This document was prepared in late 2012, before Rosemary Carter's resignation created a significant upheaval in the life of the Congregation. Discussion of issues surrounding that upheaval are recorded separately, in ChurchFutureDirections, q.v..

It is intended that this document continue to be developed in the light of recommendations ChurchFutureScProposal from the ChurchFutureSteeringCommittee, and passed at the Congregational Meeting as recorded at CongMeetingMinutes20130701.

First Steps

The council and elders had an evening with John Emmett and Philip Hughes, from the Synod Commission for Mission Research and development office.

Creating the global data view of the church. This has four quadrants:

  1. ABS Census data
  2. (can't remember this one - please help me out)
  3. dollars and property values
  4. case studies

Data Collection

A few questions were asked about access to “A” Form data in preparation for the forthcoming inquiries about finance give the mission planning about to be launched soon. A Form data is available through Rev John Mann. I am told he has all the data the Synod has, and the protocol is to first go to John in his role as PM Admin for PPPE. The property Audit for GWUCA is current and can be obtained from the Synod. Although a copy should be held by the GWUCA CC.

CRA will produce the Community profile based on 2011 ABS data asap, once you supply the relevant postcodes for the profile to Philip. I will leave this to you, but suggest on more than 4 post codes and a 5 to 7 km radius from the GWUCA property if possible. This will give a reasonably useable profile. There will be no costs for this profile, as a gift in return for participation in the MSR trials. It is also worth asking the local Council for the current town plan so that you can see projected future development.

I have yet to confirm with Philip Hughes the ready for use date of the edited versions of the 5 yearly survey we introduced last evening. However, I think we will have this by the early February.

That just leaves the interview series for ‘probing our Story’. Philip I would like to conduct these during February and I will contact you with further details and requirements after new year. I have attached a copy of the Case Study design notes and the interview schedule so that you can get an idea of the sort of questions we will ask. The interview is run as a focus group exercise.

(From DavidMorgan) The postcodes of church families are as follows:


Council strategic view

(to be developed!)

  1. The Kingsway Phenomenon. There is a opportunity for outreach through the changing demographic of the Kingsway. We should include this in the strategic plan.

New Directions in Ministry

Following Rosemary's resignation, a number of new initiatives are suggested/required.

  1. How do we deal with the anger/frustration/hurt/disappointment that this will engender amongst members of the congregation?
  2. Council will need to be far more proactive in managing the ministry team.
  3. Ministry Team need to be encouraged/coerced into sharing more. Putting their plans onto the wiki at an early stage would be a significant step in this direction.

  4. Council needs to change its focus and be far more strategic. This has implications for the responsibilities of its members. Confidentiality within council, and openness between council members, are key issues identified by Rosemary.
  5. The whole strategic plan thing may need to be suspended while the church and council grapple with the issues. There are implications for the budget, for the Growing Generous Givers plan, and for the need to respond to the Strategic Plan request from the November 2012 Congregational Meeting.
  6. Perhaps the most crucial thing (after 1 above) is to decide on how we want the ministry team structured. There needs to be careful consideration of the question of replacing Rosemary (she recommends that we do not rush this!), and the nature of the church mission that we see for ourselves at Glen Waverley.
  7. The Presbytery needs to be involved. Initial discussions with Greg Crowe have been held, and he believes that the way forward is to conduct a Life and Witness consultation (starting early/mid March, concluding end April) before attempting to address issues of (supply) ministry or other missional objectives.
  8. Carolyn Kitto needs to be put on hold. Clearly a February consultation with her will now be premature.

At this stage, these comments have a council-oriented bias for the simple reason that they have been written by the Council Chair. As other inputs are received, this disclaimer may be removed.

comments for the congregation, 13 Jan

ChurchStrategicPlan (last edited 2020-05-14 03:52:42 by JohnHurst)