## page was renamed from IsolationIdeasMarc2020 #acl All:read Link to CouncilAgenda20200325 > CouncilMinutes20200325 == ISOLATION IDEAS FOR THE NEW AGE == * Daily devotion/ reading or prayer on GWUC website. use gwuc website as meeting point with some new thoughts/ information/ ideas so that we all feel connected to church community * Daily email from office – sharing love * Regular video from ministry team on website – relating to latest news from UCA/GWUC/ congregation members * Letterbox “How can we help” flyer for self-isolated members: David Fraser – to put in letterboxes * “Zoom” opportunities for people to share in real time with one another at set times e.g.4 times per week for 30 minutes each * Schedule of Bible studies for each week * Regular scheduled ZOOM IN study – once every 3 weeks/ month? → Faith development / alternate month different common interest eg First Peoples * role of NewView - Anne * whatsapp groups offering Community Care (one in Indonesian partly) , * facebook * ideas for what to do in self-isolation with links to helpful/ fun videos/ websites/music * a shout out for people to contribute ideas may provide material. * prayer chain - David Fraser * volunteers who ring others - keep in touch regularly with isolated people – and also connect to support each other? * Tech help = volunteers: giving people help to see worship services and get email/ electronic communications can find details * Perhaps we can think about acknowledging the birthdays of church members as they will be limited in the ways they can celebrate. Just another way of keeping in touch and making sure the church stays as an important part of people's lives. * Emails are good for those who access information this way but there is nothing better in these circumstances as either live or recorded messages from key people.