Differences between revisions 3 and 17 (spanning 14 versions)
Revision 3 as of 2018-12-03 00:43:52
Size: 3956
Revision 17 as of 2019-01-16 03:27:36
Size: 24945
Editor: DavidMorgan
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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[[#Adult Group | Adult Group]] <<BR>>
[[#Book Club | Book Club]] <<BR>>
[[#Broadcast Ministry | Broadcast Ministry]] <<BR>>
[[#Careful Kitchen Crew | Careful Kitchen Crew]] <<BR>>
[[#Communications | Communications]] <<BR>>
[[#Cooee | Cooee]] <<BR>>
[[#Fete Committee | Fete Committee]] <<BR>>
[[#FISH - Aqua | FISH - Aqua]] <<BR>>
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[[#FISH - Purple | FISH - Purple]] <<BR>>
[[#FISH - Yellow | FISH - Yellow]] <<BR>>
[[#Free Spirit | Free Spirit]] <<BR>>
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[[#Property Committee| Property Committee]] <<BR>> [[#Property Committee | Property Committee]] <<BR>>
[[#The Hub | The Hub]] <<BR>>
[[#Uniting Voices | Uniting Voices]] <<BR>>
||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Adult Group)>>'''Adult Group'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Fellowship<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Bev & Lindsay Brown<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 40<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 25<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| First Friday of the month at 8pm<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Room 1 & Fellowship area<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| Afternoon Tea at Madeline’s to start the year in February & Final get together for Christmas Dinner at Wheelers Hill Hotel.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| <<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Book Club)>>'''Book Club'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Select and then discuss amicably books received from selections<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Secretary Don Reid<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 15<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 15<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| 7.30pm 1st Wednesday each month<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Members houses<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| Two of our long serving members retired this year, to our regret. Jan Balson and Graeme Frecker. Both made a significant contribution to the Club<<BR>>We welcome two new members Wendy Pepper and Judy Lowe.<<BR>>At the end of each meeting members are requested to rate the reading and discussion.<<BR>>Most books rated high, so we can conclude we have had a successful year<<BR>>Note that membership is restricted due to the number of books available on loan. <<BR>>However we do welcome enquiries of interest in the club.<<BR>>We did participate in the book sale at the fete and thank the volunteers for its success. <<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Place details of meetings in Church Circular<<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Broadcast Ministry)>>'''Broadcast Ministry'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To provide a broadcast of selected worship services. To record and create DVD’s for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties. To create and support an in home and ministry. To record significant worship and other events.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Co-Ordinator - WarrenGreenwood<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 4<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 4<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| As and when required<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Wherever needed<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| "Training of Jesse Lang which supported his Queens Scout award.<<BR>>Trafalgar and Yarragon congregations using our worship services<<BR>>Continued close relationship with Beeac.<<BR>>Special worship support for Johnsonville for their 125 years of worship and their CFA/SES service <<BR>>Contact with Morwell and other churches wanting to make use of our worship <<BR>>Support and help of other congregations wanting to start a broadcast ministry including Pilgrim (SA).<<BR>>The ongoing and wonderful way the ministry team are inclusive to our broadcast churches.<<BR>>Visits to many of these congregations during the year"<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Encouragement and understanding when creating worship experiences to acknowledge how it will be received by users of our worship<<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Careful Kitchen Crew)>>'''Careful Kitchen Crew'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Members of CKC aim to provide guidance and leadership to ensure that Food safety Standards are understood and maintained by all users of the Church kitchen.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Food Safety Supervisor: Yan Emms<<BR>>Food Safety Trainer: Margaret Fraser<<BR>>Secretary: Nicole Robertson<<BR>>Kitchen Roster: Deb Graham<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 9 members representing various groups active at GWUC.<<BR>>Margaret Fraser - Leisure Time<<BR>>Deb Graham - Uthies & Young Families<<BR>>Nicole Robertson & Lynne Boyer – Youth Grp, Badminton<<BR>>Diana Coles – HUB & UCAF<<BR>>Andrew Hosking – Property committee<<BR>>Yan Emms, Maria Gillies, Doug Newberry – committee members.<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| Usually 7 to 8 members are present<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| We meet 4 times a year in Room 2 on a Monday night to support, discuss and hopefully resolve safe food handling issues. <<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Each CKC member is rostered once or twice on a monthly basis to inspect and maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen and record weekly fridge & freezer temperatures during their rostered month.<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| 1.GWUC kitchen received a 100% score when inspected for Food Safety compliance by the City of Monash in April 2018. We continue to enjoy the maximum rating of 5 Stars which is the City of Monash Golden Plate Award.<<BR>>2. New cupboards erected alongside the kitchen servery has provided much needed space to house the fund-raising Honey and crockery for the Indonesian group.<<BR>>3. The recent purchase of a much larger freezer will ensure the safe keeping of frozen products and allow storage of larger portions when catering for church events.<<BR>>4. The food stalls at our Grand Fete were regularly checked by Margaret Fraser for safe food handling with no major issues to report. <<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| <<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Communications)>>'''Communications'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| The Communications Committee is a sub-committee of the Church Council. The Communications Committee works to ensure that information about the life of the congregation is readily available to interested people and that members of the congregation know what is going on.<<BR>>Specifically, the Communication Committee's role is to: <<BR>>1. oversee and coordinate all communications across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner; <<BR>>2. introduce new methods of communication as appropriate; <<BR>>3. facilitate the production of a church magazine (currently called NewView) in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and entertainment); <<BR>>4. ensure that all church communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present; <<BR>>5. continue to develop our online and web presence as an outreach activity; <<BR>>6. maintain all brochures and promotional material used by GWUC; <<BR>>7. seek to make best use of community material to publicise events and activities at GWUC; <<BR>>8. liaise with Property Committee and make use of, and manage, any external signage; <<BR>>9. take advantage of free promotional media wherever possible (i.e. Real Estate boards); <<BR>>10. publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod activities and events; and <<BR>>11. encourage, support and assist all forms of communications in GWUC.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Coordinator: John Snare<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| Five members plus usually a member of the ministry team.<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| Five<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| First Monday of the month when possible. In 2018 there were five meetings.<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| A meeting room at the church.<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| During 2018<<BR>>1. The website is routinely maintained and a multicultural section was added.<<BR>>2. There are about 4000 wiki pages containing information relevant to the life of the congregation.<<BR>>3. Ideas for an ‘acknowledgement directory’ were considered and presented to Church Council.<<BR>>4. Postcards for visitors were updated and reprinted.<<BR>>5. The Church overview brochure was updated.<<BR>>6. Prepared Facebook and Instagram templates to make it easy for someone to take-over social media oversight.<<BR>>7. The Moon Festival letterbox drop resulted in attendance by new people.<<BR>>8. Connections cards have been updated.<<BR>>9. Postcards and real-estate boards for Easter and Christmas were produced.<<BR>>10. Business cards were updated.<<BR>>For 2019<<BR>>A decision will have to be made about the Glen Waverley Uniting Church Facebook site. It needs a champion and usage; otherwise it may be best to shut it down.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| We are seeking at least two new members for the Communications Committee. Preferably at least one would have a passion for using social media as a communications channel.<<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Cooee)>>'''Cooee'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Friendship and support<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Geraldine Fleming (just check in occasionally to make sure all well)<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| Usually 3<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 3<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| Fridays 12noon - 3pm<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Fellowship area<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| Sadly the passing of Wendy Pratt, a long time participant of this small grop.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Thoughts and prayers<<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Fete Committee)>>'''Fete Committee'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Raise funds for the congregation's approved outreach projects by facilitating the annual church fete.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Sue Morgan, Peter Anderson, Murray Lowe (committee members)<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 3<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 3<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| As required<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Church premises<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| A successful church fete held on 20 October that raised $23,687.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| None<<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(FISH - Aqua)>>'''FISH - Aqua'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To provide support, friendship and pastoral care to others in the group.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Judith and Warren Greenwood<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 21<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 16<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| About 8 times a year, usually on a Sunday for afternoon tea or tea.<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Our homes, parks, gardens or other locations.<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| Ongoing support, friendship and care that is given by members of the group to others in the group.<<BR>>Visits to different gardens, nurseries, Arthur’s Seat etc. followed by afternoon tea.<<BR>>Sharing with each other individually or as a group.<<BR>>As a group donating $410 to TEAR, Act for Peace and Uniting World at Christmas.<<BR>>Supporting GWUC as a group by organising Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea following the Good Friday Service, and organising the GWUC Christmas Lunch.<<BR>>Being able to donate $500 to GWUC Welfare from the Christmas Lunch. <<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Support the FISH Groups<<BR>>In a large church to be a part of a smaller group is important.<<BR>> ||
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||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(FISH - Purple)>>'''FISH - Purple'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Social and support of each other.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| <<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 18<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| Varies<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| Varies - approx 6 weeks<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Homes and café’s <<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| We continue to support each other in joy and times of need. <<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| <<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(FISH - Yellow)>>'''FISH - Yellow'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To provide social networks under the umbrella of the FISH groups. The members pastorally care for one another.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Ian and Anne McMillan<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 22 Joy Wahner and Eileen Scott have joined our group this year.<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 16<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| Usually meet approximately 6 weeks apart mostly Sundays for either lunch or dinner. We meet on Boxing Day at the Flemings for morning tea and Australia Day for a BBQ lunch.<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Generally we meet in members" homes.<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| Unfortunately we lost member David Bailey, and gained two new members Joy Wahner and Eileen Scott. The high level of fellowship still continues in the group.<<BR>>We were able to arrange a get together with our overseas members Donna and Jim Robinson whilst they were visiting Australia.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Nil<<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Free Spirit)>>'''Free Spirit'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| Music can warm the soul and bring us closer to the Lord!<<BR>>Free Spirit is a group of people who aim to enrich worship through music - and sometimes have some fun with other types of music as well. Free Spirit is regularly part of the worship at the Glen Waverley Uniting Church, but also likes to be part of worship with other congregations from time to time. <<BR>>Free Spirit is self-funding; each member contributes $1 per week, used to buy music and cover other expenses.<<BR>>Free Spirit operates under a privacy policy in accordance with Glen Waverley Uniting Church guidelines.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Music director: Deb Leigh <<BR>>Music selection and purchase: Deb Leigh <<BR>>Liaison with ministerial team: Deb Leigh<<BR>>Librarians: Lise Hales (borrowing) assisted by Marie Gillies<<BR>>Music borrowing: Lise Hales assisted by Maria Gillies<<BR>>Calendar/schedule: John Snare<<BR>>Roll & performance record: Robin Pope<<BR>>Scarves and ties: Joy Allen<<BR>>Prayer and care: vacant<<BR>>Treasurer: John Snare<<BR>>Historian: John Snare<<BR>>Friends of Free Spirit Register: Geoff Willis<<BR>>Supper roster: Lyn Maslen<<BR>>Fete: Yan Emms<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 31 members plus some occasional visitors<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 27 members<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| Practice weekly on Wednesday evenings.<<BR>>Singing at worship or other events in both with Glen Waverley Uniting Church and elsewhere twice a month, including with Glen Waverley Uniting Church worship on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December and January) alternating between 9:15am and 11:00am services.<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Practice is usually in the home of Russell Lang, and sometimes in the Church the week before an occasion when Free Spirit sings.<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| 1. Regular contributions of music to worship in Glen Waverley Uniting Church.<<BR>>2. Participation in the Glen Waverley Uniting Church combined anniversary choir in June.<<BR>>3. Visits to Cowes Uniting Church in March and Dingley-Heatherton Uniting Church in November to contribute to their worship. The latter was a special service devoted to companion animals.<<BR>>4. Fundraising concerts at Glen Waverley Uniting Church, Burwood Heights Uniting Church and Croydon Uniting Church. A total of $4910 was raised for Possible Dreams International, Lantara Welcome Centre, and the Glen Waverley Uniting Church programme.<<BR>>5. Ran the silent auction at the fete raising approximately $2667 in October and assisted with setting up and packing up.<<BR>>6. Participating in special Easter and Seniors services at Glen Waverley Uniting Church.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| None identified<<BR>> ||
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|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To maintain, expand and care for the Property/s used by the Glen Waverley Uniting Church for the benefit of all of the congregation and act as a stewardship caretaker for those properties on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia.<<BR>>To generate income from the property in a manner that is consistent with the UCA and GWUC philosophies.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Chairperson - Warren Greenwood<<BR>> ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To maintain, expand and care for the Property/s used by the Glen Waverley Uniting Church for the benefit of all of the congregation and act as a stewardship caretaker for those properties on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Chairperson - WarrenGreen
wood<<BR>> ||
Line 41: Line 164:
|| Highlights of the year:|| o New Member Fairlie Mackinnon and Retirement of Peter Trewin<<BR>>o Installation of Air Conditioning in the Worship Centre<<BR>>o Continued reduction of Solar Panel loan from original $48,000 now to $13,000 via rebates & savings and a significantly reduced power bill.<<BR>>o Continued rentals income during 2018<<BR>>o Reliable work by the many cleaning and mowing volunteers<<BR>>o Recovery of the lawns and gardens by the garden and lawn team following 8 years of drought like conditions<<BR>> || || Highlights of the year:|| "New Member Fairlie Mackinnon and Retirement of Peter Trewin<<BR>>Installation of Air Conditioning in the Worship Centre<<BR>>Continued reduction of Solar Panel loan from original $48,000 now to $13,000 via rebates & savings and a significantly reduced power bill.<<BR>>Continued rentals income during 2018<<BR>>Reliable work by the many cleaning and mowing volunteers<<BR>>Recovery of the lawns and gardens by the garden and lawn team following 8 years of drought like conditions"<<BR>> ||
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||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(The Hub)>>'''The Hub'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To be a welcoming place offering hospitality and growing relationships with our visitors. To connect with other community groups. To continue our current activities and to create new activities arising from the needs of people in our community.<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Co-ordinator – Judith Greenwood<<BR>>Secretary – Laurel Muir<<BR>>THE HUB SMALL GROUP – Judith Greenwood, Laurel Muir, Kaye Mackinnon, Deb Graham, Lynne Boyer, Pamela McDonald, Geraldine Fleming, Gail Irvine, Andrew Hosking. <<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 46 volunteers<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| Small Group Meeting – 9<<BR>>Visitors to THE HUB varies. Can be 1 or 2, or can be 20 - 25.<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| THE HUB SMALL GROUP meets once a year and emails other times when needed.<<BR>>THE HUB operates Tues and Thurs 10am – 2pm, Wed 10am – 12pm in school terms.<<BR>>THE HUB Special Morning Teas are held 5 times a year 10am – 12pm.<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Foyer, Kitchen and also fellowship area for Special Morning Teas.<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| Special Morning Teas at THE HUB – More people from the wider community coming regularly.<<BR>>Total of donations received over the year at these morning teas - $5,564.70.<<BR>>Donations given as follows – Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal – $950.<<BR>>Cancer Council Victoria -$1,535.90<<BR>>Parkinson’s Victoria - $1,610.<<BR>>Motor Neurone Disease - $888.80.<<BR>>GWUC Welfare - $580.<<BR>>Continued support from Muddings and Monash Council PALS for these morning teas. Advertising in the PALS booklet brings in many people from the wider community.<<BR>>Many visitors continue to come regularly to THE HUB to practise speaking in English. Many feel at home at THE HUB and GWUC.<<BR>>Advertising of THE HUB in various places, including the Glen Waverley Library and Monash PALS booklet is resulting in THE HUB being well known in the community.<<BR>>THE HUB had a display in one of the glass cabinets at the Glen Waverley Library for the month of March.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| Please pray for THE HUB volunteers and visitors.<<BR>>We have many people coming to THE HUB regularly, some a few days each week. They want to help us, to be involved in our church. What will be our next step to bring these people closer into our church community? Open to ideas!<<BR>> ||

||<20%:> ~-Group-~ || ~+<<Anchor(Uniting Voices)>>'''Uniting Voices'''+~ ||
|| Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:|| To provide appropriate choir music to enhance worship, usually at the 11.00am traditional Service.<<BR>>To maintain a Fellowship and Pastoral Support group for the members<<BR>> ||
|| Current Office Bearers:|| Choir Leader: Lyn Bromage<<BR>>Accompanist: Robert Fleming<<BR>>Treasurer: Bev Barnfield<<BR>>Contact Person: Herb Fleming<<BR>> ||
|| Membership numbers:|| 24<<BR>> ||
|| Usual meeting attendance:|| 18 - 24<<BR>> ||
|| Meeting times and days:|| Practice: Thurs. 7.45pm to 9.30pm<<BR>>Service Participation: 1st & 3rd Sun (generally 11.00am Service)<<BR>> ||
|| Locations used by Group:|| Practice: Room 1<<BR>>Worship: Choir Stalls<<BR>> ||
|| Highlights of the year:|| Our year started with a great deal of anxiety and doubt about the future as Elwyn Pederson, our esteemed leader, had returned to her home state of South Australia to settle.<<BR>>We received encouragement from the congregation to seek a replacement. This was no ordinary task as we were looking for someone who could volunteer their time, have the skills to lead a choir and who understood the Church calendar to add to worship.<<BR>>Our prayers were answered when Lyn Bromage approached us. Her aunt, who is a member of our congregation, showed Lyn the advertisement in Crosslight. With her Aunt’s encouragement (push), Lyn contacted Uniting Voices. It was with the greatest delight that the Choir found that it had a leader, who filled the necessary requirements and more. Lyn has fitted into the group amazingly and enjoys her involvement as much as the Choir does.<<BR>>The Church Council approved the payment of travel expenses to and from Lilydale for six months. This has since been extended. Some members of the congregation donated towards this.<<BR>>Our year culminated with the Nine Lessons and Carols which Lyn prepared.<<BR>> ||
|| Any needs that Church Council can assist:|| As indicated above, Council has agreed to fund Lyn’s travelling expenses on an ongoing basis. This is greatly appreciated by Lyn and the Choir.<<BR>> ||

Link to reports for 2017, 2016, 2015, 2014, 2013, 2012, 2011, 2010, 2009,

GWUC Annual reports for 2018

Church Council is now calling for all groups to submit their annual reports.
Download the form here:GroupReport2018Template.doc or submit online: here

Reports from groups are being posted here as they are received.
Enquiries and edits to DavidMorgan.

Adult Group
Book Club
Broadcast Ministry
Careful Kitchen Crew
Fete Committee
FISH - Aqua
FISH - Gold
FISH - Purple
FISH - Yellow
Free Spirit
Property Committee
The Hub
Uniting Voices


Adult Group

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:


Current Office Bearers:

Bev & Lindsay Brown

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Friday of the month at 8pm

Locations used by Group:

Room 1 & Fellowship area

Highlights of the year:

Afternoon Tea at Madeline’s to start the year in February & Final get together for Christmas Dinner at Wheelers Hill Hotel.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Book Club

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Select and then discuss amicably books received from selections

Current Office Bearers:

Secretary Don Reid

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

7.30pm 1st Wednesday each month

Locations used by Group:

Members houses

Highlights of the year:

Two of our long serving members retired this year, to our regret. Jan Balson and Graeme Frecker. Both made a significant contribution to the Club
We welcome two new members Wendy Pepper and Judy Lowe.
At the end of each meeting members are requested to rate the reading and discussion.
Most books rated high, so we can conclude we have had a successful year
Note that membership is restricted due to the number of books available on loan.
However we do welcome enquiries of interest in the club.
We did participate in the book sale at the fete and thank the volunteers for its success.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Place details of meetings in Church Circular


Broadcast Ministry

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide a broadcast of selected worship services. To record and create DVD’s for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties. To create and support an in home and ministry. To record significant worship and other events.

Current Office Bearers:

Co-Ordinator - WarrenGreenwood

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

As and when required

Locations used by Group:

Wherever needed

Highlights of the year:

"Training of Jesse Lang which supported his Queens Scout award.
Trafalgar and Yarragon congregations using our worship services
Continued close relationship with Beeac.
Special worship support for Johnsonville for their 125 years of worship and their CFA/SES service
Contact with Morwell and other churches wanting to make use of our worship
Support and help of other congregations wanting to start a broadcast ministry including Pilgrim (SA).
The ongoing and wonderful way the ministry team are inclusive to our broadcast churches.
Visits to many of these congregations during the year"

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Encouragement and understanding when creating worship experiences to acknowledge how it will be received by users of our worship


Careful Kitchen Crew

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Members of CKC aim to provide guidance and leadership to ensure that Food safety Standards are understood and maintained by all users of the Church kitchen.

Current Office Bearers:

Food Safety Supervisor: Yan Emms
Food Safety Trainer: Margaret Fraser
Secretary: Nicole Robertson
Kitchen Roster: Deb Graham

Membership numbers:

9 members representing various groups active at GWUC.
Margaret Fraser - Leisure Time
Deb Graham - Uthies & Young Families
Nicole Robertson & Lynne Boyer – Youth Grp, Badminton
Diana Coles – HUB & UCAF
Andrew Hosking – Property committee
Yan Emms, Maria Gillies, Doug Newberry – committee members.

Usual meeting attendance:

Usually 7 to 8 members are present

Meeting times and days:

We meet 4 times a year in Room 2 on a Monday night to support, discuss and hopefully resolve safe food handling issues.

Locations used by Group:

Each CKC member is rostered once or twice on a monthly basis to inspect and maintain the cleanliness of the kitchen and record weekly fridge & freezer temperatures during their rostered month.

Highlights of the year:

1.GWUC kitchen received a 100% score when inspected for Food Safety compliance by the City of Monash in April 2018. We continue to enjoy the maximum rating of 5 Stars which is the City of Monash Golden Plate Award.
2. New cupboards erected alongside the kitchen servery has provided much needed space to house the fund-raising Honey and crockery for the Indonesian group.
3. The recent purchase of a much larger freezer will ensure the safe keeping of frozen products and allow storage of larger portions when catering for church events.
4. The food stalls at our Grand Fete were regularly checked by Margaret Fraser for safe food handling with no major issues to report.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

The Communications Committee is a sub-committee of the Church Council. The Communications Committee works to ensure that information about the life of the congregation is readily available to interested people and that members of the congregation know what is going on.
Specifically, the Communication Committee's role is to:
1. oversee and coordinate all communications across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner;
2. introduce new methods of communication as appropriate;
3. facilitate the production of a church magazine (currently called NewView) in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and entertainment);
4. ensure that all church communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present;
5. continue to develop our online and web presence as an outreach activity;
6. maintain all brochures and promotional material used by GWUC;
7. seek to make best use of community material to publicise events and activities at GWUC;
8. liaise with Property Committee and make use of, and manage, any external signage;
9. take advantage of free promotional media wherever possible (i.e. Real Estate boards);
10. publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod activities and events; and
11. encourage, support and assist all forms of communications in GWUC.

Current Office Bearers:

Coordinator: John Snare

Membership numbers:

Five members plus usually a member of the ministry team.

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

First Monday of the month when possible. In 2018 there were five meetings.

Locations used by Group:

A meeting room at the church.

Highlights of the year:

During 2018
1. The website is routinely maintained and a multicultural section was added.
2. There are about 4000 wiki pages containing information relevant to the life of the congregation.
3. Ideas for an ‘acknowledgement directory’ were considered and presented to Church Council.
4. Postcards for visitors were updated and reprinted.
5. The Church overview brochure was updated.
6. Prepared Facebook and Instagram templates to make it easy for someone to take-over social media oversight.
7. The Moon Festival letterbox drop resulted in attendance by new people.
8. Connections cards have been updated.
9. Postcards and real-estate boards for Easter and Christmas were produced.
10. Business cards were updated.
For 2019
A decision will have to be made about the Glen Waverley Uniting Church Facebook site. It needs a champion and usage; otherwise it may be best to shut it down.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

We are seeking at least two new members for the Communications Committee. Preferably at least one would have a passion for using social media as a communications channel.



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Friendship and support

Current Office Bearers:

Geraldine Fleming (just check in occasionally to make sure all well)

Membership numbers:

Usually 3

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Fridays 12noon - 3pm

Locations used by Group:

Fellowship area

Highlights of the year:

Sadly the passing of Wendy Pratt, a long time participant of this small grop.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Thoughts and prayers


Fete Committee

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Raise funds for the congregation's approved outreach projects by facilitating the annual church fete.

Current Office Bearers:

Sue Morgan, Peter Anderson, Murray Lowe (committee members)

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

As required

Locations used by Group:

Church premises

Highlights of the year:

A successful church fete held on 20 October that raised $23,687.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



FISH - Aqua

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide support, friendship and pastoral care to others in the group.

Current Office Bearers:

Judith and Warren Greenwood

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

About 8 times a year, usually on a Sunday for afternoon tea or tea.

Locations used by Group:

Our homes, parks, gardens or other locations.

Highlights of the year:

Ongoing support, friendship and care that is given by members of the group to others in the group.
Visits to different gardens, nurseries, Arthur’s Seat etc. followed by afternoon tea.
Sharing with each other individually or as a group.
As a group donating $410 to TEAR, Act for Peace and Uniting World at Christmas.
Supporting GWUC as a group by organising Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea following the Good Friday Service, and organising the GWUC Christmas Lunch.
Being able to donate $500 to GWUC Welfare from the Christmas Lunch.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Support the FISH Groups
In a large church to be a part of a smaller group is important.


FISH - Gold

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

A group of members meeting in homes and sometimes other venues.

Current Office Bearers:

Convened usually by SueMorgan

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Every couple of months

Locations used by Group:

Homes and restaurants

Highlights of the year:

Supporting the Chin's through Cynthia's illness.
The annual Book Sale.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


FISH - Purple

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Social and support of each other.

Current Office Bearers:

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Varies - approx 6 weeks

Locations used by Group:

Homes and café’s

Highlights of the year:

We continue to support each other in joy and times of need.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


FISH - Yellow

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide social networks under the umbrella of the FISH groups. The members pastorally care for one another.

Current Office Bearers:

Ian and Anne McMillan

Membership numbers:

22 Joy Wahner and Eileen Scott have joined our group this year.

Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Usually meet approximately 6 weeks apart mostly Sundays for either lunch or dinner. We meet on Boxing Day at the Flemings for morning tea and Australia Day for a BBQ lunch.

Locations used by Group:

Generally we meet in members" homes.

Highlights of the year:

Unfortunately we lost member David Bailey, and gained two new members Joy Wahner and Eileen Scott. The high level of fellowship still continues in the group.
We were able to arrange a get together with our overseas members Donna and Jim Robinson whilst they were visiting Australia.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:



Free Spirit

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

Music can warm the soul and bring us closer to the Lord!
Free Spirit is a group of people who aim to enrich worship through music - and sometimes have some fun with other types of music as well. Free Spirit is regularly part of the worship at the Glen Waverley Uniting Church, but also likes to be part of worship with other congregations from time to time.
Free Spirit is self-funding; each member contributes $1 per week, used to buy music and cover other expenses.
Free Spirit operates under a privacy policy in accordance with Glen Waverley Uniting Church guidelines.

Current Office Bearers:

Music director: Deb Leigh
Music selection and purchase: Deb Leigh
Liaison with ministerial team: Deb Leigh
Librarians: Lise Hales (borrowing) assisted by Marie Gillies
Music borrowing: Lise Hales assisted by Maria Gillies
Calendar/schedule: John Snare
Roll & performance record: Robin Pope
Scarves and ties: Joy Allen
Prayer and care: vacant
Treasurer: John Snare
Historian: John Snare
Friends of Free Spirit Register: Geoff Willis
Supper roster: Lyn Maslen
Fete: Yan Emms

Membership numbers:

31 members plus some occasional visitors

Usual meeting attendance:

27 members

Meeting times and days:

Practice weekly on Wednesday evenings.
Singing at worship or other events in both with Glen Waverley Uniting Church and elsewhere twice a month, including with Glen Waverley Uniting Church worship on the fourth Sunday of each month (except December and January) alternating between 9:15am and 11:00am services.

Locations used by Group:

Practice is usually in the home of Russell Lang, and sometimes in the Church the week before an occasion when Free Spirit sings.

Highlights of the year:

1. Regular contributions of music to worship in Glen Waverley Uniting Church.
2. Participation in the Glen Waverley Uniting Church combined anniversary choir in June.
3. Visits to Cowes Uniting Church in March and Dingley-Heatherton Uniting Church in November to contribute to their worship. The latter was a special service devoted to companion animals.
4. Fundraising concerts at Glen Waverley Uniting Church, Burwood Heights Uniting Church and Croydon Uniting Church. A total of $4910 was raised for Possible Dreams International, Lantara Welcome Centre, and the Glen Waverley Uniting Church programme.
5. Ran the silent auction at the fete raising approximately $2667 in October and assisted with setting up and packing up.
6. Participating in special Easter and Seniors services at Glen Waverley Uniting Church.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

None identified



Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

A group for men to enjoy simple weekly fellowship over coffee in an unstructured atmosphere, as and when they are able. Keener members also do a walk before coffee. A group of wives and others meet nearby.

Current Office Bearers:

DavidMorgan convenor

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

Monday mornings at 10am for coffee all year round. Walk departs at 9:15am.

Locations used by Group:

Madelines restaurant at Jell's Park

Highlights of the year:

"Contining appreciation by members of the opportunity to get together, including some from outside the congregation.
Visits from ministerial team members.
Great support for members with health problems.
Excess cash collected in ""the jar"".
The sign presented to us by a couple at a neighbouring table. See link

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


Property Committee

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To maintain, expand and care for the Property/s used by the Glen Waverley Uniting Church for the benefit of all of the congregation and act as a stewardship caretaker for those properties on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia.

Current Office Bearers:

Chairperson - WarrenGreenwood

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:


Meeting times and days:

1st Monday of each month, 7:45pm

Locations used by Group:

Room 4

Highlights of the year:

"New Member Fairlie Mackinnon and Retirement of Peter Trewin
Installation of Air Conditioning in the Worship Centre
Continued reduction of Solar Panel loan from original $48,000 now to $13,000 via rebates & savings and a significantly reduced power bill.
Continued rentals income during 2018
Reliable work by the many cleaning and mowing volunteers
Recovery of the lawns and gardens by the garden and lawn team following 8 years of drought like conditions"

Any needs that Church Council can assist:


The Hub

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To be a welcoming place offering hospitality and growing relationships with our visitors. To connect with other community groups. To continue our current activities and to create new activities arising from the needs of people in our community.

Current Office Bearers:

Co-ordinator – Judith Greenwood
Secretary – Laurel Muir
THE HUB SMALL GROUP – Judith Greenwood, Laurel Muir, Kaye Mackinnon, Deb Graham, Lynne Boyer, Pamela McDonald, Geraldine Fleming, Gail Irvine, Andrew Hosking.

Membership numbers:

46 volunteers

Usual meeting attendance:

Small Group Meeting – 9
Visitors to THE HUB varies. Can be 1 or 2, or can be 20 - 25.

Meeting times and days:

THE HUB SMALL GROUP meets once a year and emails other times when needed.
THE HUB operates Tues and Thurs 10am – 2pm, Wed 10am – 12pm in school terms.
THE HUB Special Morning Teas are held 5 times a year 10am – 12pm.

Locations used by Group:

Foyer, Kitchen and also fellowship area for Special Morning Teas.

Highlights of the year:

Special Morning Teas at THE HUB – More people from the wider community coming regularly.
Total of donations received over the year at these morning teas - $5,564.70.
Donations given as follows – Royal Children’s Hospital Good Friday Appeal – $950.
Cancer Council Victoria -$1,535.90
Parkinson’s Victoria - $1,610.
Motor Neurone Disease - $888.80.
GWUC Welfare - $580.
Continued support from Muddings and Monash Council PALS for these morning teas. Advertising in the PALS booklet brings in many people from the wider community.
Many visitors continue to come regularly to THE HUB to practise speaking in English. Many feel at home at THE HUB and GWUC.
Advertising of THE HUB in various places, including the Glen Waverley Library and Monash PALS booklet is resulting in THE HUB being well known in the community.
THE HUB had a display in one of the glass cabinets at the Glen Waverley Library for the month of March.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

Please pray for THE HUB volunteers and visitors.
We have many people coming to THE HUB regularly, some a few days each week. They want to help us, to be involved in our church. What will be our next step to bring these people closer into our church community? Open to ideas!


Uniting Voices

Purpose, Aim or Mission of the Group:

To provide appropriate choir music to enhance worship, usually at the 11.00am traditional Service.
To maintain a Fellowship and Pastoral Support group for the members

Current Office Bearers:

Choir Leader: Lyn Bromage
Accompanist: Robert Fleming
Treasurer: Bev Barnfield
Contact Person: Herb Fleming

Membership numbers:


Usual meeting attendance:

18 - 24

Meeting times and days:

Practice: Thurs. 7.45pm to 9.30pm
Service Participation: 1st & 3rd Sun (generally 11.00am Service)

Locations used by Group:

Practice: Room 1
Worship: Choir Stalls

Highlights of the year:

Our year started with a great deal of anxiety and doubt about the future as Elwyn Pederson, our esteemed leader, had returned to her home state of South Australia to settle.
We received encouragement from the congregation to seek a replacement. This was no ordinary task as we were looking for someone who could volunteer their time, have the skills to lead a choir and who understood the Church calendar to add to worship.
Our prayers were answered when Lyn Bromage approached us. Her aunt, who is a member of our congregation, showed Lyn the advertisement in Crosslight. With her Aunt’s encouragement (push), Lyn contacted Uniting Voices. It was with the greatest delight that the Choir found that it had a leader, who filled the necessary requirements and more. Lyn has fitted into the group amazingly and enjoys her involvement as much as the Choir does.
The Church Council approved the payment of travel expenses to and from Lilydale for six months. This has since been extended. Some members of the congregation donated towards this.
Our year culminated with the Nine Lessons and Carols which Lyn prepared.

Any needs that Church Council can assist:

As indicated above, Council has agreed to fund Lyn’s travelling expenses on an ongoing basis. This is greatly appreciated by Lyn and the Choir.

AnnualReport2018 (last edited 2019-03-12 09:57:35 by DavidMorgan)