Church Rosters
Access to roster pages may require logging in. For information see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders.
Participation in rosters is an important part of belonging to a community, as well as an important part of running a community. If you have questions, please ask a coordinator a member of Church Council.
- Rosters at GWUC are listed in the table below. For each roster:
- If the roster name is a link, then the roster is available on line. This enables you to:
- See when you are rostered.
- Allocate your self to a date of your choice
- Change an allocation within the next four weeks if you have arranged a swap.
- If there is a link to a preferences page, you can use that to:
- change your preferences regarding duties, reminder emails and the allocation process.
These rosters share a common page, RosterUnavailable, where you can register your unavailability.
- In each case, these functions can also be done by contacting the coordinator.
- If the roster name is a link, then the roster is available on line. This enables you to:
- As always, clicking on a person's name will take you to their contact details, provided you are logged in.
- Details of the duties involved are either listed on or linked from the roster page.
For further information, see ChurchRostersHowTo. A proposal to go to ChurchCouncil about the review of rosters is online at RosterProposal.
- For now, the email reminder system is only partly working, but it is expected full functionality will be available shortly.
- in the status column:
automated - the roster has automatic allocations applied to it once a week
semi-auto - the roster is updated once a week as a blank shell to allow manual allocations
manual - the roster has no automatic processes applied to it
not on wiki - the roster is maintained off line
Roster |
Status |
Preferences |
Extracted to |
Email |
Times (see below) |
Coordinator |
Notes |
RosterSaltCurrent |
SaltRosterPreferences |
S8,S9,S11,S4,S7 |
Do NOT use! |
automated |
S8,S9,S11,S4,S7 |
automated |
S9,S11 |
automated |
S9,S11 |
automated |
S9,S11 |
automated |
S9,S11 |
semi-auto |
S9 |
By term |
semi-auto |
S8,S9,S11,S4,S7 |
Service times used to generate SALT roster |
manual |
S11 |
RosterBand 9:15 |
status unsure |
S9 |
status unsure |
S9 |
Same as above? |
manual |
S9,S11 |
manual |
S10 |
status unsure |
S10 |
A few weeks in advance |
status unsure |
S9,S11 |
manual |
Sats |
manual |
Tu10,Tu12,We12, |
By term |
status unsure |
Sats |
RosterEnglishClass |
not on wiki |
?? |
Few weeks ahead. |
RosterAgedCare |
not on wiki |
?? |
RosterLeafletDelivery |
not on wiki |
Four deliveries per year |
RosterLeisureTime |
not on wiki |
Mons |
Times are shown for normal weeks. Special Events and Liturgical Calendar Occasions may change these. Note that regular Sunday times are abbreviated to S8,S9,S11,S4,S7 representing 8am, 9:15am, 11am, 4:30pm, and 7pm respectively.