GGG Budget Analysis
Several people have asked how we arrived at the various figures for the targets in each of the four OnTheWayTogether missional areas. It was quite a complicated process, as we recognized that each member of the ministry team has a range of responsibilities across the four areas.
We first identified the amounts of time (as percentages) of each placement to be allocated to each of the missional areas. Then, using the fraction of appointment (not all the ministry team members are in full-time placement), we converted these percentages to amounts of money. Then these are summed to find the total ministry team costs for each of the OTWT missional themes.
Other costs that the church must incur are then distributed in pro-rata fractions across the missional areas. This is a bit arbitrary, but it seemed the fairest way to do it. Wendy's time in the office, for example, could be allocated on a finer basis (much of her time is devoted to in-house activities, rather than outreach, for example), but this would have required much more effort to determine, and we suspect that there would be an "evening-out" anyway.
Click here to see the spreadsheet