1. Election of Interim Congregation Chairperson
  2. Opening Worship
  3. Presentation of the Report and Recommendations (GregCrowe on behalf of the Consultative Committee)

  4. Presbytery Comment
  5. Table Groups Conversation
    • What is life giving in the report and its recommendations?
    • What gives you hope, energises you, what do you value in the report and recommendations?
    • What are your concerns, anxieties, worries or fears that emerge from the report and recommendations?
  6. Response from Table Groups
  7. Prayer
  8. Reception of the Report and discussion and decision on the Recommendations
  9. Actions Arising
  10. Closing Worship

CongMeetingAgenda20130317 (last edited 2013-03-19 06:59:37 by JohnHurst)