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~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~ You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan for advice.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 December 2015 =
'''Club 2015 - Sunday 6 December -''' Club 2015 will meet for lunch after the 11am Service on Sunday 6 December. Please feel free to bring a plate to share with others.

NewView '''December Issue - Monday December 7 - '''Deadline Contributions for the December Issue of NewView are due by Monday 7 December. These can be emailed to Robin Pope or left at the Church Office. The theme for this issue is Journeying.

'''Rob Gotch’s 20 Years of Ordination - Sunday 13 December - '''Surrey Hills Uniting Church will acknowledge Rob Gotch’s 20 years of ordination after the service on Sunday 13 December, soon after 11am. This is a low key morning tea but any of Rob’s friends from Glen Waverley are very welcome.

'''Volunteers Needed to Deliver Postcards for Advent Services - '''Please see the notice on the office counter if you can help to deliver Advent Services postcards to houses in the vicinity of the church before Sunday 13 December. Enquiries: Peter Anderson or the Church Office.

'''Empty Christmas Tree -''' Gifts for all ages are invited for the Empty Christmas Tree. Please do not wrap your gift. So that gifts can be distributed in time for Christmas, please leave your gift by Wednesday December 16.

'''Christmas Cards -''' Christmas Cards are available from the Church Office. Cards start at $7 for a packet of 10 and proceeds go to UCA Share and the Ryder-Cheshire Foundation.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 28 November 2015 =
'''Combined Service and Christmas Lunch - Sunday 29 November at 10am''' A reminder that this Sunday is a 10am Combined Service followed by Christmas lunch.

'''Remembrance Service - Tuesday 1 December at 7.30pm''' - The Remembrance Service for this year will be held on Tuesday 1 December at 7.30pm. This is a quiet, reflective service and a time to remember those who are not with us. All are welcome.

NewView '''December Issue - Monday December 7 Deadline '''- Contributions for the December Issue of NewView are due by Monday 7 December. These can be emailed to Robin Pope at [email protected] or left at the Church Office. The theme for this issue is Journeying.

'''Empty Christmas Tree - ''' Gifts for all ages are invited for the Empty Christmas Tree. Please do not wrap your gift. So that gifts can be distributed in time for Christmas, please leave your gift by Wednesday December 17.

'''Advent Letters -''' Please collect your Advent letter from the table in the foyer.

'''Christmas Cards Christmas''' - Cards are available from the Church Office. Cards start at $7 a packet for 10 and proceeds go to UCA Share and the Ryder-Chesire Foundation.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 21 November 2015 =
 * '''Congregational Meeting - Tuesday 24 November at 7.45pm''' - Our next Congregational Meeting will be held on Tuesday 24 November at 7.45pm. The key agenda items will include Approval of the 2016 Budget, Introduction to the Safe Church Concerns Person and a report from the Faith Development Missional Group. Copies of the previous minutes, and current agenda can be found on the wiki at the following addresses:-

 . http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingMinutes20150830 and
 . http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongMeetingAgenda20151124

 * '''Children’s Christmas Photos at The Hub - Monday 23, Tuesday 24 & Wednesday 25 November at 10am''' - Bring your children or grandchildren to dress up as Mary, Joseph, shepherds, wise men or angels and have their photo taken. Dress-ups will be available to use.
 * '''Combined Service and Christmas Lunch - Sunday 29 November at 10am''' - A reminder that next Sunday is a 10am Combined Service followed by a delicious Christmas lunch. Please complete the form on the Stewards Table today to register for lunch.
 * '''Remembrance Service - Tuesday 1 December at 7.30pm''' - The Remembrance Service for this year will beheld on Tuesday 1 December at 7.30pm. This is a quiet, reflective service and a time to remember those who are not with us. All are welcome.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 14 November 2015 =
 * Congratulations to our '''Glen Waverley Interchurch Council''' members! At the AGM on Wednesday night, JanClear was elected President, and JohnHurst continues as Treasurer. Just because GW Uniting Church now dominates the new management team does NOT mean that we discourage new members! There is always a place for interested volunteers to help us with the work of the Interchurch Council. Visit http://glenwaverleychurches.org/news.xml to see Jan being handed the reins.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 7 November 2015 =
 * '''Commissioning of Nancye Cottrell - Sunday 8 November at 9.15am & 4.30pm''' At both our 9.15am and 4.30pm services on Sunday we will be Commissioning Nancye Cottrell in her new role with Children and Families. Please join with us at this time.
 * '''COP Presentations - Sunday 15 November at 9.15am''' At the 9.15am service next Sunday the congregation will present the 2015 COP grants to the approved recipients following the success of our fete last month. After all the hard work of the fete it will be wonderful to give grants to the six worthy projects.
 * '''Congregational Meeting - Tuesday 24 November at 7.45pm''' Our next Congregational Meeting will be held on Tuesday 24 November at 7.45pm. The key agenda items will include approval of the 2015 budget, introduction to the Safe Church Concerns Person and a report from the Faith Development Missional Group. Please put this date in your diaries now

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 31 October 2015 =
 * '''Ping-Pong-A-Thon - Friday 30 October at 6pm''' - All are invited to participate in this 24-hour event. All funds raised will benefit those being trafficked in the South-east Asian region.
 * '''Is Australia Doing Enough? - Sunday 1 November at 3pm '''- Join us at High Street Road Uniting Church and hear renowned advocate Julian Burnside speak about the plight of Asylum Seekers looking for a safe homeland to resettle in.
 * '''Campaign for Australian Aid - Wednesday 4 November at 7.30pm''' - Please join us for this Monash Forum at 7.30pm at Clayton Church of Christ. Speakers include Anna Burke (Member for Chisholm) and Matthew Maury (TEAR Australia). There will be a time for questions and open discussion as well as a light supper. All are welcome.
 * '''Quiet Day for Reflection - Sunday 7 November at 10am''' - All members of the congregation and friends are invited to join us at Cornish College for a quiet day of reflection. The day will be based on the monastic system of prayer, study, meditation and work. If you are interested in attending please collect a flyer from the Stewards Table and add your name to the list on the office counter.
 * '''Fete Lost and Found''' - While sorting through books after the fete a USB stick was found containing travel photos. If you believe this might belong to you, please contact the Church Office.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 24 October 2015 =
 * '''Pleasant Sunday Afternoon - Sunday 25 October at 2.30pm''' - Celebrating Community - A Monash Seniors Festival Event to be held here at Glen Waverley. You are invited to share a programme of music, readings, poetry and reflection including afternoon tea.
 * '''Seniors Morning Tea at The Hub - Thursday 29 October at 10am''' - Come and share morning tea with our seniors who help in our community. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Motor Neurone Disease.
 * '''Ping-Pong-A-Thon - Friday 30 October at 6pm''' - All are invited to participate in this 24-hour event. All funds raised will benefit those being trafficked in the South-east Asian region.
 * '''Quiet Day for Reflection - Saturday 7 November at 10am''' - All members of the congregation and friends are invited to join us at Cornish College for a quiet day or reflection. The day will be based on the monastic system of prayer, study, meditation and work. If you are interested in attending please collect a flyer from the Stewards Table and add your name to the list on the office counter.
 * '''Fete '''- Lost and Found While sorting through books after the fete a USB stick was found containing travel photos. If you believe this might belong to you please contact the Church Office.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 October 2015 =
 * '''Church Fete - Saturday 17 October from 8.30am''' - Don’t forget the fete … looking forward to seeing you there.
 * '''West Papuan Dinner - Saturday 24 October at 6pm''' - St Luke’s Uniting Church are inviting anyone interested to a West Papuan three-course dinner with entertainment and guest speaker. Cost: $25. Neil and Lynn are going if others would like to join them. See the Outreach noticeboard for further details.
 * '''Pleasant Sunday Afternoon - Sunday 25 October at 2.30pm''' - Celebrating Community - A Monash Seniors Festival Event to be held here at Glen Waverley. You are invited to share a programme of music, readings, poetry and reflection followed by afternoon tea.
 * '''Seniors Morning Tea at The Hub - Thursday 29 October at 10am''' - Come and share morning tea with our seniors who help in our community. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Motor Neurone Disease.
 * '''Quiet Day for Reflection - Saturday 7 November at 10am''' - All members of the congregation and friends are invited to join us at Cornish College for a quiet day of reflection. The day will be based on the monastic system of prayer, study, meditation and work. If you are interested in attending please collect a flyer from the Steward’s Table and add your name to the list on the office counter.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 Oct 2015 =
 * '''Cake Stall - Fete''' - The UCAF would appreciate donation of cakes for the cake stall at our fete. If you bring the cakes on Friday, please ensure they are labelled with your name and phone number. Donations to the Cake Stall can also be made through the bakeless envelopes available on the Office counter. Ingredient lists are also available on the counter.
 * '''Fete - Local Trader Vouchers''' - Support the fete by pre-purchasing one or more of the 50+ vouchers donated by local traders to the silent auction. See weekly bulletin for details of vouchers available.
 * '''Planned Giving Envelopes '''- The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 Oct 2015 =
 * The latest [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2015/09/Newsbeat-October-2015.pdf|Presbytery Newsletter]] is available.
 * The list of vouchers donated to the silent auction at the fete, and available to the congregation to purchase at face value is available [[Fete2015Vouchers|here.]]
 * '''Daylight saving this weekend! '''Please note that Daylight Saving commences this weekend. Don’t forget to put your clocks forward one hour on Saturday night!
 * '''Fete – Leaflet Delivery.''' If you have volunteered to deliver leaflets for the Fete, please collect your leaflets from the table in the church foyer. The leaflets need to be delivered by Sunday 11 October.
 * '''Fete - Local Trader Vouchers.''' Support the fete by pre-purchasing one or more of the 50+ vouchers donated by local traders to the silent auction. See weekly bulletin for details of vouchers available
 * '''Planned Giving Envelopes''' - The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.
 * '''Team Leave - '''Heather is on leave from 21 September to 9 October. During this time the office will be open reduced hours. Please check the bulletin to see when someone will be in the office to assist you. Neil is on leave for a few days, returning on Wednesday.
 * '''Spring Clean - '''The pre fete spring clean will be happening this coming Saturday 10 October from 8:30am to 12 noon. The focus will be windows, gardens and carpets. All help, even for part of the morning would be much appreciated.
~+'''Please Note:''' These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.+~

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.
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Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in).

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 16 Mar 2019 =
 * The !VicTas Synod meeting is to be held at Box Hill Town Hall from 5-9 July. People wishing to attend are asked to complete the nomination form (obtainable from DavidMorgan or ChurchOffice) and return it to Ian Firth at Presbytery by 1 April. Please note that due to the balance of delegates required between lay and ordained, your nomination may not be accepted. Please also note that no hard copies of the Synod papers will be produced.
 * The [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/r/8566BED226A7A7A42540EF23F30FEDED/E70CBE5D7EE7687AFE6194DE962A274B|March news from Synod]] is available, including News from Pilgrim Theological College and UCA Funds Management.
 * '''Today – Sunday 17 March at 5.30pm Service - '''
There will be a Thanksgiving Service for Anya at the 5.30pm Service. All are welcome to join in thanking God for the gift that she is.
 * '''Next Week – Seniors Service – Sunday 24 March at 2.30pm - '''
All are welcome to attend this service which will include Communion. Rev Fred Waine will be speaking. Afternoon tea will be provided following the service.
 * '''Craft Group – Monday 25 March from 10am to 2pm - '''
This will be the first meeting of the craft group. Please come along, bring and share some craft and a tea or coffee. If you wish to stay for the day please bring your lunch. Susan Karoly will demonstrate shadow trapunto and will have some kits to buy for $5. For more details see the weekly bulletin or contact Susan Karoly on 0433 692 862.
 * '''Next NewView – Closing Date for Articles Wednesday 3 April - '''
Closing date for your stories, poems, book reviews, reports of recent Glen Waverley Uniting Church community activities, letters and photos (relating to our theme of ‘humility’ or not), is April 3. Details in the March Monthly Bulletin.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 9 Mar 2019 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/03/Newsbeat-March-2019.pdf|The presbytery newsletter]] is available, with news of new appointents.
 * '''Material Aid Offering - March - '''For this month’s material aid offering we will be collecting muesli bars and ‘Up & Go’, pens and pencils and noodles in a cup for Brentwood Secondary College wellbeing department. Thank you for supporting our local high schools.
 * '''Today - Light Lunch following 11am service - '''Light Lunch will be held after today’s 11am service. All welcome.
 * '''Next NewView - '''Closing date for your stories, poems, book reviews, reports of recent GWUC community activities, letters and photos (relating to our theme of ‘humility’ or not), is April 3. Details in the March Monthly Bulletin.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 2 Mar 2019 =
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 3 March at 11.30am - '''After the 10am Combined Service, there will be a short refreshment break followed by the Congregational Meeting at 11.30am.
 * '''Pancake Day – Tuesday 5 March from 11am - '''We are selling pancakes at the church from 11am-1pm. All welcome.
 * '''Ash Wednesday service – 6 March at 7.30 pm - '''Come and share this time of worship, self examination and reflection and receive the anointing of ashes if you wish.
 * '''Save the Date – Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm - '''The Ordination of Heather Hon as Minister of the Word will take place at Glen Waverley Uniting Church on Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm. Heather would love to see you there.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 23 Feb 2019 =
 * '''Pop Up Study “Our Neighbours – The Joys and Challenges – Sunday 24 February at 12noon - '''All are welcome to attend this Pop-Up Study where will we hear from Rev Dr Apwee Ting (National Consultant Assembly Resourcing Team) and Ref Dr Ji Zhang (UCA Assembly Theologian-in-residence).

 * '''World Day of Prayer Service – Friday 1 March at 10.30am - '''The 2019 Service has been prepared by the women of Slovenia. The speaker is from the Bible Society. Morning Tea will be served after the service. Please support this ecumenical event at Glen Waverley Uniting Church. All are welcome.

 * '''Book Sale – Saturday 2 March from 8.30am to 4pm - '''Please come and support this event where proceeds support the work of Glen Waverley Uniting Church. See the bulletin for ways to help out.

 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 3 March at 10am - '''Following a 10am Combined Service, there will be a congregational meeting over a basket lunch. Volunteers are being invited to help make sandwiches.

 * '''Save the Date – Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm - '''The Ordination of Heather Hon as Minister of the Word will take place at Glen Waverley Uniting Church on Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm. Heather would love to see you there.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 16 Feb 2019 =
 * Pop Up Study - "Our Neighbours - The joy and challenges of faith in Indonesia and China".
  * Two speakers Rev. Dr Apwee Ting (National Consultant Assembly Resourcing Team) and Rev. Dr Ji Zhang (UCA Assembly Theologian-in-residence).
  * WHEN? Sunday 24 February at 12 noon WHERE? In the church hall at Glen Waverley Uniting Church
  * This is a great opportunity for us to gain new insights from two informed and qualified speakers. Come, you will not be disappointed. Lunch as well. See [[attachment:PopUpFlyer2019ChinaIndoensia.pdf|poster]]. Please add name to sheet in church foyer or email GlynHowells or contact Willie Cornelius.
  * Such a forum looks at the key question we all face about how we live out our faith as individual and churches in our diverse multicultural communities.
 * [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/r-e-jtdkhhit-uthhthdtdd-jl/|Synod newsletter for Feb]] is now available.
 * '''Lunar New Year – Sunday 17 February - '''All are welcome to visit us at the Kids craft tent as we participate in the Lunar New Year Celebrations today from 11am.
 * '''With Love to the World, Mail and Rosters in the letter rack - '''With Love to the World is now available for collection in the letter rack. Please also check the letter rack for any rosters or mail addressed to you. The Door Stewards Roster is now available.
 * '''10am Combined Service, Congregational Meeting and Lunch – Sunday 3 March - '''A reminder to note this date. Volunteers to make sandwiches are being sought.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 2 Feb 2019 =
 * '''Church Council '''met this week, and provisional minutes are available at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CouncilMinutes20190130 (log in needed) or ask the office to print a copy for you.
 * We have received an [[attachment:RobynWhitakerInvitation.png|invitation]] to a lecture by Robyn Whitaker at Toorak UCA at 7:30pm on Thursday 21 February.
 * '''Sunday Services – 8am, 9.15am, 11am, 1pm, 4.30pm and 5.30pm - '''A reminder that our Sunday Services are back at regular times from this week.
 * '''Adult Group – Saturday 2 February at 2pm - '''Adult Group will be meeting in Jells Park for a coffee / tea / hot chocolate and a chat – pay for what you order.
 * '''Bring and Share Lunch – Sunday 3 February at 12noon - '''You are welcome to join with others for lunch this Sunday in the fellowship area. Please bring a plate of food to share.
 * '''Service of Thanksgiving – Saturday 9 February at 2pm - '''All are welcome to join in the Service of Thanksgiving for Catherine Ritchie House. See the bulletin for more details.
 * '''With Love to the World, Mail and Rosters in the letter rack - '''With Love to the World is now available for collection in the letter rack. Please also check the letter rack for any rosters or mail addressed to you.
 * The [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/02/feb-2019-Newsbeat-February-2019.pdf|Presbytery newslatter for February]] is now available.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 Jan 2019 =
 * '''Backpack Blessing Service – This Sunday 27 January at 10am - '''All students and educational staff are invited to bring their backpacks, briefcases, tote bags or tool belts to worship for a special blessing to begin the new year.
 * '''Adult Group – Saturday 2 February at 2pm -''' Adult Group will be meeting in Jells Park for a coffee / tea / hot chocolate and a chat – pay for what you order. See bulletin for more details.
 * '''Book Sale Flyers – Final Call for Walkers - '''Please see the sign-up sheet on the office counter if you can help to deliver flyers for the book sale. The flyers will be available from 10 February for delivery during the week 17-23 February.
 * '''Volunteers Needed -''' Volunteers are being sought to help with the Dad’s Playgroup, Lunar New Year Festival and Aged Care Devotions. Details for each opportunity are in the Bulletin.
 * '''Mail and Rosters in the letter rack -''' Please check the letter rack for any mail addressed to you. There are also rosters available for collection from the letter rack.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 Jan 2019 =
 * '''Backpack Blessing Service – Sunday 27 January at 10am - '''All students and educational staff are invited to bring their backpacks, briefcases, tote bags or tool belts to worship for a special blessing to begin the new year.
 * '''Book Sale 2019 - Walkers Needed - '''Please see the sign-up sheet on the office counter if you can help to deliver flyers for the book sale. The flyers will be available from 10 February for delivery during the week 17-23 February.
 * '''Volunteers Needed - '''Volunteers are being sought to help with the Dad’s Playgroup, Lunar New Year Festival and Aged Care Devotions. Details for each opportunity are in the Bulletin.
 * '''Mail in the letter rack - '''Please check the letter rack for any mail addressed to you. Leisure Time volunteer rosters are also available for collection from the letter rack

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Jan 2019 =
 * '''January Worship Services - '''A reminder that during January there will be one combined service of worship each Sunday at 10am. Usual service times will recommence on Sunday 3 February.
 * '''Book Sale 2019 - Walkers needed - '''We need walkers to letterbox 5000 flyers to homes in the local area. The flyers will be available from 10 February for delivery during the week 17-23 February. The sign-up sheet is on the office counter. If you helped last year, please tick your name on the sheet to indicate you are able to assist again this year. New walkers are always needed - please add your name to the list. Thank you!
 * '''Volunteers needed - '''Volunteers are being sought to help with the Dad’s Playgroup – please see the bulletin for details
 * '''Mail in the letter rack - '''Please check the letter rack for any mail addressed to you. Leisure Time volunteer rosters are also available for collection from the letter rack

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Jan 2019 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2019/01/Newsbeat-January-2019.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for January]] is now available.
 * Our church building finished 2018 as a net generator of electricity. See SolarPowerPerformance.
 * '''January Worship Services - '''A reminder that during January there will be one combined service of worship each Sunday at 10am. Usual service times will recommence on Sunday 3 February.
 * '''Office Closure - '''The Church Office will reopen on Monday 7 January for reduced hours from 9.30am until 3pm each day. On Monday 21 January the office will revert to its normal hours.
 * '''Advance Notice – 2019 Book Sale - '''Once again we will be holding a Used Book Sale at the Church on Saturday 2 March. Please start collecting books you have read or no longer need. We will also need volunteers to help on the day and with setting up and packing up.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 29/12/18 =
 * '''Christmas Services - '''We will celebrate our Christmas Services at the following times. All are welcome.
  . Christmas Eve Services: 5.30pm Family Service and 11pm Service<<BR>>Christmas Day Services: 8.30am and 10am Services

 * '''New Year’s Eve Service – Monday 31 December at 11pm - '''You are welcome to join us at 10.30pm for a cuppa before the 11pm New Year’s Eve Service on Monday 31 December.
 * '''January Worship Services - '''During January there will be one combined service of worship each Sunday at 10am. Usual service times will recommence on Sunday 3 February.
 * '''Ministry Team Leave - ''' Ministry Team members will be having leave during the Christmas period as noted below:-
  * Di Paterson – 27 December to 31 December, 2018.
  * Alanee Hearnshaw – 27 December, 2018 to 7 January, 2019.
  * Neil Peters – 7 January to 29 January, 2019.
 * '''Office Christmas Closure - '''The Church Office will be closed from Tuesday 25 December and reopen on Monday 7 January. For the first two weeks (Monday 7 January to Friday 18 January) the office will be open for reduced hours from 9.30am until 3pm each day. On Monday 21 January the office will revert to its normal hours.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 22 Dec 2018 =
 * '''Christmas Nativity Service – This Sunday 23 December at 10am''' - We will be celebrating an interactive Nativity Service at 10am on Sunday 23 December. Please feel free to come along dressed up as a nativity character.

 * '''Christmas Services''' - We will celebrate our Christmas Services at the following times. All are welcome.<<BR>>Christmas Eve Services: 5.30pm Family Service and 11pm Service<<BR>>Christmas Day Services: 8.30am and 10am Services

 * '''Christmas Bowl''' - Christmas Bowl Envelope are available on the Stewards Table for those who would like to contribute a donation.
 * '''Advance Notice – New Year’s Eve Service – 31 December at 11pm''' - You are welcome to join us at 10.30pm for a cuppa before the 11pm New Year’s Eve Service on Monday 31 December. Please mark this date in your diary now.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 Dec 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/11/NBDec2018-Newsbeat-December-2018.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for December]] is now available.
 * [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/r/41F91EAC137807212540EF23F30FEDED/B8BEF770D074C1524D402EFBD42943A3|Synod newsletter for December]] is available.
 * '''Congregation Outreach Project Recognition – This Sunday at 11am - '''Please join with us at 11am this Sunday when we recognize the successful COP recipients for 2018.
 * '''Carol Services – Next Sunday at 11am and 2.30pm - '''Uniting Voices will be leading a Service of Lessons and Carols at 11am. Free Spirit will be leading the singing at the Carol Service at 2.30pm. You are encouraged to support both Services.
 * '''Service of Remembrance – Tuesday 11 December at 8pm - '''All are invited to come along and share in a Service of Remembrance at 8pm on Tuesday 11 December. Please take some time out to remember those who are no longer with us at this special time of year.
 * '''December Issue of NewView - '''The next issue of NewView will be available on December 23. We will focus on a theme related to our Advent theme: Making room in our hearts. Details in the monthly bulletin next week. Your musings, anecdotes, poems, photos, reports will be accepted until December 14. Queries to Robin Pope ( [email protected] )
 * '''Empty Christmas Tree - Welfare - '''You are invited to bring along a gift for under the Christmas Tree. Gifts will be distributed to some in our community and also to Broadmeadows. Please do not wrap your gifts. Non-perishable food items can also be placed under the tree for Welfare to distribute.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 Dec 2018 =
 * '''10am Combined Worship and GWUC Christmas Lunch – This Sunday – 2 Dec 2018 - '''A reminder that the GWUC Christmas Lunch is happening following Combined Worship at 10am today.
 * '''Indonesian Christmas Dinner – This Sunday – 2 Dec 2018 at 5pm - '''The Indonesian Christmas Dinner will be held today following their Service and Celebration commencing at 5pm.
 * '''Christmas Morning Tea at TheHub – Thursday 6 Dec 2018 at 10am - '''All are welcome to attend the Christmas Morning Tea at TheHub between 10am and 12noon on Thursday 6 Dec 2018. Donations to help needy people in our community through our Welfare Group. Come and enjoy morning tea with family and friends at this special time of year.
 * '''Delivery of Postcards for Advent Services – Volunteers Needed - '''Please see the sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer if you can help to deliver Advent Services postcards to houses in the area around the church before Thursday 6 Dec 2018. Enquiries: PeterAnderson.
 * '''December Issue of NewView - '''The next issue of NewView will be available on 23 Dec 2018. We will focus on a theme related to our Advent theme: Making room in our hearts. Details in the monthly bulletin next week. Your musings, anecdotes, poems, photos, reports will be accepted until 14 Dec 2018. Queries to RobinPope

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 24 Nov2018 =
 * '''Outreach Forum – 25 November at 12noon - '''Outreach Committee welcomes everyone to join us for the November Outreach Forum on 25 Nov 2018 following the 11am Service. Dorothy will be presenting on the work of the Welfare Committee in our local community and the forum will include a light lunch. For catering purposes please RSVP on the sheet outside the office. Cost of $5 payable on the day.
 * '''GWUC Christmas Lunch – Sunday 2 December at 12noon – Forms Due Today 25 Nov 2018 - '''A reminder that the forms and money for the annual GWUC Christmas Lunch are due in today (25 November). Forms are available in the November Monthly Bulletin or on the Office Counter, and can be given to LaurelMuir and JohnMuir, or JudithGreenwood and WarrenGreenwood.
 * '''Indonesian Christmas DInner – Sunday 2 December at 5pm - '''This dinner will be held following a Service and Celebration at 5pm. When signing up for dinner please indicate if you have special dietary needs.
 * '''December Issue of NewView - '''The next issue of NewView will be on 23 Dec 2018. We will focus on a theme related to our Advent theme: Making room in our hearts. Details in the monthly bulletin next week. Your musings, anecdotes, poems, photos, reports will be accepted until 14 Dec 2018. Queries to RobinPope
 * '''Leisure Time Volunteers - '''A reminder to Leisure Time Volunteers that your availability forms for 2019 are due back on 3 Dec 2018.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 Nov 2018 =
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - '''A Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Tuesday 20 Nov 2018 at 8pm in the Church. This meeting will be informative as well as consider some important matters concerning our congregation. The agenda for the meeting is available at CongMeetingAgenda20181120. Please note this date in your diary and make it a priority to attend.
 * '''Children’s Christmas Dress-up Photos at The Hub – Mon 19, Tues 20 & Wed 21 November – 10am to 12noon - '''Come along to The Hub and bring your children or grandchildren to dress up in nativity costumes and have their photo taken. Dress ups will be available to use for Mary, Joseph, shepherds, wise men or angels. Photos taken will be available for collection on Thursday 6 December.
 * '''Outreach Forum – 25 November at 12noon - '''Outreach Committee welcomes everyone to join us for the November Outreach Forum on 25 November following the 11am Service. Dorothy will be presenting on the work of the Welfare Committee in our local community and the forum will include a light lunch. For catering purposes please RSVP on the sheet outside the office. Cost of $5 payable on the day.
 * '''Christmas Lunch – Sunday 2 December at 12noon - '''A reminder that the forms and money for the annual GWUC Christmas Lunch are due in by Sunday 25 November. Forms are available in the November Monthly Bulletin or on the Office Counter, and can be given to LaurelMuir and JohnMuir, or JudithGreenwood and WarrenGreenwood

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 Nov 2018 =
 * [[https://communications.cmail19.com/t/ViewEmail/r/83B65281BEBA69792540EF23F30FEDED/F0A599B5FDFBED96948D468F162BC46E|Synod newsletter for November is available here]]
 * '''NeilPeters on leave 7-14 November - '''Please note that Neil will be on annual leave 7-14 November. Please contact the office or DiPaterson for any pastoral queries during this time.
 * '''Material Aid Offering - Today - It’s in the bag - '''It’s simple. Choose a handbag in good condition (that you no longer use) and fill it with items that would make a woman feel special. Add a thoughtful note or Christmas card. Personal care and sanitary items are useful. If you don’t have a bag that’s okay … any of the above-mentioned items will assist. Empty handbags in good condition also welcome. Thank you!
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - '''Please make sure that you mark this date in your diary now. The meeting will be informative and consider some important matters concerning our congregation.
 * '''Operation Christmas Child - Thank you''' - Thank you to everyone who participated and filled a shoebox for a Child this Christmas. We delivered 38 shoeboxes to the warehouse last week to be delivered to the children in time for Christmas. Thank you!

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 Nov 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/10/Newsbeat-November-2018.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for November]] is now available.
 * '''Cup day holiday – Tuesday 6 November -''' Please note that the church office will be closed on Tuesday 6 November.
 * '''NeilPeters on leave 7-14 November - '''Please note that Neil will be on annual leave 7-14 November. Please contact the office or DiPaterson for any pastoral queries during this time.
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - '''Please make sure that you mark this date in your diary now. The meeting will be informative and consider some important matters concerning our congregation.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 27 Oct 2018 =
 * '''Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - '''Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishioners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.”
 * '''Operation Christmas Child – Thursday 1 November - '''We are again participating in Operation Christmas Child. Any filled shoeboxes can be dropped off at the Church Office up till Thursday 1 November. Collected shoeboxes will be delivered to Operation Christmas Child on Friday 2 November for delivery to children in time for Christmas.
 * '''Adult Group – Friday 2 November at 8pm - '''Join us for Adult Group on Friday 2 November at 8pm in the fellowship area. Please come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, light supper and fellowship. All are welcome.
 * '''CAE Book Group – Wednesday 7 November at 7.30pm - '''The CAE Book Group will be meeting in the home of BarbHurst. More details in the bulletin.
 * '''Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - '''Please make sure that you mark this date in your diary now. The meeting will be informative and consider some important matters concerning our congregation.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 20 Oct 2018 =
 * '''Combined Service at 10am – Sunday 21 October - '''In our Combined Service today we will recognise the significant contribution of some members who are leaving the district, as well as celebrating all the hard work that has gone into the fete. A reminder that after the service there will be a special morning tea. Please stay for this small celebration.
 * '''Seniors’ Morning Tea at The Hub – Thursday 25 October from 10am till 12noon - '''Come along and enjoy a delicious morning tea. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Motor Neurone Disease.
 * '''World Community Day – Friday 26 October at 2pm - '''Community Day Service will be held at St Philip’s Anglican Church (cnr Catherine Avenue & Stephensons Road, Mt Waverley) at 2pm. The speaker will be Genevieve Cormack speaking on the theme “Women Sharing Open Heartedly”.
 * '''Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - '''Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishioners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.” If you are able to assist, please add your name to the list on the office counter.
 * '''Operation Christmas Child - '''“Shoebox gifts are for kids in need, regardless of their background or religious belief. Each shoebox is a gift of love that tells a child they are not forgotten.” Filled shoeboxes can now be dropped off at the Church Office. See the bulletin for more details.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 13 Oct 2018 =
 * A invitation is issued to attend a Presbytery Mission Development Committee event on Nov 14. See [[MDCEvent20181114]]
 * The [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/r-e-jjhdkrik-uyjlltjyjt-c/|Synod e-Newsletter for October]] is now available
 * '''Celebration of Seniors – Sunday 14 October at 2pm''' All are welcome to the Celebration of Seniors today at 2pm. There will be no light lunch today.
 * '''GWUC Fete – Saturday 20 October from 8.30am - '''I know you won’t have forgotten … but just in case!
 * '''Combined Service – Next Week – Sunday 21 October - '''A reminder that after the 10am Combined Service next week, there will be a special morning tea. Please stay for this small celebration.
 * '''Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - '''Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishoners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.” If you are able to assist, please add your name to the list on the office counter.
 * '''Ping Pong a-Thon 2018 - '''This year's Ping Pong a-Thon is being held at High Street Road Uniting Church. Mr Kenny Yang, member of Glen Waverley Uniting Church Ping Pong / Badminton Club, will participate to raise funds for the cause. All funds raised will be supporting eight amazing organisations to minimise the effects of slavery across Asia. For more information or to support Kenny's efforts visit:- www.pingpongathon.com/kennyyan
 * '''Planned Giving Envelopes - '''The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 6 Oct 2018 =
 * '''Reminder – Daylight Saving Starts Today – 7 October - '''A reminder that daylight savings commences at 2am on Sunday morning. Make sure that you move your clocks forward one hour.
 * '''Retiring Offering – Today – 7 October - '''After all services today there will be a retiring offering to support drought affected farmers and communities in NSW. The funds will be directed through the NSW/ACT Moderator’s drought appeal to be used in 4 rural presbyteries for vouchers in local shops/paying bills etc.
 * '''Club 2018 – Today – 7 October - '''Club 2018 will meet today after the 11am Service. All are welcome to bring a plate and share in lunch together.
 * '''Celebration of Seniors – Sunday 14 October - '''All are welcome to the Celebration of Seniors next Sunday from 2pm. Please add your name to the list on the office counter for catering. There will be no light lunch on this day.
 * '''Fete – Leaflet Delivery - '''If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, please collect your leaflets from the table in the foyer. The leaflets need to be delivered by Sunday 14 October.
 * '''Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - '''Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishoners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.” If you are able to assist, please add your name to the list on the office counter.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 29 Sep 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/09/Newsbeat-October-2018.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for October]] is now available.
 * '''Fete – Leaflet Delivery - '''If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, please collect your leaflets from the table in the foyer.
 * '''UCAF – Tuesday 2 October at 10am - '''UCAF members will meet in the fellowship room for morning tea at 10am. At 10.30am we will meet in Room 1 for our meeting. The speaker will be Lynn Peters who will give an account of her life. Everyone is welcome to attend. Goods brought will be for Glen Waverley Welfare Committee. Enquiries: Barbara Thompson 9802 3980.
 * '''Men’s Fellowship – Tuesday 2 October at 2pm - '''Our speaker this month is our own Lynn Peters. Lynn has been deeply involved in Christian education in schools for many years and she will be telling us about the work being done and the problems involved in this vital work. Come along and enjoy the fellowship. Contact: Bill Norquay 9884 4800.
 * '''CAE Book Group – Wednesday 3 October at 7.30pm - '''CAE Book Group will meet at the home of Bev and Don Reid. Phone: 9802 4609.
 * '''Adult Group – Friday 5 October at 6.30pm - '''Meeting at 6.30pm in the Fellowship area we will have a Pizza night with $10 per person being payable on the night. A booking is required. All welcome. Contact: Anne & Arthur Davey on 9802 2107 by Wednesday 3 October.
 * '''Review of Selection Process of Congregation Outreach Projects – Sunday 30 September - '''Community Outreach Group will be reviewing the selection process of the Congregation Outreach Projects and allocation of funding. Members of the Congregation are invited to provide feedback on the process via email to [email protected] Sunday September 30. The current criteria and application form may be found on the Church Wiki at CopProjects2018.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 22 Sep 2018 =
 * '''Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - '''A group of Indonesian women, many from the congregation, will be all dressed up and playing the Angklung (traditional Indonesian instrument) at the Monash Council Multicultural Moon Light Festival held in the central car park in Glen Waverley on Saturday 22 September. They are scheduled to be on stage at 5.40 pm. You may consider going and supporting them.
 * '''Amazing Generosity = Opportunities – Sunday 23 September - '''This Sunday is the last opportunity to share your dreams about how we might continue our outreach and ministry in the local community through the generous bequest we have received.<<BR>>Please feel out the form on the Office counter and place it in the specially marked box, with your ideas, hopes and dreams.
 * '''Review of Selection Process of Congregation Outreach Projects – Sunday 30 September - '''Community Outreach Group will be reviewing the selection process of the Congregation Outreach Projects and allocation of funding. Members of the Congregation are invited to provide feedback on the process via email to [email protected] Sunday September 30. The current criteria and application form may be found on the Church Wiki at CopProjects2018.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 Sep 2018 =
 * '''September Issue of NewView – Closing Date Friday 21 September - '''Please send in reflections, photos, anecdotes, poems and reports of activities in our church community to either [email protected] to the office.
 * '''Final Call for Volunteers to Deliver Fete Leaflets - '''Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets for our fete. We need about 50 people to letterbox-drop 13,000 leaflets during the second week of October. If you delivered leaflets for last year’s fete please tick or cross out your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Peter Anderson – 0411 123 253.
 * '''Worship Centre and Chapel Sound Training - '''Training on how to use the sound system in the church, hall and chapel will be available on the following dates led by Joel Leister. Training will take about 30 minutes and will be held on Saturday 22 September and Saturday 13 October between 9am and 11am on both days. Please register your interest at the Office for a specific session.
 * '''Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - '''A group of Indonesian women, many from the congregation, will be all dressed up and playing the Angklung (traditional Indonesian instrument) at the Monash Council Multicultural Moon Light Festival held in the central car park in Glen Waverley on Saturday 22 September. They are scheduled to be on stage at 5.40 pm. You may consider going and supporting them. If you would like to help with the Moon Festival please sign up on the sheet outside the office. We need people to assist with craft, setting up and packing up, and sitting and chatting over a cuppa.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 Sep 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/08/Newsbeat-September-2018-1.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for September]] is now available.
 * [[https://communications.cmail20.com/t/ViewEmail/r/56AE8BCB1A73F4872540EF23F30FEDED/A34C2D2A930726CC6CBD507C784BD83B|The Synod newletter]] is also available.
 * '''Material Aid Offering – Today – Sunday 9 September - '''Muesli bars, ‘UP&GOs’, noodles in a cup and pens and pencils are all welcome and will go to support the Brentwood Secondary College’s Wellbeing Department.
 * '''An Afternoon with Free Spirit – Today – Sunday 9 September - '''All are invited enjoy an afternoon with Free Spirit from 2.30pm on Sunday 9 September. Admission is $25 Adult and $20 Concession which includes afternoon tea. Tickets are available from the Office or Vida Foo. All funds raised support our Church programs and activities.
 * '''September Issue of NewView – Closing Date Friday 21 September - '''Please send in reflections, photos, anecdotes, poems and reports of activities in our church community to either [email protected] to the office.
 * '''Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - '''If you would like to help with the Moon Festival Celebration please sign up on the sheet outside the office. We need people to assist with craft, setting up and packing up, and sitting and chatting over a cuppa.
 * '''Delivery of Fete Leaflets – Volunteers Needed - '''Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets for our fete. We need about 50 people to letterbox-drop 13,000 leaflets during the second week of October. If you delivered leaflets for last year’s fete, please tick or cross out your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Murray Lowe – 9885 8514

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 Sep 2018 =
 * We have received a [[PastoralLetterAssembly2018Aug30|pastoral letter]] from the UCA President about an [[https://assembly.uca.org.au/marriage-services|Additional Marriage Liturgy.]]
 * '''Father’s Day Morning Tea – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''Fathers and Grandfathers are especially invited to come to our 9.15am and 11am services next Sunday where there will be a focus on Father’s Day. Between the services there will be a special celebratory morning tea.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held today. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and CongregationalPage
 * '''Freezer Purchase Voting – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''Voting regarding the use of Endowment Fund interest earnings to purchase a new freezer takes place at all services today.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 9 Sep 2018 - '''All are invited enjoy an afternoon with Free Spirit from 2.30pm on Sunday 9 Sep 2018. Admission is $25 Adult and $20 Concession which includes afternoon tea. Tickets are available from the Office or Vida Foo. All funds raised support our Church programs and activities.
 * '''Newsbeat''', the [[http://www.ucappep.org/newsbeat/|Presbytery newsletter]] is now available.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 25 Aug 2018 =
 * Presbytery minutes record that Hannah Dungan has been commissioned as the chaplain to Somers Camp.
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm'''<<BR>>Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 Aug 2018 – 12noon - '''Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.<<BR>>To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.
 * '''Father’s Day Morning Tea – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''Fathers and Grandfathers are especially invited to come to our 9.15am and 11am services next Sunday where there will be a focus on Father’s Day. Between the services there will be a special celebratory morning tea.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2018. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and CongregationalPage
 * Tim Costello, CEO of !WorldVision, will be joined by Claire O’Neil, Labor Member for Hotham and others, to discuss refugee policy and the future of compassion and generosity in Australian politics on Thursday 30 Aug 2018 from 5pm, in lecture theatre H2 in the Menzies Building, Monash University, Clayton.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 18 Aug 2018 =
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm - '''Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 Aug 2018 – 12noon - '''Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.<<BR>>To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 -''' An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2018. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Bush Dance - '''A final reminder about the Bush Dance on this Saturday from 2pm. All are welcome to come and join in the fun at this fundraising activity for our church.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 11 Aug 2018 =
 * '''Monthly Material Aid: Uplift Socks Oddsox – Sunday 12 Aug 2018 - '''We are collecting new and odd socks. These are used by amputees to keep wound dressings in place and clean. Please bring along some new or odd socks.
 * '''Muffin Morning Tea – Wednesday 15 Aug 2018 – 10am to 12noon - '''Come and enjoy some delicious home-made muffins with a cuppa for morning tea and take home some recipes. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Parkinsons’s Disease.
 * '''Fundraising Bush Dance – Saturday 18 Aug 2018 – from 2pm - '''All are welcome to join in the bush dance which is also a fund raising event for our congregation. $8 per adult or $25 per family. Come along for a fun afternoon and night. To give an idea of numbers, please add your name to the list on the office counter. More details available in the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm - '''Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2017. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Planned Giving Letters - '''These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.

= GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 Aug 2018 =
 * [[http://www.ucappep.org/wp-content/uploads/2018/07/Newsbeat-August-2018.pdf|Presbytery newsletter for August]] is now available.
 * Church Council has been asked to consider recognition of First Peoples in our services and buildings. Read the discussion at AcknowledgementOfFirstPeoples. Comments welcome to <<MailTo(CouncilSec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au)>>
 * '''Club 2018 – Sunday 5 Aug 2018 at 12noon''' - Club 2018 will meet for lunch today following the 11am service. All welcome.
 * '''Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 5 Aug 2018 at 2.30pm - '''At 2.30pm Free Spirit will present their concert at Croydon Uniting Church, 6 Tallent Street, Croydon, in support of the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre I Brunswick. If you are unable to attend their concert here at Glen Waverley on September 9, then consider attending this afternoon to support asylum seekers.
 * '''Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - '''An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday 12 Aug 2018. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage
 * '''Planned Giving Letters - '''These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.
 * '''With Love to the World - '''The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.

Please Note: These HeadLines are available for you to make short announcements.

You can edit this page directly! Ask JohnHurst or DavidMorgan or JohnSnare for advice.

Previous news items are available here

Please do not include private phone numbers or email addresses on this page. For contact details of any names, click on the name itself (for security reasons, you must be logged in).

GWUC Headlines for w/e 16 Mar 2019

  • The VicTas Synod meeting is to be held at Box Hill Town Hall from 5-9 July. People wishing to attend are asked to complete the nomination form (obtainable from DavidMorgan or ChurchOffice) and return it to Ian Firth at Presbytery by 1 April. Please note that due to the balance of delegates required between lay and ordained, your nomination may not be accepted. Please also note that no hard copies of the Synod papers will be produced.

  • The March news from Synod is available, including News from Pilgrim Theological College and UCA Funds Management.

  • Today – Sunday 17 March at 5.30pm Service -

There will be a Thanksgiving Service for Anya at the 5.30pm Service. All are welcome to join in thanking God for the gift that she is.

  • Next Week – Seniors Service – Sunday 24 March at 2.30pm -

All are welcome to attend this service which will include Communion. Rev Fred Waine will be speaking. Afternoon tea will be provided following the service.

  • Craft Group – Monday 25 March from 10am to 2pm -

This will be the first meeting of the craft group. Please come along, bring and share some craft and a tea or coffee. If you wish to stay for the day please bring your lunch. Susan Karoly will demonstrate shadow trapunto and will have some kits to buy for $5. For more details see the weekly bulletin or contact Susan Karoly on 0433 692 862.

  • Next NewView – Closing Date for Articles Wednesday 3 April -

Closing date for your stories, poems, book reviews, reports of recent Glen Waverley Uniting Church community activities, letters and photos (relating to our theme of ‘humility’ or not), is April 3. Details in the March Monthly Bulletin.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 9 Mar 2019

  • The presbytery newsletter is available, with news of new appointents.

  • Material Aid Offering - March - For this month’s material aid offering we will be collecting muesli bars and ‘Up & Go’, pens and pencils and noodles in a cup for Brentwood Secondary College wellbeing department. Thank you for supporting our local high schools.

  • Today - Light Lunch following 11am service - Light Lunch will be held after today’s 11am service. All welcome.

  • Next NewView - Closing date for your stories, poems, book reviews, reports of recent GWUC community activities, letters and photos (relating to our theme of ‘humility’ or not), is April 3. Details in the March Monthly Bulletin.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 2 Mar 2019

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 3 March at 11.30am - After the 10am Combined Service, there will be a short refreshment break followed by the Congregational Meeting at 11.30am.

  • Pancake Day – Tuesday 5 March from 11am - We are selling pancakes at the church from 11am-1pm. All welcome.

  • Ash Wednesday service – 6 March at 7.30 pm - Come and share this time of worship, self examination and reflection and receive the anointing of ashes if you wish.

  • Save the Date – Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm - The Ordination of Heather Hon as Minister of the Word will take place at Glen Waverley Uniting Church on Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm. Heather would love to see you there.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 23 Feb 2019

  • Pop Up Study “Our Neighbours – The Joys and Challenges – Sunday 24 February at 12noon - All are welcome to attend this Pop-Up Study where will we hear from Rev Dr Apwee Ting (National Consultant Assembly Resourcing Team) and Ref Dr Ji Zhang (UCA Assembly Theologian-in-residence).

  • World Day of Prayer Service – Friday 1 March at 10.30am - The 2019 Service has been prepared by the women of Slovenia. The speaker is from the Bible Society. Morning Tea will be served after the service. Please support this ecumenical event at Glen Waverley Uniting Church. All are welcome.

  • Book Sale – Saturday 2 March from 8.30am to 4pm - Please come and support this event where proceeds support the work of Glen Waverley Uniting Church. See the bulletin for ways to help out.

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Sunday 3 March at 10am - Following a 10am Combined Service, there will be a congregational meeting over a basket lunch. Volunteers are being invited to help make sandwiches.

  • Save the Date – Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm - The Ordination of Heather Hon as Minister of the Word will take place at Glen Waverley Uniting Church on Saturday 6 April at 2.30pm. Heather would love to see you there.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 16 Feb 2019

  • Pop Up Study - "Our Neighbours - The joy and challenges of faith in Indonesia and China".
    • Two speakers Rev. Dr Apwee Ting (National Consultant Assembly Resourcing Team) and Rev. Dr Ji Zhang (UCA Assembly Theologian-in-residence).
    • WHEN? Sunday 24 February at 12 noon WHERE? In the church hall at Glen Waverley Uniting Church
    • This is a great opportunity for us to gain new insights from two informed and qualified speakers. Come, you will not be disappointed. Lunch as well. See poster. Please add name to sheet in church foyer or email GlynHowells or contact Willie Cornelius.

    • Such a forum looks at the key question we all face about how we live out our faith as individual and churches in our diverse multicultural communities.
  • Synod newsletter for Feb is now available.

  • Lunar New Year – Sunday 17 February - All are welcome to visit us at the Kids craft tent as we participate in the Lunar New Year Celebrations today from 11am.

  • With Love to the World, Mail and Rosters in the letter rack - With Love to the World is now available for collection in the letter rack. Please also check the letter rack for any rosters or mail addressed to you. The Door Stewards Roster is now available.

  • 10am Combined Service, Congregational Meeting and Lunch – Sunday 3 March - A reminder to note this date. Volunteers to make sandwiches are being sought.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 2 Feb 2019

  • Church Council met this week, and provisional minutes are available at http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CouncilMinutes20190130 (log in needed) or ask the office to print a copy for you.

  • We have received an invitation to a lecture by Robyn Whitaker at Toorak UCA at 7:30pm on Thursday 21 February.

  • Sunday Services – 8am, 9.15am, 11am, 1pm, 4.30pm and 5.30pm - A reminder that our Sunday Services are back at regular times from this week.

  • Adult Group – Saturday 2 February at 2pm - Adult Group will be meeting in Jells Park for a coffee / tea / hot chocolate and a chat – pay for what you order.

  • Bring and Share Lunch – Sunday 3 February at 12noon - You are welcome to join with others for lunch this Sunday in the fellowship area. Please bring a plate of food to share.

  • Service of Thanksgiving – Saturday 9 February at 2pm - All are welcome to join in the Service of Thanksgiving for Catherine Ritchie House. See the bulletin for more details.

  • With Love to the World, Mail and Rosters in the letter rack - With Love to the World is now available for collection in the letter rack. Please also check the letter rack for any rosters or mail addressed to you.

  • The Presbytery newslatter for February is now available.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 26 Jan 2019

  • Backpack Blessing Service – This Sunday 27 January at 10am - All students and educational staff are invited to bring their backpacks, briefcases, tote bags or tool belts to worship for a special blessing to begin the new year.

  • Adult Group – Saturday 2 February at 2pm - Adult Group will be meeting in Jells Park for a coffee / tea / hot chocolate and a chat – pay for what you order. See bulletin for more details.

  • Book Sale Flyers – Final Call for Walkers - Please see the sign-up sheet on the office counter if you can help to deliver flyers for the book sale. The flyers will be available from 10 February for delivery during the week 17-23 February.

  • Volunteers Needed - Volunteers are being sought to help with the Dad’s Playgroup, Lunar New Year Festival and Aged Care Devotions. Details for each opportunity are in the Bulletin.

  • Mail and Rosters in the letter rack - Please check the letter rack for any mail addressed to you. There are also rosters available for collection from the letter rack.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 19 Jan 2019

  • Backpack Blessing Service – Sunday 27 January at 10am - All students and educational staff are invited to bring their backpacks, briefcases, tote bags or tool belts to worship for a special blessing to begin the new year.

  • Book Sale 2019 - Walkers Needed - Please see the sign-up sheet on the office counter if you can help to deliver flyers for the book sale. The flyers will be available from 10 February for delivery during the week 17-23 February.

  • Volunteers Needed - Volunteers are being sought to help with the Dad’s Playgroup, Lunar New Year Festival and Aged Care Devotions. Details for each opportunity are in the Bulletin.

  • Mail in the letter rack - Please check the letter rack for any mail addressed to you. Leisure Time volunteer rosters are also available for collection from the letter rack

GWUC Headlines for w/e 12 Jan 2019

  • January Worship Services - A reminder that during January there will be one combined service of worship each Sunday at 10am. Usual service times will recommence on Sunday 3 February.

  • Book Sale 2019 - Walkers needed - We need walkers to letterbox 5000 flyers to homes in the local area. The flyers will be available from 10 February for delivery during the week 17-23 February. The sign-up sheet is on the office counter. If you helped last year, please tick your name on the sheet to indicate you are able to assist again this year. New walkers are always needed - please add your name to the list. Thank you!

  • Volunteers needed - Volunteers are being sought to help with the Dad’s Playgroup – please see the bulletin for details

  • Mail in the letter rack - Please check the letter rack for any mail addressed to you. Leisure Time volunteer rosters are also available for collection from the letter rack

GWUC Headlines for w/e 5 Jan 2019

  • Presbytery newsletter for January is now available.

  • Our church building finished 2018 as a net generator of electricity. See SolarPowerPerformance.

  • January Worship Services - A reminder that during January there will be one combined service of worship each Sunday at 10am. Usual service times will recommence on Sunday 3 February.

  • Office Closure - The Church Office will reopen on Monday 7 January for reduced hours from 9.30am until 3pm each day. On Monday 21 January the office will revert to its normal hours.

  • Advance Notice – 2019 Book Sale - Once again we will be holding a Used Book Sale at the Church on Saturday 2 March. Please start collecting books you have read or no longer need. We will also need volunteers to help on the day and with setting up and packing up.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 29/12/18

  • Christmas Services - We will celebrate our Christmas Services at the following times. All are welcome.

    • Christmas Eve Services: 5.30pm Family Service and 11pm Service
      Christmas Day Services: 8.30am and 10am Services

  • New Year’s Eve Service – Monday 31 December at 11pm - You are welcome to join us at 10.30pm for a cuppa before the 11pm New Year’s Eve Service on Monday 31 December.

  • January Worship Services - During January there will be one combined service of worship each Sunday at 10am. Usual service times will recommence on Sunday 3 February.

  • Ministry Team Leave - Ministry Team members will be having leave during the Christmas period as noted below:-

    • Di Paterson – 27 December to 31 December, 2018.
    • Alanee Hearnshaw – 27 December, 2018 to 7 January, 2019.
    • Neil Peters – 7 January to 29 January, 2019.
  • Office Christmas Closure - The Church Office will be closed from Tuesday 25 December and reopen on Monday 7 January. For the first two weeks (Monday 7 January to Friday 18 January) the office will be open for reduced hours from 9.30am until 3pm each day. On Monday 21 January the office will revert to its normal hours.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 22 Dec 2018

  • Christmas Nativity Service – This Sunday 23 December at 10am - We will be celebrating an interactive Nativity Service at 10am on Sunday 23 December. Please feel free to come along dressed up as a nativity character.

  • Christmas Services - We will celebrate our Christmas Services at the following times. All are welcome.
    Christmas Eve Services: 5.30pm Family Service and 11pm Service
    Christmas Day Services: 8.30am and 10am Services

  • Christmas Bowl - Christmas Bowl Envelope are available on the Stewards Table for those who would like to contribute a donation.

  • Advance Notice – New Year’s Eve Service – 31 December at 11pm - You are welcome to join us at 10.30pm for a cuppa before the 11pm New Year’s Eve Service on Monday 31 December. Please mark this date in your diary now.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 Dec 2018

  • Presbytery newsletter for December is now available.

  • Synod newsletter for December is available.

  • Congregation Outreach Project Recognition – This Sunday at 11am - Please join with us at 11am this Sunday when we recognize the successful COP recipients for 2018.

  • Carol Services – Next Sunday at 11am and 2.30pm - Uniting Voices will be leading a Service of Lessons and Carols at 11am. Free Spirit will be leading the singing at the Carol Service at 2.30pm. You are encouraged to support both Services.

  • Service of Remembrance – Tuesday 11 December at 8pm - All are invited to come along and share in a Service of Remembrance at 8pm on Tuesday 11 December. Please take some time out to remember those who are no longer with us at this special time of year.

  • December Issue of NewView - The next issue of NewView will be available on December 23. We will focus on a theme related to our Advent theme: Making room in our hearts. Details in the monthly bulletin next week. Your musings, anecdotes, poems, photos, reports will be accepted until December 14. Queries to Robin Pope ( [email protected] )

  • Empty Christmas Tree - Welfare - You are invited to bring along a gift for under the Christmas Tree. Gifts will be distributed to some in our community and also to Broadmeadows. Please do not wrap your gifts. Non-perishable food items can also be placed under the tree for Welfare to distribute.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 Dec 2018

  • 10am Combined Worship and GWUC Christmas Lunch – This Sunday – 2 Dec 2018 - A reminder that the GWUC Christmas Lunch is happening following Combined Worship at 10am today.

  • Indonesian Christmas Dinner – This Sunday – 2 Dec 2018 at 5pm - The Indonesian Christmas Dinner will be held today following their Service and Celebration commencing at 5pm.

  • Christmas Morning Tea at TheHub – Thursday 6 Dec 2018 at 10am - All are welcome to attend the Christmas Morning Tea at TheHub between 10am and 12noon on Thursday 6 Dec 2018. Donations to help needy people in our community through our Welfare Group. Come and enjoy morning tea with family and friends at this special time of year.

  • Delivery of Postcards for Advent Services – Volunteers Needed - Please see the sign-up sheet on the table in the foyer if you can help to deliver Advent Services postcards to houses in the area around the church before Thursday 6 Dec 2018. Enquiries: PeterAnderson.

  • December Issue of NewView - The next issue of NewView will be available on 23 Dec 2018. We will focus on a theme related to our Advent theme: Making room in our hearts. Details in the monthly bulletin next week. Your musings, anecdotes, poems, photos, reports will be accepted until 14 Dec 2018. Queries to RobinPope

GWUC Headlines for w/e 24 Nov2018

  • Outreach Forum – 25 November at 12noon - Outreach Committee welcomes everyone to join us for the November Outreach Forum on 25 Nov 2018 following the 11am Service. Dorothy will be presenting on the work of the Welfare Committee in our local community and the forum will include a light lunch. For catering purposes please RSVP on the sheet outside the office. Cost of $5 payable on the day.

  • GWUC Christmas Lunch – Sunday 2 December at 12noon – Forms Due Today 25 Nov 2018 - A reminder that the forms and money for the annual GWUC Christmas Lunch are due in today (25 November). Forms are available in the November Monthly Bulletin or on the Office Counter, and can be given to LaurelMuir and JohnMuir, or JudithGreenwood and WarrenGreenwood.

  • Indonesian Christmas DInner – Sunday 2 December at 5pm - This dinner will be held following a Service and Celebration at 5pm. When signing up for dinner please indicate if you have special dietary needs.

  • December Issue of NewView - The next issue of NewView will be on 23 Dec 2018. We will focus on a theme related to our Advent theme: Making room in our hearts. Details in the monthly bulletin next week. Your musings, anecdotes, poems, photos, reports will be accepted until 14 Dec 2018. Queries to RobinPope

  • Leisure Time Volunteers - A reminder to Leisure Time Volunteers that your availability forms for 2019 are due back on 3 Dec 2018.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 17 Nov 2018

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - A Meeting of the Congregation will be held on Tuesday 20 Nov 2018 at 8pm in the Church. This meeting will be informative as well as consider some important matters concerning our congregation. The agenda for the meeting is available at CongMeetingAgenda20181120. Please note this date in your diary and make it a priority to attend.

  • Children’s Christmas Dress-up Photos at The Hub – Mon 19, Tues 20 & Wed 21 November – 10am to 12noon - Come along to The Hub and bring your children or grandchildren to dress up in nativity costumes and have their photo taken. Dress ups will be available to use for Mary, Joseph, shepherds, wise men or angels. Photos taken will be available for collection on Thursday 6 December.

  • Outreach Forum – 25 November at 12noon - Outreach Committee welcomes everyone to join us for the November Outreach Forum on 25 November following the 11am Service. Dorothy will be presenting on the work of the Welfare Committee in our local community and the forum will include a light lunch. For catering purposes please RSVP on the sheet outside the office. Cost of $5 payable on the day.

  • Christmas Lunch – Sunday 2 December at 12noon - A reminder that the forms and money for the annual GWUC Christmas Lunch are due in by Sunday 25 November. Forms are available in the November Monthly Bulletin or on the Office Counter, and can be given to LaurelMuir and JohnMuir, or JudithGreenwood and WarrenGreenwood

GWUC Headlines for w/e 10 Nov 2018

  • Synod newsletter for November is available here

  • NeilPeters on leave 7-14 November - Please note that Neil will be on annual leave 7-14 November. Please contact the office or DiPaterson for any pastoral queries during this time.

  • Material Aid Offering - Today - It’s in the bag - It’s simple. Choose a handbag in good condition (that you no longer use) and fill it with items that would make a woman feel special. Add a thoughtful note or Christmas card. Personal care and sanitary items are useful. If you don’t have a bag that’s okay … any of the above-mentioned items will assist. Empty handbags in good condition also welcome. Thank you!

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - Please make sure that you mark this date in your diary now. The meeting will be informative and consider some important matters concerning our congregation.

  • Operation Christmas Child - Thank you - Thank you to everyone who participated and filled a shoebox for a Child this Christmas. We delivered 38 shoeboxes to the warehouse last week to be delivered to the children in time for Christmas. Thank you!

GWUC Headlines for w/e 3 Nov 2018

  • Presbytery newsletter for November is now available.

  • Cup day holiday – Tuesday 6 November - Please note that the church office will be closed on Tuesday 6 November.

  • NeilPeters on leave 7-14 November - Please note that Neil will be on annual leave 7-14 November. Please contact the office or DiPaterson for any pastoral queries during this time.

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - Please make sure that you mark this date in your diary now. The meeting will be informative and consider some important matters concerning our congregation.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 27 Oct 2018

  • Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishioners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.”

  • Operation Christmas Child – Thursday 1 November - We are again participating in Operation Christmas Child. Any filled shoeboxes can be dropped off at the Church Office up till Thursday 1 November. Collected shoeboxes will be delivered to Operation Christmas Child on Friday 2 November for delivery to children in time for Christmas.

  • Adult Group – Friday 2 November at 8pm - Join us for Adult Group on Friday 2 November at 8pm in the fellowship area. Please come and enjoy a cup of tea or coffee, light supper and fellowship. All are welcome.

  • CAE Book Group – Wednesday 7 November at 7.30pm - The CAE Book Group will be meeting in the home of BarbHurst. More details in the bulletin.

  • Meeting of the Congregation – Tuesday 20 November at 8pm - Please make sure that you mark this date in your diary now. The meeting will be informative and consider some important matters concerning our congregation.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 20 Oct 2018

  • Combined Service at 10am – Sunday 21 October - In our Combined Service today we will recognise the significant contribution of some members who are leaving the district, as well as celebrating all the hard work that has gone into the fete. A reminder that after the service there will be a special morning tea. Please stay for this small celebration.

  • Seniors’ Morning Tea at The Hub – Thursday 25 October from 10am till 12noon - Come along and enjoy a delicious morning tea. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Motor Neurone Disease.

  • World Community Day – Friday 26 October at 2pm - Community Day Service will be held at St Philip’s Anglican Church (cnr Catherine Avenue & Stephensons Road, Mt Waverley) at 2pm. The speaker will be Genevieve Cormack speaking on the theme “Women Sharing Open Heartedly”.

  • Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishioners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.” If you are able to assist, please add your name to the list on the office counter.

  • Operation Christmas Child - “Shoebox gifts are for kids in need, regardless of their background or religious belief. Each shoebox is a gift of love that tells a child they are not forgotten.” Filled shoeboxes can now be dropped off at the Church Office. See the bulletin for more details.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 13 Oct 2018

  • A invitation is issued to attend a Presbytery Mission Development Committee event on Nov 14. See MDCEvent20181114

  • The Synod e-Newsletter for October is now available

  • Celebration of Seniors – Sunday 14 October at 2pm All are welcome to the Celebration of Seniors today at 2pm. There will be no light lunch today.

  • GWUC Fete – Saturday 20 October from 8.30am - I know you won’t have forgotten … but just in case!

  • Combined Service – Next Week – Sunday 21 October - A reminder that after the 10am Combined Service next week, there will be a special morning tea. Please stay for this small celebration.

  • Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishoners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.” If you are able to assist, please add your name to the list on the office counter.

  • Ping Pong a-Thon 2018 - This year's Ping Pong a-Thon is being held at High Street Road Uniting Church. Mr Kenny Yang, member of Glen Waverley Uniting Church Ping Pong / Badminton Club, will participate to raise funds for the cause. All funds raised will be supporting eight amazing organisations to minimise the effects of slavery across Asia. For more information or to support Kenny's efforts visit:- www.pingpongathon.com/kennyyan

  • Planned Giving Envelopes - The new sets of planned giving envelopes are available from the table in the foyer. Please collect yours as this saves us postage costs.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 6 Oct 2018

  • Reminder – Daylight Saving Starts Today – 7 October - A reminder that daylight savings commences at 2am on Sunday morning. Make sure that you move your clocks forward one hour.

  • Retiring Offering – Today – 7 October - After all services today there will be a retiring offering to support drought affected farmers and communities in NSW. The funds will be directed through the NSW/ACT Moderator’s drought appeal to be used in 4 rural presbyteries for vouchers in local shops/paying bills etc.

  • Club 2018 – Today – 7 October - Club 2018 will meet today after the 11am Service. All are welcome to bring a plate and share in lunch together.

  • Celebration of Seniors – Sunday 14 October - All are welcome to the Celebration of Seniors next Sunday from 2pm. Please add your name to the list on the office counter for catering. There will be no light lunch on this day.

  • Fete – Leaflet Delivery - If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, please collect your leaflets from the table in the foyer. The leaflets need to be delivered by Sunday 14 October.

  • Glenallen Working Bee – Saturday 27 October – 9am to 11.30am - Please save the date for the next working bee at Glenallen School. To quote staff member Sam Brooker, the “School Community appreciates the fabulous support that that parishoners of Glen Waverley Uniting Church gives to it.” If you are able to assist, please add your name to the list on the office counter.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 29 Sep 2018

  • Presbytery newsletter for October is now available.

  • Fete – Leaflet Delivery - If you have offered to deliver leaflets for the fete, please collect your leaflets from the table in the foyer.

  • UCAF – Tuesday 2 October at 10am - UCAF members will meet in the fellowship room for morning tea at 10am. At 10.30am we will meet in Room 1 for our meeting. The speaker will be Lynn Peters who will give an account of her life. Everyone is welcome to attend. Goods brought will be for Glen Waverley Welfare Committee. Enquiries: Barbara Thompson 9802 3980.

  • Men’s Fellowship – Tuesday 2 October at 2pm - Our speaker this month is our own Lynn Peters. Lynn has been deeply involved in Christian education in schools for many years and she will be telling us about the work being done and the problems involved in this vital work. Come along and enjoy the fellowship. Contact: Bill Norquay 9884 4800.

  • CAE Book Group – Wednesday 3 October at 7.30pm - CAE Book Group will meet at the home of Bev and Don Reid. Phone: 9802 4609.

  • Adult Group – Friday 5 October at 6.30pm - Meeting at 6.30pm in the Fellowship area we will have a Pizza night with $10 per person being payable on the night. A booking is required. All welcome. Contact: Anne & Arthur Davey on 9802 2107 by Wednesday 3 October.

  • Review of Selection Process of Congregation Outreach Projects – Sunday 30 September - Community Outreach Group will be reviewing the selection process of the Congregation Outreach Projects and allocation of funding. Members of the Congregation are invited to provide feedback on the process via email to [email protected] Sunday September 30. The current criteria and application form may be found on the Church Wiki at CopProjects2018.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 22 Sep 2018

  • Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - A group of Indonesian women, many from the congregation, will be all dressed up and playing the Angklung (traditional Indonesian instrument) at the Monash Council Multicultural Moon Light Festival held in the central car park in Glen Waverley on Saturday 22 September. They are scheduled to be on stage at 5.40 pm. You may consider going and supporting them.

  • Amazing Generosity = Opportunities – Sunday 23 September - This Sunday is the last opportunity to share your dreams about how we might continue our outreach and ministry in the local community through the generous bequest we have received.
    Please feel out the form on the Office counter and place it in the specially marked box, with your ideas, hopes and dreams.

  • Review of Selection Process of Congregation Outreach Projects – Sunday 30 September - Community Outreach Group will be reviewing the selection process of the Congregation Outreach Projects and allocation of funding. Members of the Congregation are invited to provide feedback on the process via email to [email protected] Sunday September 30. The current criteria and application form may be found on the Church Wiki at CopProjects2018.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 15 Sep 2018

  • September Issue of NewView – Closing Date Friday 21 September - Please send in reflections, photos, anecdotes, poems and reports of activities in our church community to either [email protected] to the office.

  • Final Call for Volunteers to Deliver Fete Leaflets - Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets for our fete. We need about 50 people to letterbox-drop 13,000 leaflets during the second week of October. If you delivered leaflets for last year’s fete please tick or cross out your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Peter Anderson – 0411 123 253.

  • Worship Centre and Chapel Sound Training - Training on how to use the sound system in the church, hall and chapel will be available on the following dates led by Joel Leister. Training will take about 30 minutes and will be held on Saturday 22 September and Saturday 13 October between 9am and 11am on both days. Please register your interest at the Office for a specific session.

  • Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - A group of Indonesian women, many from the congregation, will be all dressed up and playing the Angklung (traditional Indonesian instrument) at the Monash Council Multicultural Moon Light Festival held in the central car park in Glen Waverley on Saturday 22 September. They are scheduled to be on stage at 5.40 pm. You may consider going and supporting them. If you would like to help with the Moon Festival please sign up on the sheet outside the office. We need people to assist with craft, setting up and packing up, and sitting and chatting over a cuppa.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 8 Sep 2018

  • Presbytery newsletter for September is now available.

  • The Synod newletter is also available.

  • Material Aid Offering – Today – Sunday 9 September - Muesli bars, ‘UP&GOs’, noodles in a cup and pens and pencils are all welcome and will go to support the Brentwood Secondary College’s Wellbeing Department.

  • An Afternoon with Free Spirit – Today – Sunday 9 September - All are invited enjoy an afternoon with Free Spirit from 2.30pm on Sunday 9 September. Admission is $25 Adult and $20 Concession which includes afternoon tea. Tickets are available from the Office or Vida Foo. All funds raised support our Church programs and activities.

  • September Issue of NewView – Closing Date Friday 21 September - Please send in reflections, photos, anecdotes, poems and reports of activities in our church community to either [email protected] to the office.

  • Moon Festival – Saturday 22 September - If you would like to help with the Moon Festival Celebration please sign up on the sheet outside the office. We need people to assist with craft, setting up and packing up, and sitting and chatting over a cuppa.

  • Delivery of Fete Leaflets – Volunteers Needed - Please add your name to the list on the office counter if you can help to deliver leaflets for our fete. We need about 50 people to letterbox-drop 13,000 leaflets during the second week of October. If you delivered leaflets for last year’s fete, please tick or cross out your name on the list, depending on whether you can assist again this year. Enquiries: Murray Lowe – 9885 8514

GWUC Headlines for w/e 1 Sep 2018

  • We have received a pastoral letter from the UCA President about an Additional Marriage Liturgy.

  • Father’s Day Morning Tea – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - Fathers and Grandfathers are especially invited to come to our 9.15am and 11am services next Sunday where there will be a focus on Father’s Day. Between the services there will be a special celebratory morning tea.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - An election for Church Councillors will be held today. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and CongregationalPage

  • Freezer Purchase Voting – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - Voting regarding the use of Endowment Fund interest earnings to purchase a new freezer takes place at all services today.

  • Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 9 Sep 2018 - All are invited enjoy an afternoon with Free Spirit from 2.30pm on Sunday 9 Sep 2018. Admission is $25 Adult and $20 Concession which includes afternoon tea. Tickets are available from the Office or Vida Foo. All funds raised support our Church programs and activities.

  • Newsbeat, the Presbytery newsletter is now available.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 25 Aug 2018

  • Presbytery minutes record that Hannah Dungan has been commissioned as the chaplain to Somers Camp.
  • Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm
    Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.

  • Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 Aug 2018 – 12noon - Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.
    To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.

  • Father’s Day Morning Tea – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - Fathers and Grandfathers are especially invited to come to our 9.15am and 11am services next Sunday where there will be a focus on Father’s Day. Between the services there will be a special celebratory morning tea.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2018. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and CongregationalPage

  • Tim Costello, CEO of WorldVision, will be joined by Claire O’Neil, Labor Member for Hotham and others, to discuss refugee policy and the future of compassion and generosity in Australian politics on Thursday 30 Aug 2018 from 5pm, in lecture theatre H2 in the Menzies Building, Monash University, Clayton.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 18 Aug 2018

  • Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm - Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.

  • Outreach Forum – Sunday 26 Aug 2018 – 12noon - Join us for an Outreach Lunch Forum with Richard Feeney, the State Manager of Prison Fellowship, who is coming to share with us about the Prison Fellowship ministry.
    To assist with numbers, please add your name to the sign up sheet on the Office Counter.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2018. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Bush Dance - A final reminder about the Bush Dance on this Saturday from 2pm. All are welcome to come and join in the fun at this fundraising activity for our church.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 11 Aug 2018

  • Monthly Material Aid: Uplift Socks Oddsox – Sunday 12 Aug 2018 - We are collecting new and odd socks. These are used by amputees to keep wound dressings in place and clean. Please bring along some new or odd socks.

  • Muffin Morning Tea – Wednesday 15 Aug 2018 – 10am to 12noon - Come and enjoy some delicious home-made muffins with a cuppa for morning tea and take home some recipes. Bring your family and friends. All ages welcome. All donations to research into Parkinsons’s Disease.

  • Fundraising Bush Dance – Saturday 18 Aug 2018 – from 2pm - All are welcome to join in the bush dance which is also a fund raising event for our congregation. $8 per adult or $25 per family. Come along for a fun afternoon and night. To give an idea of numbers, please add your name to the list on the office counter. More details available in the August Monthly bulletin.

  • Indonesian Dinner & Interfaith Gathering – Saturday 25 Aug 2018 – 5.15pm - Please join with us for dinner and inter-faith dialogue at this event. For more information see the August Monthly bulletin.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 Sep 2018 - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday 2 Sep 2017. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. Further information is available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Planned Giving Letters - These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.

GWUC Headlines for w/e 4 Aug 2018

  • Presbytery newsletter for August is now available.

  • Church Council has been asked to consider recognition of First Peoples in our services and buildings. Read the discussion at AcknowledgementOfFirstPeoples. Comments welcome to <CouncilSec AT gwuc DOT org DOT au>

  • Club 2018 – Sunday 5 Aug 2018 at 12noon - Club 2018 will meet for lunch today following the 11am service. All welcome.

  • Free Spirit Concert – Sunday 5 Aug 2018 at 2.30pm - At 2.30pm Free Spirit will present their concert at Croydon Uniting Church, 6 Tallent Street, Croydon, in support of the Asylum Seeker Welcome Centre I Brunswick. If you are unable to attend their concert here at Glen Waverley on September 9, then consider attending this afternoon to support asylum seekers.

  • Election of Church Councillors – Sunday 2 September - An election for Church Councillors will be held on Sunday September 2nd. Members of the congregation will have an opportunity to vote following each worship activity on that day. The nomination period for Church Councillors is open from Sunday July 22nd until Sunday 12 Aug 2018. Four Church Councillors have completed their term although some may be willing to renominate. Please prayerfully consider who might be nominated or renominated to serve our Congregation as Church Councillors. Further information and nomination forms are available from the office and http://wiki.gwuc.org.au/gwuc/CongregationalPage

  • Planned Giving Letters - These are available from the table in the foyer. Please check and take yours and any you can deliver. Please check name and address details carefully and advise the Office of any changes necessary.

  • With Love to the World - The new edition of With Love to the World is now available. Please collect your copy from the letter rack.

HeadLines (last edited 2024-09-07 06:30:23 by DavidMorgan)