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Communications Committee


Monday, 10 December 2012, 7:30pm – 9:30pm, Room 2

1. Attendance and Apologies

Attendance: JohnSnare, LesleyArmstrong, GregFry, JanClear, JohnHurst

Apologies: KenCoutts, VidaFoo

2. Confirmation of the agenda

The agenda was confirmed.

Minutes of the previous meeting are at CommunicationsMinutes20120924.

3. Matters arising from the minutes of the last meeting

An update was given on the progress towards installation of the new 'car park' Church sign. Permit matters are resolved, and at the time of writing these minutes the new sign has been erected.

The question of real estate signs for Easter and Christmas was raised. The Christmas sign is disappointing because the text is too small. The Communications Committee needs to check that signs are in hand well before Christmas and Easter. We need to check what requirements the Real Estate agent has for the background for the design to make sure that it doesn't conflict with the planned notice design. A person for follow up needs to be nominated at the next Communications Committee meeting.

4. NewView editorial policy

Consider whether there is a need to update the editorial policy for NewView. Feedback had been received concerning including advertising for future events and other matters, so it was timely to consider the current arrangements and see if the guidelines require revision. It was decided that there is no need to change the existing guidelines. The editorial approach adopted by RobinPope has considerable flexibility, while at the same time, preserving the distinction between the monthly notices and NewView.

5. The future of the GWUC Facebook site

The GWUC Facebook site is operational, but is not being actively used. While Jit regularly monitors the site, there is a need for someone with vision for the use of Facebook to take a leadership role if the originally envisaged mission outcomes are to be achieved. (See SocialMediaPolicy.

Early in the new year, efforts will be made to find someone to lead our use of Facebook. If such a person cannot be found, and the site finds little use, the CommunicationsCommittee will consider closing the GWUC Facebook site at its February meeting.

6. Next meeting

Monday 11 February 2013 at 7:30pm.

The main item on the agenda will be 'what can we do better'. See the discussion below on unmet communication needs.

7. Other Business

Christmas Bowl notices and their placement were discussed. Placement as had been done in the door notice boards was considered appropriate.

Lesley reported that she had delivered Christmas cards from GWUC to traders in Kingsway and on the favourable response she had received in most cases.

The Communications Committee needs to focus revising the website design next year. Maybe their is a better approach than consiructing it like a blog using Word Press. It is hoped that Aaron and Russell will be able to help in a review, but JohnSnare will also discuss with DavidMorgan.

Unmet Communication needs. While there is lots of information available and many of the activities in GWUC are more transparent than ever before, more needs to be done to build a sense of belonging and community. Focus on word of mouth is a starting point. JohnSnare to write something for the monthly Bulletin. JohnHurst to put the role of elders in communication on the agenda for consideration by elders in 2013.

8. Closure

Meeting closed no later than 9:30pm


CommunicationsMinutes20121210 (last edited 2013-12-14 04:40:29 by JohnHurst)