#acl GlynHowells:read,write All:read Link to InterculturalTaskGroup > CouncilMinutes20231016 == Report to church council from Intercultural Task Group == 16 October 2023 === Kolintang === The Consul General of the Indonesian Consulate has offered to gift the Indonesian kolintang ensemble from the consulate to GWUC as we have been the only group to use it in recent years – eg in concerts and other celebrations. The obvious question is where to store it. Do we have any suitable spaces on the church premises or …? Decision required. {{attachment:Kolintang.png}}<
> Riedel congregation, GMIM === Indonesian 78th Independence Day & Faith Sharing Celebration === Held in the church hall Saturday 23rd September 2023 Hosted by ASIK (Armada Senior Indonesia Klub) – Asik also means ‘Let’s have fun’. Speakers were the Indonesian Consul-General, Mr Kuncoro Waseso, Mr John Mullahy, MP, the member for Glen Waverley, Mr Param Jaswal presenting the Sikh faith and Dr Mulyoto Pangestu representing the Muslim faith community and Rev Neil Peters speaking about the Christian faith and Glyn Howells on the Voice to Parliament. Nearly 100 people attended including representatives of the Monash Interfaith Group, The Salvation Army, Syndal Baptist church and other pastors and congregations. Program consisted of lunch sponsored by the Victorian Government, Multicultural Affairs…, speeches (faith sharing), traditional Indonesian dance performances and a traditional costume fashion parade. === Visit by 5 visitors from Balikpapan Protestant Church in West Indonesia (East Kalimantan/Borneo) === who sang and danced at the 9:15 worship on 15th October 2023. Organised by Lucky Kalonta. Thanks also to Neil for welcoming and including the guests and to Warren who so ably managed to facilitate the sound, etc for the performances at the last minute. === Bible reading in other community languages. === One of the recommendations in Rev Hoon’s final report was to share the bible in other languages in worship from time to time. On Sunday at 9:15 Ms Lina Liu read from Philippians first in English (with Chinese characters on the screen along with the English) and then read a summary of the passage in Cantonese. Wonderful. GlynHowells, Convenor