacant.
GregFry thanked GraemeFrecker and FayeWagon for their service.
The meeting responded with acclamation.
The Benediction was said together.