#acl All:read Link to >> CouncilMinutes20130716 == Inclusive Community report to Council July 2013. == * We have not met since the last Church Council meeting. * Inclusive Community will work with the Community Hub volunteers to begin English Conversation Classes on Thursday 1 August, at 11.15am. The class will run for an hour. We will advertise in the bulletin, the library and the Hub, during the next two weeks. * Pastoral Team met on Tuesday this week, the 9 July. We received a resignation letter from Jenny Vass. We will write to her and thank her for many contributions as a member of the Pastoral Team, a pastoral visitor and in helping to co-ordinate the visitation program. * We made the following plans for Sharonne Price’s visit. * Friday 2 August- 7.30-9pm. Coffee and Desserts with Ministry Team, Pastoral Team and Church Council members. We will ask Sharonne to introduce herself and the program and to answer questions. * Saturday 3 August- * 10am -12 noon Question and answer session about the program, with Sharonne. We will invite Elders, members of the Missional groups and Church Council members. An invitation to all members of the congregation will be put in the weekly bulletins during July. * 12 noon -1pm Lunch. We will ask participants to bring a plate of finger food to share. * 1pm -3pm. Sharonne will conduct a training session. * Sunday 4 August. Sharonne will be guest speaker at the three morning services. We will invite people who attend 4.30pm and 7pm services to attend one of the morning services. * If we decide to go ahead with the program Sharonne is happy to come back to conduct training for Pastoral Partners, later in the year. * There will be a morning tea after the 11am service on 28 June. Jan Clear