Differences between revisions 81 and 101 (spanning 20 versions)
Revision 81 as of 2009-10-05 02:06:46
Size: 4116
Editor: murtoa
Comment: on the use of a wiki in the church
Revision 101 as of 2010-10-19 05:55:48
Size: 1537
Editor: JohnHurst
Deletions are marked like this. Additions are marked like this.
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#acl All:read,write #acl All:read JohnHurst:read,write
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This page is the '''old''' Home Page for the '''Growing Generous Givers''' plan of the [[http://www.gwuc.org.au|Glen Waverley Church]]. It has been replaced by the new ChurchWiki page, and is kept for legacy reasons only. '''It should not be updated''' other than for decommissioning purposes.
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This page is the Home Page for the '''Growing Generous Givers''' plan of the [[http://www.gwuc.org.au|Glen Waverley Church]] == GGG News ==
<<DateTime(2009-12-14T20:07:14+1100)>> JohnHurst The GGG report to the 30 Nov 2009 Congregational Meeting is available at through the GggTimeLine page.
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== First Time Visitors, Read This! == <<DateTime(2009-12-10T11:06:44+1100)>> JohnHurst If you are coming here to visit the OnTheWayTogether information page, then just click this link.
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Click the following link to visit the FirstTimeVisitors page. You can also see who has been here before by visiting the PreviousVisitors page. <<DateTime(2009-10-21T12:10:22+1100)>> JohnHurst You can see the budget spreadsheet used by the Treasurer to calculate how the church funds have been allocated across the the four mission areas at the BudgetAnalysis page.
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If you just want to create a new account, visit the CreateUserAccount page. You will need to do this to access the protected pages in this wiki.

== Latest News ==

<<DateTime(2009-10-05T12:06:46+1000)>> JohnHurst To see why I'm keen to see the wider use of a wiki in our church, read this interesting article about some recent [[http://www.igi-global.com/marketingdept/newsletter/octnewsletter/journal.html| Wollogong University research]]. One thing that I think constrains people '''NOT''' to undertake leadership roles in our church is their fear of what they don't know. As Acting Church Council Chair, I have been overwhelmed by the number of things happening in our church of which I was previously quite unaware. We are a big place - it is difficult for any one person to grasp all the nuances of things happening around the congregation. So what do we do? We "leave it to the experts", which is why the same 'usual suspects' bob up in the leadership roles around the church. I have far more faith in human nature than that - I think we can all take on leadership roles, and it is just the fear of the unknown that prevents us. This article suggest how using a wiki can get a handle on the "corporate knowledge" that lies behind a (relatively) large church organization like ours.

<<DateTime(2009-10-01T11:27:45+1000)>> RogerVass (then JohnHurst) added/edited new page ProgressGgg

<<DateTime(2009-09-30T09:12:08+1000)>> JohnHurst removed the explicit link on this page to the CorrespondencePage, since no one seemed to be using it!

<<DateTime(2009-09-29T14:59:24+1000)>> JohnHurst added a new page, WhatsHappening. This now contains the up-to-date account of what is happening with the GGG activities.

<<DateTime(2009-09-28T14:24:19+1000)>> JohnHurst added a new page, GroupsAndActions, which is copied directly from Carolyn's latest email

<<DateTime(2009-09-15T12:24:52+1000)>> JohnHurst added two pages, YouthMinistry and ChildrenAndFamilies, to this wiki. These pages are intended to be the start of a vibrant discourse on the ministry life of the church, as outlined in the OnTheWayTogether themes.

<<DateTime(2009-09-05T11:53:03)>> JohnHurst added the list of Councillors as at February 2009 (see CouncilHandbook). (NB: You must be logged in to see this page, and then you can also edit these entries yourself to update any changes you might need to make.)

Many visitors have not completed all the tasks. Besides editing the 'YourName was here' line, you should also create an account for yourself, and set up a HomePage. Instructions for doing this are on the FirstTimeVisitors page.

If you need help on setting one up, just say so - in this page even, or an email ([[mailto:[email protected]|click this link to do so!]]). The whole point is that it is a community resource, and we can all contribute! (Just like we hope the GGG plan will be?)
<<DateTime(2009-10-16T08:57:06+1100)>> JohnHurst created a GggTimeLine page. This shows the (reverse) chronological history of the GGG activities.
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The MissionMatrix page shows how we plan to divide up mission across our four OnTheWayTogether themes. Within the OnTheWayTogether page, the concepts and mission of each theme is developed. These are meant to be dynamic pages, changing to reflect the current state of these missional themes. The four themes are: GrowingFaith, InclusiveCommunity, CommunityHub, and CommunityOutreach.

= Council Stuff =

The CouncilPage is for council agendas and minutes. This is protected, so you will have to create yourself a username/passwd to see it.

= Elders Stuff =

The EldersPage is for Elders council agendas and minutes. This is protected, so you will have to create yourself a username/passwd to see it.

CategoryCategory CategoryHomepage
The MissionMatrix page shows how we plan to divide up mission across our four OnTheWayTogether themes. Within the OnTheWayTogether page, the concepts and mission of each theme is developed. These are meant to be dynamic pages, changing to reflect the current state of these missional themes. The four themes are: FaithCommunity, InclusiveCommunity, CommunityHub, and CommunityOutreach.


This page is the old Home Page for the Growing Generous Givers plan of the Glen Waverley Church. It has been replaced by the new ChurchWiki page, and is kept for legacy reasons only. It should not be updated other than for decommissioning purposes.

GGG News

2009-12-14 09:07:14 JohnHurst The GGG report to the 30 Nov 2009 Congregational Meeting is available at through the GggTimeLine page.

2009-12-10 00:06:44 JohnHurst If you are coming here to visit the OnTheWayTogether information page, then just click this link.

2009-10-21 01:10:22 JohnHurst You can see the budget spreadsheet used by the Treasurer to calculate how the church funds have been allocated across the the four mission areas at the BudgetAnalysis page.

2009-10-15 21:57:06 JohnHurst created a GggTimeLine page. This shows the (reverse) chronological history of the GGG activities.

The Mission Matrix

The MissionMatrix page shows how we plan to divide up mission across our four OnTheWayTogether themes. Within the OnTheWayTogether page, the concepts and mission of each theme is developed. These are meant to be dynamic pages, changing to reflect the current state of these missional themes. The four themes are: FaithCommunity, InclusiveCommunity, CommunityHub, and CommunityOutreach.

GrowingGenerousGivers (last edited 2010-10-19 05:55:48 by JohnHurst)