Differences between revisions 82 and 134 (spanning 52 versions)
Revision 82 as of 2014-06-14 20:43:33
Size: 3558
Editor: JohnHurst
Comment: weekly update
Revision 134 as of 2015-06-19 09:55:04
Size: 2307
Editor: JohnSnare
Comment: Weekly reminders added to Headlines
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~ You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice.
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~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.~- You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice. = GWUC Headlines for w/e 20Jun 2015 =
'''Outreach BBQ Forum - Sunday 21 June''' Join us after the 11am Service this Sunday for the Outreach BBQ Forum where we will hear from Dee and Dan Rutherford about the wonderful work at the Kivuli Project (Australia) Inc. Come and share lunch $5 cost). All are welcome.
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= GWUC HeadLines for w/e 14 Jun 2014 =
 * The CommunicationsCommittee met on 2 Jun 2014 and their [[CommunicationsMinutes20140602 | minutes are available]].
 * Council met on 27 May 2014 and their [[CouncilMinutes20140527 | minutes are available]].
 * The CommunityOutreach group met on 5 Jun 2014 and their [[OutreachMinutes201406 | minutes are available]].
'''Ivan's Pies - Tuesday 23 June''' Please collect Pie Orders from the Church Hall on Tuesday 23 June between 2pm and 6pm. Many thanks for your generous support.
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= (No HeadLines for period 19 Apr 2014 to 7 Jun 2014) = '''Church Anniversary - Sunday 28 June''' Next week there will be a Combined Service at 10am where we will celebrate the Anniversary of the Uniting Church. Following this service there will be the opportunity to share in a spit roast lunch. Today is the last day to get your tickets. Please see Faye Wagon or Barbara Thompson. Tickets cost $20 per person, $10 children under 12 or $5 for children under 6. Don't miss out! Remember - no ticket, no lunch! '''<<BR>>'''
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Apr 2014 =
 * '''A ''Guide to ThePsalter'' workshop will be held on Monday, 28 Apr, 2-4pm.''' Existing users with experience on using the wiki will be on hand to give one-on-one assistance to new wiki users.
 * A new PropertyReport201404 is available
 * The new NewView has been uploaded online
 * There have been changes in the ChurchRosters - if you didn't read this page after last Sunday, you should now!
 * There has been more activity regarding the CopResponsesReceipts2013 from last year.
'''Church Office - Monday 22 June to Friday 26 June''' This week Heather will be away doing an intensive study unit at CTM. The office will be staffed by Sharon Harper-Wilkinson during this time. Office hours for each day are noted in the bulletin.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Apr 2014 =
 * The minutes for the last Congregational Meeting (CongMeetingMinutes20131125) are on-line.
 * also the CommunicationsMinutes20140203 are available.
 * ditto the FaithReport201403, OutreachReport201403
 * the CommunityOutreach mission group has been very active, with many updates to their pages.
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 6 Jun 2015 =
 * the latest copy of the [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/05/Newsbeat-June-2015.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter is available.]]
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 29 Mar 2014 =
 * The new ChurchRosters are now in production. Visit this page to see the progress being made.
 * The CouncilMinutes20140325 for the most recent council meeting are available to read.
 * The AnnualReport2013 has been updated.
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 May 2015 =
 * Council met this week. See [[CouncilMinutes20150428|Provisional minutes]]
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 22 Mar 2014 =
 * The new roster system approved by church council is now online. First to be made available are the old Elders/Salt rosters: RosterWelcome, RosterVestry, RosterCommunion. More details at RosterNewSystems.
 * From the Property Chairman:
     Phase one of the solar project has been completed this week, and all the physical hardware has been installed and is functional. This includes the 120 panels on our roof, the controlling Inverters and ancillary cabling and switchboard changes. We are very appreciative of the wonderful job the installation team has done, and also thank the congregation and guests for adapting to the reduced parking all week.
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 Apr 2015 =
 * Developing analysis of the worship survey is at ServicesSurvey2015
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     The next phase is for the system to be tested by the electricity agencies and government testers before it is then commissioned. This may take a couple of weeks. = GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Apr 2015 =
 * [[https://docs.google.com/forms/d/1HG-0U7S6F_34j5Z4Y9jUQnUUW1Ehf6U8mzTmFNm99_k/viewform|This is the link to the survey]] on the possibility of combining some Sunday services.
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     We will keep the congregation informed of the progress.

     Here is just one photo of what our church roof now looks like above the Foyer, Fellowship, Chapel, Room 2 & 3 and across the front of the north side of the hall roof. In conjunction with Bright Solar, we will be writing a review and story for Crosslight and our own Church Monthly bulletin as well as posting pictures and explanations on our web site. You can see more at PropertySolarPanels.


     Thank you for your cooperation this week - Warren Greenwood - Property Chairperson.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 Mar 2014 =
 * There is more information about last year's [[CopResponsesReceipts2013 | COP]] activities.
 * Minutes of the last [[OutreachMinutes201403|Outreach Meeting]] are available.
= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Apr 2015 =
 * the latest copy of the [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/03/Newsbeat-April-2015.pdf|Presbytery Newletter]] is available.
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Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements. You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 20Jun 2015

Outreach BBQ Forum - Sunday 21 June Join us after the 11am Service this Sunday for the Outreach BBQ Forum where we will hear from Dee and Dan Rutherford about the wonderful work at the Kivuli Project (Australia) Inc. Come and share lunch $5 cost). All are welcome.

Ivan's Pies - Tuesday 23 June Please collect Pie Orders from the Church Hall on Tuesday 23 June between 2pm and 6pm. Many thanks for your generous support.

Church Anniversary - Sunday 28 June Next week there will be a Combined Service at 10am where we will celebrate the Anniversary of the Uniting Church. Following this service there will be the opportunity to share in a spit roast lunch. Today is the last day to get your tickets. Please see Faye Wagon or Barbara Thompson. Tickets cost $20 per person, $10 children under 12 or $5 for children under 6. Don't miss out! Remember - no ticket, no lunch!

Church Office - Monday 22 June to Friday 26 June This week Heather will be away doing an intensive study unit at CTM. The office will be staffed by Sharon Harper-Wilkinson during this time. Office hours for each day are noted in the bulletin.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 6 Jun 2015

GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 May 2015

GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 Apr 2015

GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Apr 2015

GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Apr 2015

Previous news items are available here


HeadLines (last edited 2024-07-13 11:39:51 by DavidMorgan)