#acl InterculturalTaskGroup:read,write All:read Link to CouncilAgenda20230220 > CouncilMinutes20230220 > InterculturalMeeting20230210 == Intercultural Report 202302 == Notes from meeting of reactivated Intercultural Task Group, Friday 10th February 2023 in room 4/on zoom. Present: PeterCheung, LuckyKalonta, JanClear, GlynHowells, NeilPeters, SachinRemson, LinaLiu, HoonYou ''Reviving the missional heart of the church'' Discussion: Hoon asked everyone about our expectations: where would we like to be in 6 months’ time? Agreed that: 1. ITG meet on second Friday of each month in room 4/ hybrid zoom 1. ITG to report to church council 1. Series of 10 Intercultural Bible Studies – led by Rev Hoon You <
>Purpose: to build a foundation so we can walk together. i. Held on 1st and 3rd Tuesdays of month – same study held twice i. Starting Tuesday 7th March for about 1.5 hours a. 1:30pm in church (face to face) in room 1 (has been booked) a. 7:30pm on zoom (hybrid) i. Try out for one month i. We will invite people personally to attend and seek an intention to attend – sign up; will also be mentioned in worship services. 1. Rev Hoon You to hold two multicultural worship workshops in June/July for congregation i. 2 hours each i. What is the most suitable times? …to be decided 1. Congregational meeting on March 5th i. As part of the ministry team report we are asked to share briefly good news about what took place last year in terms of on-going intercultural activities i. Let Hoon or Glyn know 1. Report from Lucky Kalonta on on-going Indonesian church relationships i. A visit of about 8 days by GMIM Riedel congregation leaders is being planned for May to coincide with our Indonesian Festival. We are awaiting details from the Riedel church council to send to church council aware that it takes time to obtain visas. i. Rev Francky Londa, Moderator of KGPM (Protestant Church in Minahasa) is working out how to gather the vicaris (trainee ministers) on zoom to resume our weekly faith sharing (run by Glyn, Lucky and Andrew Hosking). They are dispersed in congregations throughout North Sulawesi. We will run a second class, more elementary class. with the new vicaris after the first: same day. i. Dr Arnold Abbas, recently re-elected moderator of GERMITA (The Evangelical Christian Church in Talaud) is not able to visit Australia this year as planned, but two PhD theological students -- Rev. Adriana Bauer (who periodically conducts the Indonesian Fellowship worship) and Mr. Alfian R Komimbin -- of Emeritus Professor James Haire (a former moderator of the UCA) from Charles Sturt University are hoping to visit. i. Indonesian Festival (May): the Interfaith Group from North Sulawesi won’t be coming this year, but we will design a relevant faith seminar with other people from here. Next hybrid meeting: Friday 10th March 7:30pm in room 4/ on zoom