#acl AnnetteWojak:read,write All:read Link to [[OutreachSocialJustice|Outreach and Social Justice Missional Group]] > == Material Aid Offerings == * We collect goods for a particular charity each month or two. * For details and to make suggestions, please contact AnnetteWojak. ||November 2023 || [[https://www.sharethedignity.org.au|Share the Dignity]], hygiene products for women.|| ||February 2024 || [[WelfareCommittee|GWUC Welfare program]] || ||April 2024 ||[[https://www.refugeeresourcehub.org.au|Refugee resource Hub]] April & May food drive went to Asylum Seeker Resource centre Dandenong. This was well supported and we delivered 7 boxes of food which were gratefully received.||