Differences between revisions 205 and 1023 (spanning 818 versions)
Revision 205 as of 2016-05-05 01:49:17
Size: 11964
Editor: JohnHurst
Revision 1023 as of 2023-08-07 03:42:15
Size: 12801
Editor: JohnHurst
Comment: update to 12 Aug 2023
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice. You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.
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Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in to see those details. [[#WikiAccess|For access information click here.]])
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 07 May 2016 =
 * '''Newsbeat''' - Copies of the latest edition of [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2016/05/Newsbeat-May-2016.pdf | Newsbeat ]] (Newsletter for the Presbytery of Port Phillip East) are available for download, or from the Stewards Table.
## Note to editors: please use the following template for links to Newsbeat, to ensure that readers are taken to the correct page.
## * The [[https://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/10/Newsbeat-October-2019.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for October]] is now available.
## Note that the Presbytery is not very consistent with the format of their URLs. You need to check each time.
## The 10 in the above example apparently means uploaded in October, not necessarily the October edition.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 30 Apr 2016 =
 * '''Interruption to Electricity Supply – Sunday 1 May - '''We have received communication from United Energy advising us that there will be an interruption to our electricity supply on Sunday 1 May from 8am until 4pm. Please see the notice in the bulletin for more details. There will be no Club 2016 lunch on Sunday.<<BR>>
 * '''UCAF Annual Luncheon – Tuesday 3 May - '''Mrs Patricial Begg OAM will speak at this luncheon about the History of High Tea. If you have not already bought a ticket, and only wish to come and hear Patricia speak, you will be able to purchase a $10 ticket for this up until 3 May. Tickets are available from Barbara Thompson, Margaret Duncan, Norma Saxton and Diana Coles.<<BR>>
 * '''Christian Unity Ecumenical Celebration – Sunday 22 May - '''If you would like to visit another church please add your name to the list on the Office counter or speak with Jan Clear.<<BR>>
 * '''Welfare Special Project - '''Please see the notice in the bulletin if you are able to assist Baby Emmanuel’s family as they prepare for his arrival in June.<<BR>>
 * '''Office Hours - '''A communication regarding the new Church Office hours, and upcoming focus groups, is available on the wiki at:- http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/ChurchOfficeStaffingApr2016
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 12 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/08/Newsbeat-August-2023.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for August]] is now available.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 23 Apr 2016 =
 * '''Let’s Go Walking with Neil Peters – Saturday 30 April - '''Neil Peters is doing a walk-a-thon to raise money for the Chaplaincy Program in schools. Our church has commited to support this program. Please read the notice in the bulletin so see how you could support Neil.
 * '''Interruption to Electricity Supply – Sunday 1 May - '''We have received communication from United Energy advising us that there will be an interruption to our electricity supply on Sunday 1 May from 8am until 4pm. Please see the notice in the bulletin for more details.
 * '''UCAF Annual Luncheon – Tuesday 3 May - '''Mrs Patricial Begg OAM will speak at this luncheon about the History of High Tea. If you have not already bought a ticket, and are interested in attending, you have until 27 April to purchase a ticket which includes lunch. If you only wish to come and hear Patricia speak, you will be able to purchase a $10 ticket for this up until 3 May. Tickets are available from Barbara Thompson, Margaret Duncan, Norma Saxton and Diana Coles.
 * '''Office Hours - '''A communication regarding the new Church Office hours, and upcoming focus groups, is available on the wiki at:- http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/ChurchOfficeStaffingApr2016
= GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 05 =
 * [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/r-e-tthyhic-nxckhbu-f/|Synod e-news]] and [[https://issuu.com/ucavictas/docs/202308_crosslight_august_flipbook|August crosslight]] are now available.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 16 Apr 2016 =
 * '''Office Hours - '''The wiki page for Office Hours referred to in this week's Bulletin is located at ChurchOfficeStaffingApr2016
 * '''Leisure Time AGM – Monday 18 April at 2.30pm - '''A reminder that the Congregation and Volunteers are invited to attend the Leisure Time Annual General Meeting which starts at at 2.30pm in Room 1. Afternoon tea will follow the meeting.
 * '''Congregational Outreach Projects 2016 – Close Monday 18 April -''' Applications for COP 2016 will close on Monday 18 April. Forms and criteria are available on the wiki at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CopProjects2016.
 * '''Let’s Go Walking with Neil Peters – Saturday 30 April - '''Neil Peters is doing a walk-a-thon to raise money for the Chaplaincy Program in schools. Our church has committed to support this program. Please read the notice in the bulletin to see how you could support Neil in his endeavours.
 * '''Lost Property - '''A couple of lost property items were handed in at the office last week and one is still here. If you have lost a ladies watch make contact with the office to see if the item we have is yours.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 29 =
 * The materials for HoonYou's DNA studies are at the bottom of InterCulturalMinistry
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 09 Apr 2016 =
 * [[EMailWhitelisting]] describes how to avoid your church emails going into the spam box.
 * '''Material Aid Offering – This Week – Sunday 10 April''' You are invited to contribute non-perishable food and toiletries, to be stored by the Welfare Committee, to assist those in our community who are in need. Items such as canned soups, meals, baked beans, breakfast cereals (especially Weet-Bix), tea, coffee, Milo and biscuits all go down well. Soap, toothpaste and brushes, toilet paper and washing powders are also appreciated.
 * '''Seniors’ Service – This Week – Sunday 10 Apr 2016 at 2.30pm''' You are invited to share in Worship and Communion at this service which is themed “The Pilgrimage of Life”. The service will be followed by afternoon tea.
 * '''Church Working Bee – Saturday 16 Apr 2016 at 8.30am''' The next Church Working Bee is Saturday 16 April from 8.30am until 1.30pm. We would appreciate help in trimming shrubs, trees, tidying the garden areas, cleaning the worship centre windows, clearing the car park gutters, drain pits and drains, and to perform a stocktake on all our crockery and cutlery. If you can spare 30 minutes or more, we would really appreciate your help.
 * '''Congregational Outreach Projects 2016''' Applications for COP 2016 will open on Monday 14 March and will close on Monday 18 April. Forms and criteria are available on the wiki at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CopProjects2016.
 * '''Lost Property''' A couple of lost property items were handed in at the office this week and no-one has come to claim them. If you have lost a ladies watch or a hearing aid please make contact with the office to see if the item we have is yours.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 22 =
 * Church Council met this week, and [[CouncilMinutes20230717|provisional minutes]] are now available.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 02 Apr 2016 =
 * '''Seniors’ Service – Next Week – Sunday 10 April at 2.30pm''' You are invited to share in Worship and Communion at this service which is themed “The Pilgrimage of Life”. The service will be followed by afternoon tea. If you require transport, please contact the Church Office by Wednesday 6 April.
 * '''Church Working Bee – Saturday 16 April at 8.30am''' The next Church Working Bee is Saturday 16 April from 8.30am until 1.30pm. We would appreciate help in trimming shrubs, trees, tidying the garden areas, cleaning the worship centre windows, clearing the car park gutters, drain pits and drains, and to perform a stocktake on all our crockery and cutlery. If you can spare 30 minutes or more, we would really appreciate your help.
 * '''Congregational Outreach Projects 2016''' Applications for COP 2016 will open on Monday 14 March and will close on Monday 18 April. Forms and criteria are available on the wiki at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CopProjects2016.
 * '''Service Recordings''' Each week we record both the 9:15am and 11am services and post these onto the Glen Waverley Uniting Church website for people to watch and download at anytime. Services going back many weeks can be found on our web site. A number of our country churches use these recordings for worship the following week. We also create a small number of DVD's that are available for circulation around church members who prefer to watch these services on their TV or computer. In addition we have 3 iPads available from the church office that have the services loaded on them each Monday. So if you are unable to get to worship at any time and you would like to watch any of these services, please contact the church office or Warren Greenwood and we can arrange for a DVD or iPad to be shared with you.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 08 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/07/Newsbeat-July-2023.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for July]] is now available, with a grateful note from RossMackinnon.
 * A webinar on the voice to parliament will be on Thursday 13 July at 7.30pm for an hour of listening, laughing and learning with your Church. The Working for Justice and Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circles invite you into some deep dadirri listening around the Voice. Come and hear Palawa woman Alison Overeem, Advocate of the Walking Together Circle, Gamillaroi man and comedian Ben Moodie and Uncle Ray Minniecon, Aboriginal Pastor and a descendant of the Kabi Kabi nation and the Gurang Gurang nations join together and Yarn for Yes. For register click [[https://ucappep.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2e8f27b32523221ded6bfe2d6&id=9e7ef98dd0&e=f0fe1afd2f|here.]]
 * [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/r-l-ttdljjkd-nlukixtju-p/|A copy of Uniting Vic.Tas Winter Congregation Connect]] is now available, featuring information on Share Sunday on August 20, and how donated winter items help to ease hardship.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 Mar 2016 =
 * '''Holy Week Services –''' Thursday 24 March to Sunday 27 March
   * Thursday 24 March – 8pm – Maundy Thursday Service – Church
   * Friday 25 March – 9.15am – Good Friday Service – Church
   * Sunday 27 March – 10am – Easter Day Service - Church
 * '''Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday '''– 25 March at 10am Following the 9.15am Service on Good Friday, Hot Cross Buns and a cuppa will be available in the hall. Please bring a packet of Hot Cross Buns to share.
 * '''Free Family Easter Event''' – Sunday 27 March at 4pm Please join us at 4pm Easter Sunday on the church lawns. Activities include jumping castle, Easter egg hunt, egg and spoon races. A fun celebration of Easter and Neighbour Day. All welcome. Bring grandchildren.
 * '''Congregational Outreach Projects''' - 2016 Applications for COP 2016 will open on Monday 14 March and will close on Monday 18 April. Forms and criteria are available on the wiki at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CopProjects2016.
 * '''Church Working Bee – Advance Notice '''– Saturday 16 April at 8.30am The next Church Working Bee is Saturday 16 April from 8.30am until 1.30pm.
 * '''Becoming an Intercultural Church''' – Friday 13 and Saturday 14 May Neil Peters is planning to attend this event. If you are interested, please speak to Neil by Tuesday 29 March. There is more information on the Faith Development Notice Board, and there is a group discount.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending July 01 =
 * Church Council met this week, and [[CouncilMinutes20230626|Provisional minutes]] are available
 * [[https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=8g3ywT_JaOk|A youtube recording]] of a recent information session on the constitutional referendum is now available from Murrumbeena UCA.
 * [[https://www.act2uca.com/act2report|A report on ACT2, the consultation on the future of the UCA]] is available.
 * [[attachment:JobDescriptions/2023 Position Description - Welfare Co-ordinator.pdf|The Welfare Coordinator position description]] is now available.
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= GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 Mar 2016 =
 * The latest issue of NewView is now available.
 * '''Walk for Justice for Refugees – Sunday 20 March at 2pm''' : The next Walk for Justice for Refugees is being held this coming Sunday. The march will be leaving from the State Library (cnr Swanson and La Trobe Streets, Melbourne) at 2pm.
 * '''Holy Week Services – Monday 21 March to Sunday 27 March''' :
  * Monday 21 March – 7.30pm – Communion and a shared meal with discussion – Room 1
  * Tuesday 22 March – 7.30pm – Holy Week Service – Church
  * Wednesday 23 March – 7.30pm – Holy Week Service – Church
  * Thursday 24 March – 8pm – Maundy Thursday Service – Church
  * Friday 25 March – 9.15am – Good Friday Service – Church
  * Sunday 27 March – 10am – Easter Day Service - Church
 * '''Hot Cross Buns on Good Friday – 25 March at 10am : '''Following the 9.15am Service on Good Friday, Hot Cross Buns and a cuppa will be available in the hall. Please bring a packet of Hot Cross Buns to share.
 * '''Free Family Easter Event – Sunday 27 March at 4pm''' : Please join us at 4pm Easter Sunday on the church lawns Activities include jumping castle, Easter egg hunt, egg and spoon races. A fun celebration of Easter and Neighbour Day. All welcome. Bring grandchildren. If you want to assist on the day please contact Alanee or Neil.
 * '''Congregational Outreach Projects 2016''' : Applications for COP 2016 will open on Monday 14 March and will close on Monday 18 April. Forms and criteria are available on the wiki at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CopProjects2016.
 * '''Service Recordings''' : Each week we record both the 9:15am and 11am services and post these onto the Glen Waverley Uniting Church website for people to watch and download at anytime. Services going back many weeks can be found on our web site. A number of our country churches use these recordings for worship the following week. We also create a small number of DVD's that are available for circulation around church members who prefer to watch these services on their TV or computer. In addition we have 3 iPads available from the church office that have the services loaded on them each Monday. So if you are unable to get to worship at any time and you would like to watch any of these services, please contact the church office or Warren Greenwood and we can arrange for a DVD or iPad to be shared with you.
= GWUC Headlines for week ending June 24 =
 * [[https://uniting.church/a-voice-to-parliament-in-2-pages/|Some new explantory material]] on The Voice is now available from Synod.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending June 17 =
 * The next Church Council meeting will be held on Monday 26 June. The [[http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CouncilAgenda20230626| agenda is developing. If you have items for inclusion, please email <<MailTo(councilsec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>

= GWUC Headlines for week ending June 10 =
 * [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/06/Newsbeat-June.pdf|The June Presbytery Newsletter]] includes Glen Waverley's Indonesian Festival.
 * Letters from Monash City Council to [[attachment:L from Monash Council to Residents.pdf|residents]] and [[attachment:L from Monash Council to Traders.pdf|traders]] give some information about parking changes planned when the Bogong Ave parking station is closed during extentions.
 * [[https://issuu.com/ucavictas/docs/202306crosslightjune_flipbook|June Crosslight]] is now available.
 * [[https://ucappep.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2e8f27b32523221ded6bfe2d6&id=4a5af69092&e=f0fe1afd2f|Garry Deverall's talk about the Voice referendum]] is now available.
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= GWUC Headlines for week ending May 20 =
 * ChurchCouncil met this week, and provisional minutes are [[CouncilMinutes20230515|available.]]
 * The next Home-brewed pub conversation about forming new communities of faith will be held on Sunday 21 May 2023 at 4pm at The Rogue Squire, Cnr Ferntree Gully & Jells Rd, Wheelers Hill. This regular gathering is for those interested or involved in starting contextual expressions of Christian community. We’re a peer group of learners about gathering people beyond the church and exploring faith with them. For more information contact Craig Mitchell [email protected]
 * The Seventeenth Meeting of the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania will commence at 10am on Saturday 18 Nov 2023 and conclude at 4pm on Tuesday 21 Nov 2023. The meeting will be held at Box Hill Town Hall, 1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill. It is time to consider nominating for membership at the 2023 Synod Meeting. Any confirmed member of the Uniting Church can nominate as a Synod member.
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Previous news items are available [[PreviousNewsItems|here]] = GWUC Headlines for week ending May 13 =
 * Synod is holding a [[attachment:230509eLMJIM_Net Zero Greenhouse Dropin.pdf|Zoom session on reaching net zero emissions]] Wednesday 31 May 2023, 6pm-7:30pm.
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= GWUC Headlines for week ending May 6 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/05/Newsbeat-05-2023.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for May]] is now available.
 * PPE and the Victorian Council of Churches are co-sponsoring an evening of listening and conversation about The Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Voice Referendum on Tuesday evening 30 May at Glen Waverley Uniting Church, 7.30-9.00pm. The speaker will be Rev Dr Garry Deverell, Lecturer and Research Fellow in the School of Indigenous Studies, University of Divinity. [[https://ucappep.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2e8f27b32523221ded6bfe2d6&id=1e8f34e4ad&e=f0fe1afd2f|More details here.]]

= GWUC Headlines for week ending April 22 =
 * Church Council met this week, and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20230417.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending April 15 =
 * [[IndonesianFestivalPlanApr2023|Plans for the Indonesian Festival]] are coming together. Bookings are now open for the paid events.
 * Church Council meets Monday evening. Agenda items to DavidMorgan please.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending April 8 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Newsbeat_April_WWW.pdf|April Newsbeat (Presbytery newsletter)]] is now available.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending April 1 =
 * [[https://ac.actforpeace.org.au/index.php?action=social&chash=df877f3865752637daa540ea9cbc474f.1550&s=889708724406ec30f5aafd39393f269f|A new appeal by Act for Peace]] will support refugees in Kenya.
 * Professor Anne Pattel-Gray speaks about the [[https://ucappep.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2e8f27b32523221ded6bfe2d6&id=5924608cb2&e=f0fe1afd2f|Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Voice referendum on Youtube]]. [[https://ucappep.us2.list-manage.com/track/click?u=2e8f27b32523221ded6bfe2d6&id=dceeec3392&e=f0fe1afd2f|Rev Dr Garry Deverell also speaks about the Statement and the referendum]]. Both Anne and Garry are faculty members of the University of Divinity.
 * The [[https://e.issuu.com/embed.html?d=202304cross_april_newflip&u=ucavictas|April edition of CrossLight]] is now available.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending March 25 =
 * [[https://mailchi.mp/bed2e4cbd25b/news-and-upcoming-initiatives-to-spark-your-energy-renewable-of-course-15571524?e=bf5df5aef6|United Climate Action Network news]] is available.
 * The [[Survey2023|Survey]] requested by the last congregational meeting is now available.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending March 18 =
 * Church Council met this week, and [[CouncilMinutes20230313|provisional minutes]] are now available to the congregation.
 * Presbytery have provided some links to do with The Voice referendum.
  * Resources from the Official Yes Campaigns – [[https://yes23.com.au/ online course and materials]] and their booklet attached, and [[https://fromtheheart.com.au/education/#/|online course.]]
  * Kitchen Table Conversation: [[https://togetheryes.com.au/|Yes, Together.]]

= GWUC Headlines for week ending March 11 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/03/Newsbeat-03-2023.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for March]] is now available.
 * A [[attachment:EcoTaskHomePage/Net Zero Emissions for the Synod Discussion Paper.pdf|discussion paper on the Synod of VicTas achieving net zero carbon emissions]] has been released.
 * The final total for the Book Sale is $6552.27, a great result for all those who helped at all stages. Remaing books have been deliverd to [[ https://www.brotherhoodbooks.org.au/about-us|Brother hood books]] and children's books to [[https://123read2me.org.au/|123read2me]]

= GWUC Headlines for week ending March 4 =
 * March is the month for our Welfare program at [[https://www.grilld.com.au/restaurants/victoria/melbourne/glen-waverley|Grill'd Local Matters.]] Put your tokens in our jar to maximise our funding.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 18 =
 * Church Council met this week, and provisional minutes are available at CouncilMinutes20230220
 * Monash City Council is [[https://www.monash.vic.gov.au/About-Us/News/Monash-first-to-deliver-soft-plastics-recycling-option-for-residents-following-suspension-of-RedCycle|accepting soft plastics for recycling]] at the Ferntree Gully Road depot. If you would like to be part of a scheme to collect soft plastics from the congregation and take to the depot, please contact DavidMorgan

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 18 =
 * For those wishing to donate to the earthquake victims in Türkiye and Syria, Act for Peace, the aid arm of the National Council of Churches in Australia, (Christmas Bowl) have now launched an emergency appeal at https://actforpeace.org.au/syria-turkiye-earthquake/
 * The [[https://www.agr.org.au/feb-2023-newsletter?utm_campaign=b32ac956-850f-40b1-a015-8d763f773c6d&utm_source=so&utm_medium=mail&cid=2260a6b7-91f4-4f8b-b904-75e2b6e646c9|Alliance for Gambling Reform newsletter]] is now available.
 * The [[https://issuu.com/ucavictas/docs/202302_crosslight_feb_flip|February Crosslight]] features a story about Kelly Skilton.
 * The CarefulKitchenCrew have prepared a checklist for UsingTheChurchKitchen

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 11 =
 * Sarah Manase, Presbytery Communications Officer wrote:
  Our Newsbeat Newsletter goes out the 1st week of every month, so if you know any stories or workshops or testimonies that would be useful, I would appreciate them by the 24th of every month. <<BR>>It doesn't need to be long, whether it be 1 page or 1/2 a page or even just a paragraph and lots of good quality photos - this would be great! <<BR>>In the month of March our theme will be focusing on " Thankfulness". If you have any people or know of a story that leads to this theme that would great. Or if not, anything is welcome.
 * A picture of the original Methodist Church in Waverley road is at HistoricalPictures. If you can identify any of the people, please tell DavidMorgan.

= GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 4 =
 * The [[https://ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2023/02/Newsbeat-02-2023.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter for February]] is now available, including articles about Kelly Skilton and Daniel Sihombing.
 * The stained glass display funded by the Marriott bequest is now on display. [[MarriottArtworkInstalled|A photo with the artist's explanation ]] is available.

## Footnote. Please leave when archiving. Thanks. DavidMorgan
== Access information ==
<<Anchor(WikiAccess)>> Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in to see those details. For access information click here.)

GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 12

GWUC Headlines for week ending Aug 05

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 29

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 22

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 08

  • The Presbytery Newsletter for July is now available, with a grateful note from RossMackinnon.

  • A webinar on the voice to parliament will be on Thursday 13 July at 7.30pm for an hour of listening, laughing and learning with your Church. The Working for Justice and Walking Together as First and Second Peoples Circles invite you into some deep dadirri listening around the Voice. Come and hear Palawa woman Alison Overeem, Advocate of the Walking Together Circle, Gamillaroi man and comedian Ben Moodie and Uncle Ray Minniecon, Aboriginal Pastor and a descendant of the Kabi Kabi nation and the Gurang Gurang nations join together and Yarn for Yes. For register click here.

  • A copy of Uniting Vic.Tas Winter Congregation Connect is now available, featuring information on Share Sunday on August 20, and how donated winter items help to ease hardship.

GWUC Headlines for week ending July 01

GWUC Headlines for week ending June 24

GWUC Headlines for week ending June 17

GWUC Headlines for week ending June 10

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 20

  • ChurchCouncil met this week, and provisional minutes are available.

  • The next Home-brewed pub conversation about forming new communities of faith will be held on Sunday 21 May 2023 at 4pm at The Rogue Squire, Cnr Ferntree Gully & Jells Rd, Wheelers Hill. This regular gathering is for those interested or involved in starting contextual expressions of Christian community. We’re a peer group of learners about gathering people beyond the church and exploring faith with them. For more information contact Craig Mitchell [email protected]

  • The Seventeenth Meeting of the Synod of Victoria and Tasmania will commence at 10am on Saturday 18 Nov 2023 and conclude at 4pm on Tuesday 21 Nov 2023. The meeting will be held at Box Hill Town Hall, 1022 Whitehorse Road, Box Hill. It is time to consider nominating for membership at the 2023 Synod Meeting. Any confirmed member of the Uniting Church can nominate as a Synod member.

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 13

GWUC Headlines for week ending May 6

  • The Presbytery Newsletter for May is now available.

  • PPE and the Victorian Council of Churches are co-sponsoring an evening of listening and conversation about The Uluru Statement from the Heart and the Voice Referendum on Tuesday evening 30 May at Glen Waverley Uniting Church, 7.30-9.00pm. The speaker will be Rev Dr Garry Deverell, Lecturer and Research Fellow in the School of Indigenous Studies, University of Divinity. More details here.

GWUC Headlines for week ending April 22

GWUC Headlines for week ending April 15

GWUC Headlines for week ending April 8

GWUC Headlines for week ending April 1

GWUC Headlines for week ending March 25

GWUC Headlines for week ending March 18

GWUC Headlines for week ending March 11

GWUC Headlines for week ending March 4

  • March is the month for our Welfare program at Grill'd Local Matters. Put your tokens in our jar to maximise our funding.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 18

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 18

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 11

  • Sarah Manase, Presbytery Communications Officer wrote:
    • Our Newsbeat Newsletter goes out the 1st week of every month, so if you know any stories or workshops or testimonies that would be useful, I would appreciate them by the 24th of every month.
      It doesn't need to be long, whether it be 1 page or 1/2 a page or even just a paragraph and lots of good quality photos - this would be great!
      In the month of March our theme will be focusing on " Thankfulness". If you have any people or know of a story that leads to this theme that would great. Or if not, anything is welcome.

  • A picture of the original Methodist Church in Waverley road is at HistoricalPictures. If you can identify any of the people, please tell DavidMorgan.

GWUC Headlines for week ending Feb 4

Access information

Note that some wiki pages require a wiki login, available to all church members. This can be arranged by contacting JohnHurst. If you want to see a particular wiki page and cannot, you are always welcome to contact DavidMorgan or ask the ChurchOffice to print a copy for you. If you need help finding information, see GwucWikiFirstTimeReaders or ask.

HeadLines (last edited 2024-08-25 08:15:20 by JohnHurst)