Exit Interview Report for Council

This is the exit interview report released by the Presbytery for the information of Council. Council at its meeting on 19 Feb 2013 decided to release this statement to the congregation in the interests of imparting as much information as possible, consistent with issues of confidentiality. It was distributed as an insert in the ChurchBulletin on Sunday, 24 Feb 2013, along with the following statement from the Chair of Council, JohnHurst.

Covering Letter from the Chair of Council

Many of you will be aware that Rev Rosemary Carter, at her request, undertook an exit interview conducted by the Presbytery, with congregational representatives. The full report from that interview has been forwarded to the Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee, who will address the reasons identified by Rosemary behind her decision. A shorter version of that report was released to Council, who discussed it at their meeting last Wednesday.

In keeping with our desire to keep the congregation as fully informed as possible, Council decided that that shorter report should be released to the congregation as soon as possible. It is attached.

One point that was highlighted in discussion in Council was that it is clear that Rosemary's decision was hers alone. Contrary to rumours circulating, Rosemary was not in any way coerced by Council into her decision. It is important to understand this, and the report makes this clear.

Council acknowledged the difficulty that Rosemary faced in making this decision, and the difficulties occasioned for the church by her decision. It was a decision that was not made lightly, and Council expressed its support and prayers for Rosemary in her future ministry.

While the detail of the factors behind Rosemary's decision for now remain confidential to the Exit Interview Panel and the Pastoral Relations Committee, Council hopes that the Congregation will be able to accept this decision, and commit itself to exploring our changing vision for the future ministry within this church. For those who have not already done so, you are encouraged to attend the Church Life and Witness consultation being held 22 Feb – 3 Mar. Contact the Office for details.

Dr John Hurst
Chair of Church Council

Exit Interview Report for Council

Report to Church Council
Rev Rosemary Carter Exit Interview
30 January 2013

An Exit Interview was conducted by the Presbyteries Pastoral Relations Committee with Rev Rosemary Carter and included two members of the GWUC; Dr John Hurst and Ms Margaret Fraser. The purpose of the interview is to reflect on the conclusion of the placement and to report to the Presbytery PRC which has oversight over all Ministers in Placement.

The interview panel affirms that Rosemary was called to GWUC because of her experience in working in Team Ministry (her two congregational placements in South Australia had both been Team Ministries), she had training and skills in Mission development, in fostering and nurturing people in their Christian faith, and she had experience in creative worship. Added to this, Rosemary had skills in Strategic Leadership developed in both her Congregational and Chaplaincy Ministry placements. These gifts for Ministry were highly desirable at GWUC and were significant priorities outlined in both the GWUC Profile and the supplementary Team Ministry document. Rosemary came to GWUC with 14 years Ordained Ministry experience and over 30 years life experience as a nurse, social worker, and voluntary positions on UCA and Ecumenical Justice, Mission and Ministry committees and task groups. Rosemary also brought with her qualifications in Social Work, Theology, Pastoral Care, Business Management and Leadership.

Rosemary has felt unable to fulfill what she understood from the profile as being her calling – i.e. Strategic Mission Development and Leadership, Regional Congregational Development, Creative Worship, Faith and Spiritual Development. Rosemary has found the experience of the past two years a challenge to her self-confidence to the point where she has experienced a loss of confidence in her ministry abilities. Rosemary describes it as a feeling of not being encouraged or free to fulfill the things she understood she was called to do. There are a number of factors that contribute to this. Ultimately it has come to point where Rosemary did not have a vision for her life and ministry at GWUC as part of the Ministry Team and within the life of the Congregation as it currently understands itself and is structured.

The interview panel acknowledges the that this has been a difficult and brave decision for Rosemary, and while it has been a significant shock to the GUWC and other Members of the Ministry Team, the panel affirms that for the well being of Rosemary and her future Ministry it is the correct decision for her.

Greg Crowe
Chairperson Presbytery Pastoral Relations Committee

for the Exit Interview Panel
(Dr J. Hurst, Ms M. Fraser, Rev G. Crowe with Rev R. Carter)

ChurchRosemaryExitStatement (last edited 2013-02-25 09:50:09 by JohnHurst)