To be held in the Church at 11:30am on Sunday 5th March 2023 - following the 10:00am Combined Worship service.

A printable version of this agenda and key documents is attached here.


1. Welcome

2. Prayer

3. Confirmation of Minutes of Meeting held on 11th November 2022

The minutes of the March meeting of the congregation are at CongMeetingMinutes20221120

4. Reports and Recommendations

4.1. Ministry Team Report

Some good news about some of our programmes (for information)

4.2. Church Council Report

4.3. Finance Report

Treasurer or delegate (for information).

4.3.1. 2022 Finance Report

The Finance Committee have provided detailed Reports of the Profit and Loss together with Balance Sheet for the financial Year 1 January 2022-31 December 2022. They have also provided detailed explanations. These have been accepted and approved by Church Council and are presented to the Congregation for review and approval/ confirmation.

The Finance Committee recommends that these Financial Accounts and Statements be approved by the Congregation.

Proposed Resolution: This meeting of the Congregation of the Glen Waverley Uniting Church approves the Financial Accounts for 2022 as presented and approves submission to our External Auditors for Review and Certification..

Proposed by KenCoutts, GWUC Treasurer

4.4. People and Culture Report

5. Congregational Outreach Projects

Discussion of how we want to proceed with congregational outreach projects this year.

6. Other Business

6.1. Sunday Morning Worship Times

What does the congregation think about the suggestion that the 9:15 and 11:00am services be combined each week and worship held at 10:00am? (The 8:00am and other worship activities would continue with their current arrangements.)

While this is is the responsibility of Church Council, this discussion may help them.

6.2. Facebook

Sachin Remson to say a few words about our Facebook presence.

7. Benediction

After the close of the meeting, please stay for a light lunch and a chat.