Differences between revisions 42 and 49 (spanning 7 versions)
Revision 42 as of 2012-03-11 05:49:46
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Editor: DavidMorgan
Revision 49 as of 2013-12-09 06:11:29
Size: 69636
Editor: DavidMorgan
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Link to reports for [[AnnualReport2013|2013]], [[AnnualReport2012|2012]], [[AnnualReport2010|2010]], [[AnnualReport2009|2009]],
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Reports from groups are being posted here as they are received. <<BR>>Enquiries to DavidMorgan, Council Secretary Reports from groups are here. <<BR>>Enquiries to DavidMorgan, Council Secretary
Line 60: Line 63:
||Leaders for 2012: Glenys & Leighton Collins, Lyn and Pam McDonald || ||Leaders for 2012: GlenysCollins & LeightonCollins, LynMcDonald and PamMcDonald ||
Line 86: Line 89:
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || Ian McMillan, Onn Chin, Lynne Boyer. || ||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || IanMcMillan, OnnChin, LynneBoyer. ||
Line 400: Line 403:
||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || IanMcMillan & Ann  McMillan Coordinators || ||<|1:> ~-Office bearers-~ || IanMcMillan & AnneMcMillan Coordinators ||
Line 741: Line 744:
||<|1:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Combining the two choirs (The Choir and Deo Volente) has had a positive effect on the singers with more voices in all parts.  While there have been some "cultural" issues, the group is now functioning well as a choir. The year culminated in a service of Lessons and Carols.  The  group sang at UnitingCare at Noble Park which was very enjoyable for both the choir and the residents.  Uniting voices also sang at the 20th Anniversary of the opening of the Church building. There was a combined choir for the anniversary service in June. || ||<|1:> ~-Highlights of the year-~ || Combining the two choirs (The Choir and Deo Volente) has had a positive effect on the singers with more voices in all parts.  While there have been some "cultural" issues, the group is now functioning well as a choir. The year culminated in a service of Lessons and Carols.  The  group sang at !UnitingCare at Noble Park which was very enjoyable for both the choir and the residents.  Uniting voices also sang at the 20th Anniversary of the opening of the Church building. There was a combined choir for the anniversary service in June. ||

Link to reports for 2013, 2012, 2010, 2009,

Annual report for 2011

Reports from groups are here.
Enquiries to DavidMorgan, Council Secretary

Adult Group
Asylum Seeker Support Group
Book Club
Broadcast Ministry
Careful Kitchen Crew
Church Council
Club 2011
Communications Committee
Community Hub MG
Community Outreach Group
Database team
Encounter Group (SG)
Faith Development Missional Group
Fete Committee
FISH Orange
FISH Yellow
Flowers Power
Free Spirit
GWUC Playgroups
Leisure Time
Meditation Group (SG)
Men's Fellowship
Messages in Song (Adult Band)
MG Inclusive Community
Ministry to Seniors
Monday Young Adults
Netball team
Pastoral Team
Prayer Book
Uniting Voices
Visitation Committee
Wednesday Young Adults
Welcoming / Newcomers' Committee
Welfare Committee
Working with Children Check
Youth Council
Youth Group


Adult Group


LynMcDonald & PamMcDonald

Purpose, Aims or Mission


Office bearers

Pat & Ross Vevers, Graeme Schober & Bobbie Rooks.

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

First Friday of the month, 8pm

Locations used by Group


Highlights of the year

50th year celebration (Meal at church).

Great guest speakers.

June roast dinner at church.

Christmas function at Mulgrave Country Club.

Leaders for 2012: GlenysCollins & LeightonCollins, LynMcDonald and PamMcDonald

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Asylum Seeker Support Group



Purpose, Aims or Mission

1. To provide support for asylum seekers in our community, through Hotham Mission ASP (via the Outer Eastern Asylum Seeker Support Network) and the Dandenong Asylum Seekers Centre

2. To keep the GWUC congregation informed about asylum seeker issues

Office bearers

Convenor: Robin Pope

Deputy: Bobbie Rooks

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

GWUC group meets irregularly, as deemed necessary

OEASSN meets every 6 weeks

Locations used by Group

Homes of members

Highlights of the year

1. In June, group members and others from GWUC assisted in delivering envelopes and door-knocking in Whitehorse municipality for their Community Chest Appeal, resulting in a share of the appeal totalling $8324, directed towards providing accommodation for asylum seekers (the highest allocation received by OEASSN from this source so far).

2. An application for a share of the proceeds from the GWUC 2011 fete provided a further $2500+ to provide emergency accommodation for asylum seekers awaiting housing by Hotham Mission ASP.

3. Through the boxes in the church foyer, in 2011 the group has continued to collect and deliver: over 125 items of food, 57 of household linen, 49 toiletries and nearly 700 items of clothing donated by the GWUC congregation.

4. In response to an appeal by Hotham Mission ASP (notified in the church bulletin) for donations towards Christmas gifts for their clients, over $400 worth of store vouchers and cinema tickets were forwarded to Hotham Mission ASP.

5. Inserts in the monthly and weekly bulletins have kept the congregation informed, and in addition Robin addressed the Men’s Fellowship in May 2011, bringing them up-to-date with current issues regarding asylum seekers. (NewView will be a future means for the continuing debate.)

Any needs with which Church Council can assist





Purpose, Aims or Mission

Promote health and feloowship through badminton with members of the congregation and the community.

Office bearers

IanMcMillan, OnnChin, LynneBoyer.

Membership numbers



6 Monday and 6 Thursday

Meeting times & days

Mondays 8-10pm and Thursdays 8-10pm

Locations used by Group

Church hall

Highlights of the year

Through the church website, community members have come along to play.

Assisted with the Fete and the International Dinner.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Book Club


DonReid & BevReid

Purpose, Aims or Mission

Select, read and discuss books.

Office bearers

Don Reid & Bev Reid.

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

First Wednesday of each month at 8pm.

Locations used by Group

Members’ homes

Highlights of the year

Celebrated our 25th year of operating.

We lost Mary Ward from our membership of 25 years. She made a significant contribution to the club, along with her husband Graham. Graham left recently.

We now have two vacancies and welcome enquiries.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Club is self supporting.

Require assistance with book stall at fete.

Would appreciate advertising of vacancies.


Broadcast Ministry



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To provide a broadcast of selected worship services to selected locations and record and create DVD for distribution to GWUC members and other interested parties.

Office bearers


Membership numbers



Meeting times & days

Ad hoc as required

Locations used by Group


Highlights of the year

• Beeac Broadcasts each month

• The preparation of DVD’s for Beeac and Boort

• The continued interest in DVD’s from GWUC services and special events.

• The youth beginning to use the facilities for recording evening worship.

• Negative note: The theft of the Laptop, screen and one of 3 cameras in November – UVA Insurances have paid full replacement value less $500 excess. This will be used, in conjunction with remaining amounts of Synod project funds to upgrade the facilities for future growth.

• We are looking to expand the service recordings in 2012 to 11.00am worship and with the upgrade of the GWUC computer facilities and web site, provide Blog options so people can select from a number of recent services instead of just the last.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

None at this stage.


Careful Kitchen Crew



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To ensure GWUC's registration as a food premises is renewed annually by Monash City Council in order that GWUC can continue to undertake the many and varied food-related activities which are such a central part of our fellowship and service.

Office bearers

Supervisor: Yan Emms (Monash City Council liaison)

Coordinator: Kelli Benjamin (Uthies)

Secretary: TBA

Training: Kelli Benjamin

Members: Margaret Fraser (Leisure Time)

Deb Graham (Young Families)

Lois Hosking (Seniors/Hub/UCAF)

Nicole Boyer (Youth)

Sarah Lorimer (Youth)

Susan Stringer (Special Events)

Doug Newberry (Men)

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Quarterly on the third Monday of the month

Locations used by Group

Room 1 or Room 2 & kitchen

Highlights of the year

CKC liaises with Monash City Council Environmental Health Officers regarding kitchen use and undertakes food handling compliance. This includes quarterly meetings, kitchen rosters, review and upgrading of our Food Safety Program, maintenance of records, being present at formal inspections of our premises and seeking advice as needed.

At the end of 2011/beginning of 2012 we welcomed three new members (Doug, Nicole and Sarah) into the CKC. We also bade farewell to Bronwyn Lowe and Cynthia Chin and thank them for their contribution to CKC. In 2012, Kelli will takeover the role of Coordinator and Mike will represent Property Committee in CKC.

In September 2011, Kelli Benjamin conducted informal food safety training for interested members of the congregation. This was well received and forms part of the commitment to ongoing training as part of the Food Safety Program’s goals.

October saw the successful compliance to our FSP by all those involved in food handling at the annual fete. Though the fete was not visited by a council Food Safety Inspector, our own coordinators and contributors did a superb job of following all food safety guidelines. CKC representatives monitored and advised food handlers during the fete and completed food safety records for submission to Monash City Council after the event. All groups are reminded that:

1. when planning any church event involving the preparation or serving of food, someone must be responsible for compliance with food safety standards and the Kitchen Instructions (mounted on the kitchen wall). A single event checklist is provided to assist with this.

2. they should advise CKC of changes to their food-related activities so that we can review and adapt our Food Safety program and procedures as necessary.

3. when in doubt refer to our Food Safety Program (copy placed in the kitchen) or contact your CKC member.

4. we appreciate your efforts in maintaining good food safety standards. It is important to all of us.

On 7th December 2011Monash City Council conducted the annual food safety inspection of our premises. The Church not only passed the inspection with a score of 99% but received a 5 star ‘Golden Plate Award’ for its exemplary compliance to the Food Safety Program.

GWUC’s food-related activities, both on and off-site, continue to expand and change. Our approved Food Safety Program must remain current and sufficient to demonstrate good practice.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Church Council to assist CKC to reinforce the need for all groups who use the kitchen to nominate a representative who will be responsible for food safety planning for their own functions and who will liaise with the CKC.


Church Council



Purpose, Aims or Mission

The Church Council shall give priority in its life to building up the Congregation in faith and love, sustaining members in hope, and leading the Congregation to a fuller participation in Christ’s mission in the world.(from UCA Constitution)

Office bearers

Chair: John Hurst

Deputy Chair: Dean Mann

Secretary: David Morgan

Deputy Secretary: Lynne Boyer

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Third Wednesday of each month.

Locations used by Group

Room 1.

Highlights of the year

For more comprehensive list, see the wiki page CouncilAnnualReport2011. Group names in parentheses refer to other group annual reports

Council – some membership changes: Beverly McGlead stood down as Deputy Chair, replaced by Dean Mann

Growing Generous Givers: mini campaign held during October (Finance)

Ministry Team: Ineke Gyles retired (Jan), Rosemary Carter arrived (Feb); Debbie Davey stood down as Children and Families, suppy by Belinda Clear (Ministry)

Worship: experiment with new creative worship at 9:30 has proved worthwhile and is to be continued (Faith Development)

Communications: continue with a number of new innovations (Communications)

Property: leasing to Box Hill Chinese Christian Church commenced (Property)

On The Way Together: under review

Office: Wendy Wyatt completed her contract, replaced by Heather Hon under a new position description.

Database: audit has been completed. Operational, and now used to support a variety of church information management functions. We have 887 confirmed members on the roll. (Database)

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Club 2011



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Fellowship luncheon for people living alone

Office bearers

Joy Gray leader.

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

First Sunday of each month at 12:30.

Locations used by Group

Fellowship area

Highlights of the year

An increase in Ladies attending luncheons despite the loss of several long time members through illness and death.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

I would appreciate a permanent notice of luncheon to be placed in Notices on last Sunday each month.


Communications Committee



Purpose, Aims or Mission

The Glen Waverley Uniting Church Council has established a Communications Committee with the following responsibilities:

1. to oversee and coordinate all communications across the congregation ensuring that they are done in a timely and inclusive manner;

2. to introduce new methods of communication as appropriate;

3. to facilitate the production of a church magazine (currently called NewView) in a variety of formats (to bring the congregation together through the use of information and entertainment);

4. to ensure that all church communications are clear, appropriate and that no bias or offensive content is present;

5. to continue to develop our online and web presence as an outreach activity;

6. to maintain all brochures and promotional material used by GWUC;

7. to seek to make best use of community material to publicise events and activities at GWUC;

8. to liaise with Property Committee and make use of, and manage, any external signage;

9. to take advantage of free promotional media wherever possible (i.e. Real Estate boards);

10. to publicise and communicate Presbytery and Synod activities and events; and

11. to encourage, support and assist all forms of communications in GWUC.

Office bearers

Lesley Armstrong and John Snare : Joint Coordinators

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Monthly or bimonthly for two hours

Locations used by Group

Church Building - Room 2

Highlights of the year

Introduction of a monthly bulletin to complement the weekly bulletin.

Revised weekly bulletin that has all essential material concentrated onto four A5 pages.

Improved Communications from Church Office (noticeboards outside the Office – Information emails sent etc)

Approval of a graphical design that can be used to provide consistency across all printed materials.

Re-establishment of NewView.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Outside notice board facing Kingsway requires replacement. Ideas are provided in the report to Church Council from the Communications Committee in December 2011.


Community Hub MG



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To connect with people in the community who come in to the church, and also people in our congregation, by being welcoming and offering hospitality

Office bearers

Judith Greenwood – Coordinator

Committee – Laurel Muir, Judy Fry

Greg Fry, Rosemary Carter

Membership numbers

Volunteers - 46



Meeting times & days

As and when required

Locations used by Group

Foyer and fellowship area (The Hub)

Highlights of the year

• Special morning teas at The Hub eg. Cancer Council Morning Tea, Muffin Morning, Hot Cross Bun Morning Tea, Seniors’ Morning Tea

• Children dressing up in nativity dress ups

• The man who loves our biscuits still coming most weeks

• The lady who lives on her own nearby still calling in every now and then

• Other people who come in because they see our sign outside

• Morning teas for Munch With A Bunch

• People from our church getting to know others who attend a different time service

• Continuation of our relationship with the staff at The Body Shop at The Glen and their participation in some of our special morning teas

• Working together with playgroup at different times

• Having the feeling that The Hub is a large family that includes not only The Hub volunteers, the Ministry Team, and people from our church who visit The Hub, but also the people who come to The Hub from our community. It’s having a sense of belonging.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Continued support, prayer and participation.


Community Outreach Group



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To support, encourage, and help facilitate outreach projects (if desired) rather than “creating” Projects

Office bearers

LynMcDonald, Co-ordinator

BarbaraKrieger, Secretary

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

1st Thursday of Month (except January, July, Oct, & December), 8:00pm

Locations used by Group

Homes of group members

Highlights of the year

• Congregation Outreach Project (COP) Applications requested $40,600 with $24,793 being finally allocated to eight Projects. The Selection and distribution process was managed again by the Group

• Feedback from some of the 2010 COP Projects good, ie Ermera and Baguia (East Timor), Frontier Services, Cheryl Ems, and Kenya Outreach group

• Playgroups continue with strength of numbers and applications. Many overseas family find GWUC Playgroups on the wiki. A few?? of the families are joining in other activities of the Church.

• Habitat for Humanity “Brush with Kindness” Bushfire Response has received some people support for most months activities.

• Support to the flooded town of Charlton has included donations of household goods, food and $5,000+ as well as visits from by GWUC members.

• Outreach Sunday 31 July 2011, Love thy 7 Billion Neighbours, was a combined service led and arranged by Alanee Hearnshaw and Amé Pocklington, included an “interview with Kaye and Rose Morgan on their Habitat home building in Bali North, and a video Clip from Pastor John Russel acknowledging GWUC’s assistance to Charlton. The Service was followed by a Hi Tea for Habitat provided and arranged by six of the young women.

• In addition to the above specific Projects, Outreach Group has supported and encouraged many other Outreach activities including:

* Clean Up Australia Day

* Operation Christmas Child

* Kids Hope

* Bec Weterings in the Kimberly’s, and Laura Morgan in Maningrida (Arnhem Land)

* Asylum Seekers

* Christmas Alight

* Chairs and Tanks for Timor

• Outreach Group spend substantial time in publicising outreach projects via the weekly and monthly Bulletins, Noticeboard, Newview, public speaking and announcements.

• The Group provides their Agenda, Minutes of Meeting and Reports to Church Council on the wiki.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

• Be aware of the Group’s activities, Communicate with the Group, and support the activities.

* Carry out review of the operation of the Group (probably in conjunction with reviewing all Missional Groups

* Find a new Group coordinator


Database team



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To establish, maintain and manage the database that records the rolls to meet the requirements of GWUC

Office bearers


Membership numbers



As required

Meeting times & days

Ad hoc as required.

Locations used by Group

Ad hoc as required.

Highlights of the year

• Establishment of a database protocol and associated rules and processes (ongoing)

• Complete update of the entire database, including information correction and contact with as many GWUC families as possible.

• Improved communication opportunities

• Improved data accuracy

• Automated email processes

More to be done – but a great start.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

• A willingness to support the task and the aims of the group

• A commitment to communicating with our congregation better

• Support and funding to maintain the system in a professional manner.





Purpose, Aims or Mission

Spiritual leadership

Office bearers

Ross Mackinnon, Convenor

Belinda Clear, Deputy Convenor

John Hurst, Meeting note taker

Elwyn Pederson & Belinda Clear – Roster organisers

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Second Wednesdayeach month except January.

Locations used by Group

Room 1 at the Church

Highlights of the year

1. Death of Brian Clarkson, a highly respected and long-serving Elder who made a great contribution to the life of the congregation over many years, especially his advocacy and encouragement of the youth.

2. Election of new Elders – Margaret Fraser, Gail Irvine and Michael Patterson.

3. Contribution of Elders to worship, especially leading the Prayers for Others, assisting at Baptisms and Communion and leading 8.00am and 4.30 services.

4. Active participation of Elders in the Four Missional Groups and the Pastoral Team.

5. Increased number of Elders on Church Council.

6. Concentration at meetings on learning about our faith. The input by Elders and the Ministers to these sessions is much appreciated.

7. Organisation and running the Plant Stall at the Annual Fete.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Encounter Group (SG)



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Fellowship & Personal enrichment

Office bearers

Lois Hosking convenor

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Second and Fourth Tuesdays of the month at 8pm

Locations used by Group

Private home

Highlights of the year

Lots of interesting discussions.

Sharing of books we have read.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Faith Development Missional Group



Purpose, Aims or Mission

The group decided to adopt the new title of “Faith Development Missional Group”. It was felt that this reflected the main purpose of the group in the pursuit of opportunities for members to develop and strengthen their faith.

Increase focus on faith development….Look objectively at study programs, considering subject matter, length of study, perhaps conducting an audit of existing groups…. Explore the development of spiritual practices…. Development of resources for people of different levels of faith development…. Utilise NewView to encourage the reading of new material, all the way emphasizing the importance of discussion…. Make use of the web site to publicize TV programs, DVD’s, books and on line material. Have kid friendly stuff on the web site as well…. Hold a conference or thematic seminar…. Publicize the speakers on at seven o’clock and advertise the ability to watch these services on the web…. Make connections to interfaith celebrations.

Office bearers

Convenor – Colin King

Recorder - Belinda Clear

Membership numbers



Meeting times & days

First Thursday, February to December

Locations used by Group

Members' homes.

Highlights of the year

Much time was taken up with discussion of worship matters, especially the new 9.30 format, though all services come under our consideration. A review of services was contemplated, but, as a review of all services was carried out two years ago, it was felt that only a review of 9.30 was needed. A sub group was been appointed to establish a timeline for this action and to formulate questions that might be addressed. A timeline was set, running from August to November, a survey was designed by Rosemary and Belinda, the data from this survey was analyzed and the results conveyed to Church Council.

It was decided that the services on fifth Sunday would each be run by a Missional Group. The Faith development Group ran a combined service and workshop on 29th May. The study workshop ran in conjunction with the 10 am service including breakfast. The workshop coordinator was Phillip Hughs and the guest preacher was Gil Cann. We felt this was a successful event and worth following up with something similar next year. The theme of the connection between faith, discipleship and life, was in keeping with this groups purpose. Presenters Gill Cann and Philip Hughes gave us good value. Reasonable numbers attended with a spread of age groups and services represented. We would in future, however, seek ways of increasing attendance even further

We see study groups giving our community the opportunity to express, share and develop their faith journey. Follow up programs are of value, eg; those who attended the Alpha course are still meeting to carry on from that program, this is to be encouraged. Various study groups are running through the year as well as special events such as Lenten and Advent opportunities. Lenten study was based on small groups, with attendance from most church groups. The content was excellent, with DVD and notes based on “The Divine Conspiracy” by Professor Dallas Willard, calling us to a deeper and more authentic faith. The program was well received and it stimulated engaging discussion. The study book, “The Uncluttered Heart” by Beth Richardson, was recommended for informal advent reflection.

Themes for future studies: Need a variety of different studies that could be done. There are some good Lenten material from Mediacom that we could use. We would consider running studies at any time, need to seek feedback on what is required and to advertise study programs more effectively. We would look at producing a brochure that talks about what is available and encourage people to join existing groups or start up new ones.

Meetings were held regularly and were quite well attended. We have representation from most of the Sunday services. Considerable time was devoted to worship matters, as we had to work through the change of format and time change for the 9.30 service. This included the review and designing the survey that was part of that process. The members expressed the desire to give more time to the area of faith development. This presents exciting opportunities in areas such as expressing and discussing differing views of faith and theology, the value of literature, poetry, art and music, attending seminars and workshops within and outside GWUC. We look forward to an exciting year of growth and discovery.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Continuing prayers and encouragement.


Fete Committee



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Organise and set up the infrastructure to facilitate an annual fete for raising funds to support outside groups and individuals involved in helping their community.

Office bearers


Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

As required, pre and post fete. Usually monthly between June to October.

Locations used by Group

In home of committee member

Highlights of the year

-The willingness of our church community to participate in the preparation prior to the fete. The joy they express during the fete and the fellowship that we share when cleaning up after the event.

-The continual goodwill we receive from our neighbours as they donate their pre loved goods and the great crowds that attend our fete.

-The dedicated stall coordinators that give of themselves so generously each year, thereby making the tasks of the fete committee so much easier.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Encourage 1 or 2retired person to join the fete committee so that we can share our tasks more equitably.




SueMorgan & DavidMorgan

Purpose, Aims or Mission

Sharing fellowship in each others' homes

Office bearers

Convenors: Sue Morgan & Yan Emms

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Sunday lunch about 6 times per year

Locations used by Group

Members' homes

Highlights of the year

Organising the Book Sale in March. This raised money for the church funds, and enabled the group to work together on a task.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



FISH Orange


AnnetteWojak & MartinWojak

Purpose, Aims or Mission

An environment in which to foster fellowship and support between group members, and to promote belonging and involvement in the wider community of the church.

Office bearers

Group Contact: Annette Wojak

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Sunday lunch or afternoon tea 4 or 5 times per year on dates determined by group members

Locations used by Group

Members homes and local parks

Highlights of the year

Relaxing and sharing with food in homes and the park, sharing in the growth of our children, and a particular highlight of sharing in the journey of members in mission work overseas.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist






Purpose, Aims or Mission

Meet together, Keep in touch, support each other

Office bearers

Lynne Boyer group leader

Membership numbers


Meeting times & days

Did not meet in 2011

Locations used by Group

Highlights of the year

The group chat at church, sit together at functions like trivia, Chinese banquet etc but have not met formally. Some of the group rarely attend church at GWUC now but I still keep in touch with them.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



FISH Yellow



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Meet for fellowship and provide pastoral care to each other.

Office bearers

IanMcMillan & AnneMcMillan Coordinators

Membership numbers



14 to 17

Meeting times & days

Approcimately every 5-6 weeks, usually a Friday, Saturday or Sunday.

Locations used by Group

Usually members' homes.

Highlights of the year

Celebrated one milestone birthday.

Weekend at Cape Paterson and attending the Wonthaggi theatrical production of “Cabaret”. Also worshipped with Wonthaggi UC.

Attending the Cheltenham Light Opera Company production of “Aspects of Love”

Tenpin bowling and restaurant night.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Flowers Power



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To arrange flowers that beautify the worship centre through each week, and that enhance worship, wedding and funeral services.

“May God grant that our hearts, our eyes and our hands receive His inspiration, enabling us to glorify His house with the beauty of leaves and blossoms which He has created”

Office bearers

Margaret Frecker, Convenor

Membership numbers

Currently 19 female chuch members


One volunteer on duty each week

Meeting times & days


Locations used by Group

Church kitchen for preparation, usually for three hours on Friday or Saturday.

Highlights of the year

Many members of our church family comment on the flowers in our worship centre and feel personally involved through the “Thoughtful Flowers” program, and the weekly pastoral notice in the Bulletin.

This year we farewelled one dedicated member of the group who is unable to continue.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Funds for flowers are supplied by members who support the “Thoughtful Flowers” program (34 weeks in 2011), and by the families involved in weddings and funerals.

If the flowers are ‘not funded’ the arranger may claim up to $30 from church funds.

Some arrangers make no claim; most ladies use some flowers from private gardens.

All give their skill without charge, and about eight hours of their time to arrange and tend the flowers during the week about three times each year. Funerals, and sometimes weddings, require fresh arrangements during a working week: funerals are unplanned! Storage space in the kitchen is needed for floral equipment.


Free Spirit



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Music can warm the soul and bring us closer to the Lord!

Free Spirit is a group of people who aim to enrich worship through music - and sometimes have some fun with other types of music as well. Free Spirit is regularly part of the worship at the Glen Waverley Uniting Church, but also likes to be part of other congregations from time to time. Often in life it is the single star performer that attracts attention. Free Spirit shows that this is not always the case and that what a group can do working together is much better than just the sum of the parts (in our case only possible with the talent, dedication and love of music of Deb Leigh, our Musical Director).

Free Spirit is self-funding; each member contributes $1 per week and this is used to buy music.

Free Spirit operates under a privacy policy in accordance with GWUC guidelines.

Office bearers

Music director: Deb Leigh

Assistant music director: Philippa Hillman

Music selection and purchase: Deb Leigh & Alan Cook

Liaison with ministerial team: Vida Foo

Librarians: Maria Gillies & Robin Pope

Music borrowing: Lise Hales

Calendar/schedule: Geoff Willis

Roll Robin Pope

Scarves and ties: Marj Snare

Prayer and care: Marj Snare

Treasurer: John Snare

Historian John Snare

Supper roster Max Thomson

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Practice weekly on Wednesday evenings.

Singing at worship or other events in both GWUC and elsewhere twice a month, including GWUC worship on the second Sunday of each month (except January) alternating between 9:30am and 11:00am services.

Locations used by Group:

Locations used by Group

Practice is usually in the home of Russell Lang, and usually in the Church the week before an occasion when Free Spirit sings.

Highlights of the year

1. Regular contributions of music to worship in Glen Waverley and beyond.

2. Participation in Anzac Day remembrance at Cumberland View retirement village in April.

3. Organised and sang in this year’s Waverley district ecumenical choral service in May.

4. Participation in the combined choir for the GWUC anniversary in June.

5. Fundraising for GWUC with a concert in September. ($2050 raised.)

6. Participation in a service focusing on dogs as companions at Dingley Uniting Church in November.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist





Purpose, Aims or Mission

A group for men (originally newly-retired) to enjoy simple weekly fellowship over coffee in an unstructured atmosphere, as and when they are able. Keener members also do a collective walk before coffee.

Office bearers

Membership Secretary: David Morgan

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Mondays at 10am.

Locations used by Group

Madeline’s Restaurant, Jells Park

Highlights of the year

Several special birthdays - celebrated with food as well as coffee;

Occasional ‘drop-in’ visits by old friends from local/overseas places; Special dispensation given for Rosemary to visit.

A new weekly record attendance was created – 19.

Lots of sharing of knowledge & wisdom.

Training the waitress to take the orders sequentially around the table.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



GWUC Playgroups



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To participate in the Outreach Mission of the Church by facilitating playgroups which aim to provide a welcoming, supportive, happy and safe community for mothers (or other carers) and their young children.

Office bearers

Support team:

Helen Boucher, Kimberly Easton, Pam Graham, Joy Jackson, Kaye Mackinnon(coordinator), Bev Richardson


Gael O’Brien, Nancy Burns 2, Judith Mance, Joy Wahner, Angel Shea

(all the above are GWUC members) .

Membership numbers

Total families: 47 Total children: 64


Children: 14 – 18 Mothers/carers: 10 – 12 Total participants each day: 24 - 30

Meeting times & days

Monday, Tuesday, Wednesday

10 am – 12 noon

Locations used by Group

Rooms 2 & 3 and playground.

Highlights of the year

o We have full (in fact over) enrolment in all three groups, and a substantial waiting list

o In each group we have established a shared morning tea time, age appropriate art and craft activities and nursery rhyme singing time in every session

o Close cooperation with The Hub has been very beneficial

o Continued encouragement and practical support from the Outreach Missional Group and the Property Committee has been appreciated

o There has been ever increasing cultural diversity of playgroup membership. We now have about 10 South Korean families as we as families from India, Sri Lanka, Malaysia, Indonesia, South Africa, China, Singapore, New Zealand and Australia

o There has been interest from playgroup mothers in the activities of GWUC, particularly 4.30 Family Worship

o Support and visits from the Ministry Team have been appreciated

o Grace is sung before morning tea at each session

o Birthdays have been celebrated with food from diverse cultures!

o Christmas parties with visits from 3 GWUC gentlemen as Santas were a great success

o Many mothers are very recently arrived in Australia without extended family or friends and have no support or company except their husbands.

o Enrolments come by word of mouth, through The Hub and the majority, via the GWUC website. A number of families enquire for places before even arriving in Australia!

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

• A comment: with about 60 - 70 of us using room 3 each week, despite our care, Room 3 is suffering wear and tear and looking very shabby.

• Playgroups appreciate being acknowledged as an intentional and significant part of GWUC’s mission to the wider Glen Waverley Community.

• Note: Playgroups continue to be financially self supporting.


Leisure Time



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Leisure Time is an outreach program of GWUC. It serves the aged and lonely members of the wider community in an inclusive and caring way.

Leisure Time aims to:

o Enable those in its care to develop positive relationships with each other and their community;

o Deliver high quality services which promote human dignity;

o Liaise and cooperate with other community service agencies in developing accessible and relevant services.

Office bearers

Coordinator: Margaret Fraser

Secretary: Pam McDonald

Treasurer & Outings Coord: Cliff Baker

Other committee members:

Elwyn Pederson (Roster Sec.), Barbara Craig (Outings), Ross & Pat Vevers (Outings), Laurel Muir (Kitchen Coord.), Jeanette Coutts (gen. Committee), Nancy Burns (gen. Committee), Alison Clarkson & Bev Richardson (Church Council reps.)

Non-committee office bearers:

Bobbie Rooks (transport coordinator)

Jane Adams (Police Check administrator)

Membership numbers

Finished the year with 21 guests and 64 volunteers (mostly on monthly roster)


Attendance is 17-20 guests plus rostered volunteers (3-4 hosts, 3 kitchen helpers and 4 drivers)

Meeting times & days

Every Monday, except public holidays and Christmas holidays, 10.30am-2pm

Locations used by Group

Fellowship area, kitchen and Room 1.

Highlights of the year

• Continuing and growing positive relationships with and between guests. Many say it is the highlight of their week. Volunteers value the fellowship too.

• We have organised 5 outings this year:

o Sand Sculptures at Frankston

o Seeing Eye Dog Training Centre at Kensington

o Movie and lunch at Pinewood Cinema

o Smorgasbord lunch at Village Green Hotel

o Werribee Open Range Zoo.

• Wide variety of activities, such as speakers, craft, demonstrations, artists, music

• Beautiful nutritious meals provided by our volunteers

• Promotion of Leisure Time widely in the local community, and with other aged support agencies, including participation at the Monash Seniors Expo in October and the Monash Interagency Network (local aged care agencies).

• There is a constant attrition rate in a group of this age group, but with assistance of local agencies, we have welcomed 6 new guests during the year. This has enabled us to maintain our guest list at approx 22, which is the limit we can safely cater for. Maintaining the guest list at this level is a constant challenge, and we do rely on our positive reputation with local agencies to connect with seniors who would benefit from attending Leisure Time.

• Christmas break-up party is a special event on our calendar and for many guests, this is the only Christmas party they attend.

• Members of the committee who lead with enthusiasm and great commitment.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

• Encourage links between Leisure Time and other church groups.

• Raise awareness within GWUC of what Leisure Time offers to seniors in the wider Glen Waverley community

• Encourage congregational members to assist as volunteers – most people help once per month.

• Pray for continued wisdom in planning our programs, and for our guests.

• Support the volunteers and committee in their efforts for this weekly program

NB. An annual report with more detail is prepared for the AGM in April and will be sent to Church Council following that meeting.


Meditation Group (SG)



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Brief conversation about our weeks past, and plans

Relaxation -> Silence ->emptying our minds of our thoughts, to be open to Divine guidance, Divine wisdom.

Closing with a blessing from a Bible or Modern day Prophet.

We are a close knit, supportive group, open & welcoming of newcomers.

Office bearers

Bobbie Rooks

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Monday evening weekly

Locations used by Group


Highlights of the year

This year we have been sad to lose two long time meditators. Ann Marchessani, who left our district, and our dear Joan Letty who died, and whom we do remember constantly.

We rejoice in each others' achievements & discoveries, and support each other in our hard times, and delight in this weekly time of silence.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Men's Fellowship



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To foster Christian Fellowship

Office bearers

Chairman & Treasurer: Malcolm Chamberlain

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

2pm, First Tuesday of the month.

Locations used by Group

Room 1

Highlights of the year

New members: Geoff Long, Col Yates, Ross Vevers, Bill Norquay

Deaths during the year: Brian Clarkson, Geoff Saxton.

Donation of $35 from prfits to the church.

Feb. - Ross Lennon - Cruising down the Danube

Mar. - Bill Mcintosh - Fires in Country Victoria

Apr. - Graeme Frecker - Coasts

May. - Robin Pope - Asylum Seekers

Jun. - David Williams - Overture to the Outback

Jul. Alan Dunne - Hot times in Siberia

Aug. - Cliff Baker - What I've done as a volunteer

Sep. - David Simpson - The design and construction of Central Station on the Melbourne Underground.

Oct. Jack Bartlett - Development of the hypodermic needle

Dec. - Break up.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Messages in Song (Adult Band)



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To provide contemporary, musical input to the 9.30 (9.15 in 2012) worship service

Office bearers

Dean Mann - coordinator with Michael Stringer

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Practice: (7.30 – 8.30) 1st and 3rd Wednesdays of the month.

Worship: 9.30 each Sunday, 9:15 in 2012

Locations used by Group

Practice: Room 3

Worship: Chapel

Highlights of the year

• Dean Mann’s leadership

• Contributions by talented musicians and singers each and every Sunday

• Peter Martine on drums

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

More volunteers on sound mixing.


MG Inclusive Community



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To work with the Church Council Communications Committee to review and improve means of Communication; to extend welcoming activities across all services; to develop small groups and community activities.

Office bearers

Jan Clear, Coordinator

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Varying times, usually during the day.

Locations used by Group

Church building or restaurants.

Highlights of the year

International Dinner, Munch with a Bunch morning teas (at Coffee Moretti and the Hub), lunches (various restaurants), Christmas Alight.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Provide volunteers as needs arise.


Ministry to Seniors



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To minister to senior members of GWUC in spiritual, pastoral, social and supportive ways, and to the wider community through links with retirement villages, hostels and nursing homes.

Office bearers


Support group members:Lois Hosking, Evan Laidlaw, Graham Lockhart, Elwyn Pederson, John Pooley

Membership numbers



Varies with activity

Meeting times & days

Senior Services: 3 – 4 times per year: Sundays 2.30pm

Information sessions at GWUC: 1 per year

Afternoon tea group: 3rd Wednesday in month

Devotions at up to 10 Hostels, etc Various, weekly, fortnightly, monthly, quarterly.

Locations used by Group

Church, Fellowship area, kitchen, Room 1, Noreen Rodgers’ home, Retirement villages, hostels, nursing homes.

Highlights of the year


- Regular devotions at 6 aged care facilities

- Occasional services at 4 retirement villages

- Devotions led by 7 members and 5 pianists from GWUC

- 1 Elder assists with monthly Communion at one facility

- 4 Senior Services in April, July, October, December

- Coordinator led 3 regular worship services

- Coordinator assisted with 3 funerals for seniors


- Contact maintained with seniors by telephone, visits to homes and hospitals and through fellowship groups at GWUC, eg. UCAF, Cooee, Club 2011


- Support of fellowship groups, Munch with a Bunch and other activities planned by Inclusive Community


- Referral to Suportive Care Link

- Assistance with finding sources of community help, eg local Parkinsons Support Group

Coordinator involvement:

- Member of Ministry Team

- Seniors’ Services

- Elder

- Member of Church Council

- Representative on Port Phillip East Presbytery

- Member of PPEP Pastor Task Group

- Delegate to Synod of Victas

- Attended National Ministers’ Conference in Adelaide

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Monday Young Adults



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Support, Study & Pastoral Care

Office bearers

Helen Boucher & Dave Boucher, Alanee Hearnshaw

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

8pm Monday Night

Locations used by Group

Helen & Dave’s House

Highlights of the year

This group, shares life together & has come to rely on one another for support & often share personally.

Again personal accomplishments of this group are outstanding...

The first Monday of the month, the group has a documentary night

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Netball team



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To enjoy the fun and fitness of competitive netball.

Office bearers

Nicole Boyer (Manager/Secretary/Treasurer)

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Tuesday evenings

Locations used by Group

Waverley Netball Centre, Jells Park.

Highlights of the year

We had a consistent season finishing in the top 4 and losing by a narrow margin in the first week of the finals. We were also fortunate not to have sustained any serious injuries, and therefore have 8 or 9 players at each match. Some players who were new to the team have made great improvement in their skills which is a wonderful achievement.

The 2012 season is looking promising with a full team ready to go for the first round on 7th February.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

-No, thank you. The team is fully financial and has full membership at this stage.


Pastoral Team


Purpose, Aims or Mission

To assist the ministry Team with pastoral situations that arise in the congregation; at times be the first point of contact with pastoral issues; meet monthly with the ministry team; undergo training in pastoral care; be commissioned for the role.

Office bearers

Convenor-Rev. Greg Fry

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

4th Wednesday in the month at 1.30pm.

Locations used by Group

Room 1.

Highlights of the year

We met regularly with the Ministry Team and shared results of visits and pastoral concerns. The office contacted members of this team if the ministry team members were unavailable.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Prayer Book



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Inform everyone of the prayer requirements of our own members, as well as other people's needs.

Office bearers

Beverly McGlead

Membership numbers



Meeting times & days

Any time, Every day.

Locations used by Group

Church Foyer

Highlights of the year

It is most encouraging that the church prayer book is read each Sunday at all services, with many times more than six people requiring prayer for various reasons.

When required, personal prayer is provided at the Church, aged care facilities and the home of the person in need.

In the past the prayer chain was useful, but having more people pray for others, and, because of this method, it is a greater comfort for all.

All members of the church are thanked for their never ending and constant prayer.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

Their ever constant prayer.





Purpose, Aims or Mission

To maintain, expand and care for the Property/s used by the Glen Waverley Uniting Church for the benefit of all of the congregation and act as a stewardship caretaker for those properties on behalf of the Uniting Church in Australia.

To generate income from the property in a manner that is consistent with the UCA and GWUC philosophies.

Office bearers

Chairperson: Warren Greenwood

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

1st Monday of every month – 7.45pm

Locations used by Group

Where-ever allocated

Highlights of the year

• 4 Adequately attended “Spring Cleans” that reduces the demands on Volunteer time.

• Complete refurbishment of 19 Southdown Ave for new ministry team member. ($45,000)

• Increased rentals, including the “Chinese Church” rental

• Careful Kitchen Crew passing all Monash Council Food Safety inspections.

• Lower than expected maintenance costs

• Increased services charges (10%)

• Retirement of Carmel Stork after 16 years service

• Absence of leave for John Battison due to illness.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

• Continued and ongoing support.


Uniting Voices



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To enhance the worship life of the church through music and song

Office bearers

Conductors: Elwyn Pederson and Barbara Hurst

Accompanists: Robert Fleming and Noela Bartlett

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Rehearsals Thursday at 8pm

Worship services weeks 1 and 3 at 11

Locations used by Group

Church and or Room 1 for rehearsal.

Room 1 for Sunday morning warm-ups

Highlights of the year

Combining the two choirs (The Choir and Deo Volente) has had a positive effect on the singers with more voices in all parts.  While there have been some "cultural" issues, the group is now functioning well as a choir. The year culminated in a service of Lessons and Carols.  The  group sang at UnitingCare at Noble Park which was very enjoyable for both the choir and the residents.  Uniting voices also sang at the 20th Anniversary of the opening of the Church building. There was a combined choir for the anniversary service in June.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

The instruments that the choir need for accompaniment both in church and in Room 1, could be improved.  The organ is obviously in need of some work.  Would it be possible to get the piano in Room 4 tuned and swapped with the Roland that is currently in Room 1?  Alternatively could the choir switch to Room 4 for rehearsals (not as good)?


Visitation Committee



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To maintain the lists of visitors and make changes as necessary. This list included pastoral support people within groups, telephone and email visitors and those who visit members of the congregation in their homes. We also arrange visitation workshops, as needed, in consultation with the Ministry Team

Office bearers

Jan Clear & Jenny Vass Coordinators

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

No set meetings

Locations used by Group


Highlights of the year

Two visitation workshops were held in 2011 and we plan to have more in 2012. The attendance, at these workshops, was small but those who attended found them worthwhile.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

It has been good to have assistance when we have needed to learn more about the database. It is good that we both have access rights now.


Wednesday Young Adults



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Support, Study & Pastoral Care

Office bearers

Alanee Hearnshaw

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

7:30pm Wednesday Night

Locations used by Group

Al & Joel’s House

Highlights of the year

The individual accomplishments of the group members are amazing, with volunteering, letters and numbers, scholarships, and overseas study placements.

The highlight is the community that is found in the group when they get there.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Welcoming / Newcomers' Committee



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To arrange visits to newcomers; to organise welcoming functions for newcomers; to prepare the welcoming table roster; to liaise with all congregations about new people who attend those services; to report to Pastoral Care Committee; to arrange transfers.

Office bearers

Jan Clear Convenor

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Once early each year.

Locations used by Group

All meetings and functions held in private homes

Highlights of the year

It is great that we are looking for new people, at all services and inviting them to special functions. Newcomers who have attended our functions (Garden Picnic-February/March, Casserole Lunch-May/June, BBQ-October) have appreciated being given the opportunity to meet other new people and members of the congregation. They have been pleased to hear about groups within our congregation, that may interest them.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

It would be great if Church Council members attended one Newcomers’ function every year.


Welfare Committee



Purpose, Aims or Mission

The purpose of the Welfare Committee is underpinned by the mission of the GWUC and in liaison with the Inclusive Community and Outreach Missional Groups.

We provide practical, financial, spiritual and emotional support to those in our Church and in the community who seek our assistance.

Primarily our focus is on day to day living expenses, health, education and general independent functioning of individuals and families encouraging them to access existing community resources including those within our Church.

Office bearers

Coordinator: Dorothy Lockhart. Treasurer/Secretary: Faye McDougall.

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Quarterly formal meetings with ongoing informal liaison as required.

Locations used by Group

GWUC meeting rooms.

Highlights of the year

In our interactions with and interventions on behalf of the recipients of our service we hope and pray that in some small way, as representatives of GWUC’s mission, we have been able to make a small difference in the lives of those we serve. In the past year we were gratified when a family we were privileged to assist in a practical way began attending our worship services. Assistance provided has included being a “listening ear”; counselling; sharing a prayer; referring to specific agencies eg Centrelink, Karinya Counselling, Eastern Emergency Relief Network and our Church Groups etc; providing food vouchers on request and at Christmastime; distributing toys and food donated by our congregation.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

It would be appreciated if the current arrangement of grants towards our services continues, please. On request, our congregation generously responds to special needs or projects we bring to their attention.


Working with Children Check



Purpose, Aims or Mission

To ensure that members of the congregation who work with children have a WWCC

Office bearers

Lynne Boyer

Membership numbers

Currently 107 members have a WWCC


Meeting times & days

No meetings

Locations used by Group

Church Office

Highlights of the year

GWUC has 107 people who have a current WWCC.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist



Youth Council



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Discern & support Youth and Young Adults Ministry in GWUC

Office bearers

Kaye Morgan & Neil Skilton

Membership numbers




Meeting times & days

Once a term

Locations used by Group


Highlights of the year

Working out it’s place in the new structure systems…….wondered if we needed it…..looks like we are going to resume, meeting regularly.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist


Youth Group



Purpose, Aims or Mission

Fun, learning & pastoral connections

Office bearers

Alanee Hearnshaw, Nicole Boyer & team

Membership numbers



15-30 it really does fluctuate

Meeting times & days

7pm Friday Nights during school term

Locations used by Group

Mostly GWUC & small group homes

Highlights of the year

The group of young people currently involved are an amazing accepting bunch, the leaders often reflect after a night, just how amazing the atmosphere of the group is.

Small groups are still a large part of the support for young people at GWUC

The achievement is the leaders who commit week in and week out.

Any needs with which Church Council can assist

To be aware that the majority of our Youth aren’t from church families & therefore don’t have the same priorities for wider events that Churched young people might.

This page is generated from a local database kept by DavidMorgan. Please request changes from [email protected] rather than editing this page.

AnnualReport2011 (last edited 2013-12-09 06:11:29 by DavidMorgan)