to be held in the Worship Centre at 8pm on Monday 21 Nov 2011
1. Welcome
2. Apologies
3. Devotions
4. Confirmation of Minutes
of Meeting held on Monday 4 Jul 2011
5. Matters arising from the Minutes
- Appointment of a Chair (Eric Armstrong has indicated his willingness to be nominated)
- final amounts for distribution through COP
- the appointment of a third representative to Presbytery (1 lay person for each placement position)
- the filling of the Office Administrator position.
- Heather Hon has been appointed for 3 days a week until 31 Dec, then she moves to 4 days a week (Mon,Wed,Thu,Fri).
- Belinda Clear is filling in on a sessional basis for the days that Heather is not available (including into the new year).
- Church Council will review the situation in the new year to see if a full-time appointment is required.
- Faith Development have completed a survey of worship services, and a recommendation from Council will be brought to this meeting under item 7a.
6. Correspondence
7. Report of Decisions and Recommendations from Church Council
- Election of Treasurer
Finance: Budget for 2012
Pastoral Care, Property, & Communications Committees
8. On The Way Together
Community of Faith
Inclusive Community
The Hub
- Outreach
9. Comment from the Ministry Team
10. Comment from Elders
11. Comment from Presbytery Representatives
12. Other Business