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Meeting held at 8:00pm, Monday 30 Nov 2009
The Chairperson of the Congregation, Graeme Frecker, chaired the meeting.
1. Welcome
The Chairperson welcomed 93 members to the meeting. APOLOGIES were received from: Margaret Walker, Bruce Walker, Lorraine Bartlett, Warren Bartlett, Robert Fleming, Neil Graham, Barbara Hurst, Murray Allen, Norma Allen, Carolyn Blakemore, Elwyn Pederson, Graham Lockhart, Dorothy Lockhart, Brian Clarkson, Tom Gyles, Kaye Morgan, Sue Morgan, Laurel Muir, John Muir, Colin King, Cynthia Chin.
2. Devotions
were given by Graeme Frecker who challenged us with: ‘What brings you here?’ ‘Why did you come?’ Another meeting! More talk! Where are we going? Graeme read to us Matthew 16: 13-24.
Jesus says ‘get on with it’, pick up the cross, pick up the task that falls to you, for my sake and for the gospel. Graeme led us in prayer.
3. Minutes of Previous Meeting
of the meeting held 12th August, 2009 were taken as a true record.
Moved: John Hurst, Seconded: David Morgan.. Carried
4. Matters Arising
4.1. Election of Church Councillors
Although not strictly arising from the minutes, the Chair advised the meeting that following the Ballot held on Sunday 29th November, 2009 to elect members to the Church Council, the following people received overwhelming support and are duly elected to the council:- Dean Mann, Margaret Williams, Jan Clear. The meeting responded with acclamation.
4.2. Beverly McGlead – Chair of Church Council
addressed the meeting, and extended appreciation to John Hurst who took over as Acting Chair of Council, following Beverly’s inability to continue due to a health issue. John did a wonderful job and Beverly gave sincere thanks. The meeting responded with acclamation.
5. Correspondence
A letter from Toolangi & Castella Bushfire Recovery Garden Group was read to the meeting. A certificate of appreciation was received and presented to Lyn McDonald as part of the Outreach Group of this church. The meeting responded with acclamation.
6. Ministry Team Report
Reports given by Rev. Greg Fry, Alanee Hearnshaw, Alison Dingwall. Alanee Hearnshaw
- reflect on the year which has been good.
- NCYC - January
- Kombi Crew breakfasts at GW Secondary College
- State Youth Games
- Small groups – popular
- Evening services – well received
- Kenya mission – youth are enthusiastic
- Youth camp went well
- A number of ‘hands on’ projects – cleaning up backyards, bushfire support, blood donations, Glen Waverley festival.
Alison Dingwall
- Senior’s Services – well received
- Outreach to nursing homes continuing
- Support team functioning well – special thanks to Lois Hosking for organising the afternoon teas for the Senior’s Services
- Alison attended a 2 day seminar at CTM
- Alison continuing study towards Lay Preaching.
Greg Fry
- Greg reflected on the ministry here at GWUC over the past 31/2 years and how some of it has been a hard journey, but the future is hopeful – we need to “live out” our Generous Givers, and “On the Way Together”, and pull together in 2010 – together we can travel on the journey that God gives us.
7. Report from Presbytery - Port Philip East Presbytery
GWUC has three representatives: John Hurst, Brian Clarkson, Alison Dingwall. John Hurst reported that the Presbytery still struggling to find its way as a larger geographic presbytery, and reflected upon the journey travelled so far. There are two interns, Julie Ross, Martin Ryan – working towards ordination. Presbytery welcomes feedback from the congregations. The Chair extended thanks to John, Brian and Alison.
8. On The Way Together
Reports were given by: Ross Mackinnon – Community of Faith
Jan Clear - Inclusive Community
The Hub - Judy Fry
Outreach - Lyn McDonald
Copies of the written reports available from Congregation Secretary
9. Reports and Recommendations from Church Council
9.1. Roger Vass – Growing Generous Givers
Roger spoke to a Powerpoint presentation.:
- Number of active pledges increased by about 11%
- Weekly amount pledged increased by about 21%
- Average pledge increased by about 8%
Bad news/Good news: We did not reach our target! The outcome has led to the largest increase in pledged giving for many years. We can go forward with the mission goals of our congregation. Questions were asked and answered. The Chair expressed thanks to Roger and team for their effort in achieving
the outcome. The meeting responded with acclamation.
9.2. Composition of Ministry Team for 2010 and beyond.
John Hurst spoke to a powerpoint presentation and highlighted some of the key points made at the Elders/Church Council workshop held on July 4.
Informal conversations have been held with Presbytery about extending current supply until 30th June, 2010.
To move to a full time replacement takes time, and the earliest we could expect full-time Minister of the Word would be mid year 2010.
A “Call Committee” [not a Selection Committee] would prepare a Placement Profile.
The following recommendation was moved, John Hurst, seconded Warren Greenwood.
Following a positive outcome from Growing Generous Givers, although not sufficient to do all that we had hoped, there is opportunity to move the ministry team mix and mission forward in accordance with previously agreed Church Council & Elders plans, and as presented to the congregation at our last gathering.
That the congregation be thanked for their generosity and response to the mission plans of the congregation. As a consequence of the funding achieved, the following ministry team funding and mix be implemented. This is in addition to the previously agreed extension of Supply ministry to 31st January 2010 (Rev. Ineke Gyles & Alison Dingwall) as a FTE 1.0.
That the congregation be advised the funding for the Children's & Families coordinator will be available to 30/6/2010.
- That the congregation be advised that funding for the Seniors Ministry coordinator will be extended to 30/6/2010.
- That Church Council recommends we approach Presbytery to extend the Supply placement to 30th June 2010 as a PTE of 0.5
- That Presbytery be approached to advise that GWUC wishes to fill the MOW 1.0 position currently vacant.
That the Church Council & Elders establish a "Call Committee" whose task is to, using the mission aims of GWUC as documented in the OTWT programme, identify and recommend to the congregation a call of one FTE MOW/s, to commence on or as soon after 1st July 2010 as possible on the usual terms and conditions of a placement.
- That the Placement profile description is to clearly reflect the current and future needs of GWUC as established in the OTWT process only, including ministry to seniors and children and families.
Questions were asked and answered.
It was suggested by the Chair that the motion be left on the table until after the presentation of the Budget for 2010. The meeting agreed by Consensus.
9.3. Congregation Budget for 2010
Roger Vass [Interim Treasurer] spoke to a powerpoint presentation which showed a balance budget – income $404,000, outgoing $392,000.
Moved Roger Vass, seconded John Hurst “that the Budget as presented be received.”
The meeting then reverted to the motion put by John Hurst [9.2] Cost is met by the funds to be intentionally given. Specific ministry proposed to 30/6/2010. Intention thereafter to have full ministry team. Church Council to establish a Committee. The motion was put to the meeting, and agreed by Consensus. The Budget motion was put to the meeting, and agreed by Consensus.
10. Property Development
Ross Lennon reported that the Annex is now in the process of final settlement with W.D. King [Builder]. The Chair thanked Ross for being a “tower of strength” throughout this lengthy process. The meeting responded with acclamation.
11. Any Other Business
There was no further business.
12. Closing
The meeting closed with the saying of The Grace together.